Tektronix 453A Instruction Manual Download Page 198

Summary of Contents for 453A

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Page 2: ...ι 1 Ν STRUCTI 0 Ν ΜΑΝ UAL ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι Se r ial Number Tektro n ix Inc 0 Ρ Ο Box 500 0 Beaverto n Oregon 97005 Phone 644 0161 Cables Tektronix 070 1089 00 171 ...

Page 3: ... in Your area_ This procedure will assu re you the fastest possible service Please include the i nstrument Type πr Part Numbery and Serial or Model Number with all requests for parts or Service Specifications and price change privileges reserved Copyright 1971 by Tektronix Inc Beaverton Oregon Printed in the United States of America All rights reserved Contents of this publication may not be repro...

Page 4: ...oltage 2_1 General 2 20 Operating Temperat ure 2 2 Peak to Peak Voltage Operating Positio n 2 2 Measureme nts AC 2 28 Rackmounting 2 2 I nstantaneous Voltage Controls and Connectors 2 3 Measurements DC 2 29 First Time Operation 2 7 Comparison Measurements 2 30 Test Set up Chart 2 11 Time D u ration Measurements 2 31 General Operating Information Determining Frequency 2 32 Simp lified Operating I n...

Page 5: ...Calibrator 3 31 SE CTION 6 RACKMOUNTING SECTION 4 MAINTENANCE I ntroduction 6 1 Instrument Dimensions 6 1 Introduction 4 1 Rack Dimensions 6 1 Cover R emoval 4 1 Slide Out Tracks 6 1 Mounting Procedure 6 1 Preventive Maintenance Alternative Rear Mounting Methods 6 2 General 4 1 Removing or Installing the Instrument 6 3 Slide Out Track Lubrication 6 3 Cleaning 4 1 Lu brication 4 2 Visual Inspection...

Page 6: ...ist I nformation Abbreviations and symbols used in this manual are based on or Index of Mechanical Parts List taken directly from IEEE Standard 260 Standard Symbols for and Illustrations Units MIL STD 12B and other standards of the electronics industry Change information if any is located at the rear of Mechanical Parts List this manual ...

Page 7: ...453Α R453A F ig 1 1 Top th e 453Α Oscilloscope Bottom th e R453A Oscilloscope ...

Page 8: ...eep modes can be selecte d T his instrument will meet the electrical characteristics for the Α sweep automatic normal or single sweep The listed in Table 1 1 following com plete calibration as given horizontal sweep provides α maximum swee p rate of 0 1 in Section 5 The performance check procedure in Section microsecond division 10 nanoseconds d ivision usi ng 10Χ 5 provides α convenient method of...

Page 9: ... 1 6 hertz or less at all deflection factors 0 16 hertz or less at all deflection factors AC or DC TABLE 1 1 cont Performance Requirement Channel 1 only Channel 2 only Dual trace alternate between channels Dual trace chopped between channels Added algebraically Approximately 500 kilohertz 100 1 or greater DC to 20 megahertz At least 20 1 DC to one kilohertz for signals less than eight times the VO...

Page 10: ...0 megahertz increasing to 1 5 division at 60 megahertz 0 3 d ivision of deflection minimum 30 kilohertz to 10 megahertz in creasing to 1 5 division at 60 mega hertz 0 3 d ivision of deflection minimum 30 hertz to 50 kilohertz 0 3 d ivision of deflection minimum DC to 10 megahertz increasing to 1 5 d ivision at 60 megahertz 50 millivolts minimum 30 hertz to 10 SOUR CE switch set to EXT Triggering m...

Page 11: ...ggered Further swee ps are locked out until RES ET bu tton is pressed Trigger sensitivity same as given for internal and external sen sitivity One nanosecond or less at 10 nano second s d iv ision sweep rate MAG switch set to Χ 10 HO R IZO NTAL DEFLECTIO N SYSTEM Α and Β Sweep Generator Performance Requirement 0 C to 40 C Ι 150C to 55 C Unmagnified Ι Magnifie d I Unmagn ified I Magnifie d With in ...

Page 12: ...first 0 5 division of displayed when viewing th e Α portion only Β sweep and 0 2 d ivision or 0 1 micro portion accuracy is same as stated second wh ichever is greater after tran u nder Sweep Accuracy isition from Α to Β sweep Continuous from 50 seconds to 0 2 Selected by DELAY TIME MULTI PLI E R microsecon ds d ial and Α ΤΙΜΕ DIV switch 0 C to 40 C Ι 150C to 55 C With in 1 5 of in Within 3 5 of i...

Page 13: ... R equ irement Β SOUR CE switch in ΕΧΤ 270 milli volts d ivision 15 Β SO UR C E switch in ΕΧΤ 10 2 7 volts d ivision 20 F ive megahertz or greater 3 or less at 50 kilohertz Squ are wave Positive going CALIBRATOR 0 1 volt or 1 volt peak to peak Five milliamperes throu gh PROBE LOOP on side panel 0 C to 40 C 150C to 55 C 1 1 5 0 5 Ι 1 α One microsecond or less Supplemental Information One megohm par...

Page 14: ...n at normal intensity Positive going input signal decreases trace intensity negative going input signal increases trace intensity DC to 50 megahertz or greater DC cou pled Rectangular pulse Positive going OUT PUT SIG NALS Approximately 12 volts peak Same duration as respective sweep 25 millivolts or greater for each divi Into one megoh m load ΙΝΤ T R IG switch sion of CRT display I set to NO RM DC...

Page 15: ...ontal Each d ivision equals 0 8 centimeter Variable edge ligh ti ng Ρ31 standard Others available on special order L imits display within graticule area when pressed 115 volts nominal or 230 volts nominal I N ominal line voltage and voltage range selected by L ine Voltage Selector Given voltages apply wh en line voltage contains 2 ο or less harmonic d istortion 90 to 110 volts 104 to 126 volts 112...

Page 16: ... ol d at 55 H z for th ree minutes on each axis Two shocks at 30 g one half sine 11 millisecon d duration each direc tion along eac h ma j or axis Gu illotine type shocks Total of 12 sh ocks Interference rad iated from the in strument under test within the Cooling F in ish Characteristic Overall Dimensions 453Α measured at maxim u m points Height Width Length Overall Dimensions R453A measu red at ...

Page 17: ...Information STANDARD ACCESSORIES Approximately 30 pounds 13 6 Standard accessories sup plied with the 453Α and R453A kilograms are listed in the Mechanical Parts L ist illustrations F or App roximately 33 5 pounds 15 2 optional accessories available for use with this instrument kilograms see the current Tektronix Inc catalog ...

Page 18: ...n addition this assembly changes the primary connections of the p ower transformer to allow selection of one of three regulating ranges The assembly also inclu des the two line fuses When the instrument is converted from 115 volt to 230 volt nominal operation or vice versa the assembly connects or disconnects one of the fuses to provide the correct protec tion for the instrument Use the following ...

Page 19: ...may allow the ch assis of th is instrument to be elevated above ground potential and p ose α sh ock hazard ι ι ι ι ι ι ι LO switc h bar in 90 to 110 volts 180 to 220 volts left holes Μ switc h bar in 104 to 126 volts 208 to 252 volts Th e 453Α can be operated where the ambient air midd le holes tem peratu re is between 15 C and 55 C Derate the max ΗΙ switc h bar in 112 to 136 volts 224 to 272 volt...

Page 20: ...e Vertical Pream p Input Cou pling Selects m ethod of coupling input AC GN D DC signal to V ertical Deflection System AC DC com ponent of input signal is blocked Low frequency limit 3 dB point is abou t 1 6 hertz GN D Input circu it is grounded does not ground applied signal DC All components of the input signal are passed to the Vertical Deflection System STEP ΑΤΤΕΝ BAL Screwd river adjustment to...

Page 21: ...ating Instructions 453Α R453A 2 4 Β Triggering and CRT External Horizontal Channel l Channel 2 Α Triggeri ng Α Front panel Β Side panel C Rear panel Fig 2 4 Front side and rear panel controls and connectors ...

Page 22: ...epts signals between about 30 connected to the H orizontal h ertz and 60 mega h ertz Am plifier LF REJ Rejects DC and attenuates signals below about 30 kilohertz Accepts signals between about 30 kilohertz an d 60 megahertz HF REJ Acce pts signals between about 30 hertz an d 50 kilohertz rejects DC and attenuates signals outside the above range DC Accepts all trigger signals from DC to 60 megahertz...

Page 23: ...igger pulse is received following the Α SWEEP MOD E Determin es the operating mode for delay time selected by the D E Α sweep LAY TIME A TIME DIV switch and the DELAY TIME AUTO T R IG Sweep initiated by MULTI PL I ER d ial the applied trigger signal at point selected by the Α LEVEL con Β STA RTS AFT ER DELAY TIME trol when th e trigger signal repe Β sweep circuit ru ns immedi tition rate is above ...

Page 24: ...IG switch is in the N O RM FULL position clockwise detent position the sweep is at least 10 divisions long As the control is rotated CALI BRATOR Switch selects output voltage of counterclockwise the length of Α Calibrator 1 volt or 0 1 volt square sweep is reduced until it is less than wave available four divisions long ju st before the detent in the fu lly counterclock T R ACE ROTATION Screwd riv...

Page 25: ...with mesh or MULTI PL I ER tinted filter installed Set control so graticule lines are Α and Β ΤΙΜΕ DIV 5 ms illu minated as desired Α VAR Cali brated Β SWEEP MODE Β STA RTS AFTER DELAY TIME Vertical H OR IZ DISPLAY Α MAG OFF 10 Change the CH 1 V OLTS DI V switch from 20 mV POSITION Midrange to 5 mV If the vertical position of the trace sh ifts see Step Α SWEEP LENGT H FULL Attenuator Balance in th...

Page 26: ...n the Channel 2 POSITIO N control to center th e display The d isp lay will be similar to the previous display for Channel 1 Chec k Channel 2 step attenuator balance 27 Set th e Α SLO PE switch to The trace starts on and gain as described in steps 10 th rough 12 The Channel 2 the negative part of the sq uare wave Return the switch to Input Cou pling switch and VAR control operate as de the trace s...

Page 27: ...ossible to position the display across increases as the d isp lay moves across th e screen Return the the complete graticule area Now turn th e F I NE control Α SWEEP LEN GTH control to FULL The d isplay moves α smaller amount and allows more pre cise positioning Retu rn the Α ΤΙΜΕ DI V switch to 5 ms the MAG switch to O FF and return the start of the trace to 42 Turn the Β VA R IABLE control on s...

Page 28: ... DI V switch to 5 The d isp lay is reduced quickly obtaining th e correct setting for the 453Α to pre to two divisions vertically sent α display The operator should be familiar with the complete function and operation of the instrument as Beam F inder described in this section before using th is procedu re 49 Set the CH 1 and CH 2 VOLTS DI V switches to 10 mV The display is not visible since it ex...


Page 30: ...Follow steps 1 10 for N ormal Sweep Display Operating Instructions 453A R 453A 1 F ollow steps 1 10 for Normal Sweep Disp lay 2 Set the Β SWEEP MODE switch to Β STARTS AFTER D ELAY TIME HO RIZ DISPLAY switch to MIX E D and Α SWEEP LENGTH to FULL 3 Pull out the D ELAYED SWEEP Β ΤΙΜΕ DI V switch and turn clockwise to obtain the amount of magnification desired 4 Adjust the DELAY TIME MULTI PL I ER d ...

Page 31: ... may measurements The graticule is marked with eight vertical burn the phosphor When the h ighest intensity d isp lay is and 10 h orizontal d ivisions Each d ivision is 0 8 centimeter desired remove the filters and use only the clear faceplate square In addition each major division is divided into five protector Apparent trace intensity can also be improved in minor d ivisions at the center vertic...

Page 32: ... h older To remove the light filter or faceplate p rotector from the holder press it out to th e rear They can be re placed by snapp ing th em back into the holder Beam Finder Th e BEAM FI ND ER provides α means of locating α dis play which over scans the viewing area either vertically or h orizontally When the BEAM F I N D ER switch is pressed the d isplay is com pressed with in the graticule are...

Page 33: ...race to the ment under test may not produce α normal signal The center h orizontal line of the graticule with the vertical probes mentioned previously offer the least circuit load ing POSITIO N control See the probe instruction man ual for load ing characteristics of individual probes 2 Set the VOLTS DI V switch to 5 mV and adjust the STEP ΑΤΤΕΝ BAL adjustment to return the trace to the When the s...

Page 34: ...nal It must also be used to display signals below abou t 16 hertz as they will be attenuated in the AC position 1 Before connecting the signal containing α DC compo nent to the 453Α in put connector set the I nput Coupling switch to GN D Then connect the signal to the input con nector 2 Wait about one second for the coup ling capacitor to charge 3 Set the Input Coupling switch to AC The trace dis ...

Page 35: ... cascaded frequency response between the CH 1 OUT sid e panel and the CH 2 OR Υ connectors Set the M ODE switch to CH 2 and the ΙΝΤ T RIG switch to N O RM With both VOLTS DIV switch es set to 5 mV the deflection factor will be less th an one millivolt division To provide calibrated one millivolt d ivision deflection factor connect the 1 volt Calibrator signal to the CH 1 OR Χ connector Set the CH ...

Page 36: ...e input careful adjustment of the gain of eith er channel wh ile signal is time related to the line frequency It is also useful observing the displayed common mode signal for provid ing α stable d isplay of α line freq uency com po nent in α complex waveform I Deflection Factor The overall d eflection factor in the ADD position of the MODE switch when both VOLTS DIV switches are set to the same po...

Page 37: ...unwanted components or if the sweep is to be triggered at α low repetition rate or α DC level one of the remaining COUPL I NG switch positions will provide α better disp lay DC DC cou pling can be used to provide stable triggering with low frequency signals which would be attenuated in The triggering point in the AC position depends on th e the AC position or with low repetition rate signals It ca...

Page 38: ...s off and there is no region the trigger circuit responds at α more negative display The Α SWEEP TR IG D light ind icates when the Α point on the trigger signal F ig 2 9 illustrates th is effect sweep is triggered The NORM TR IG mode can be used to with different settings of the S LOPE switch display signals with repetition rates below about 20 hertz Th is mode provides an indication of an ad equa...

Page 39: ...PE SLOPE Fig 2 9 Effects of Triggeri ng LEVEL co ntrol a nd SLO PE switc h Waveforms o btai ne d wit h t he Triggeri ng LEVEL co ntrol set i n the regio n Waveforms obtained with the Triggering LEVEL control set in the region _ Ι Positive 1 1 Slope ι ι Negative EmMisom ΜΕιιιιι ...

Page 40: ...cal line Time measurement area Fig 2 11 Area of graticule used for accu rate time measurements When making time measu rements from th e graticu le the area between the first division and ninth d ivision vertical lines provides the most linear time measurement see Fig 2 11 Th erefore the first and last division of the d isp lay should not be used for mak ing accurate time measu rements Position th ...

Page 41: ...ith the DELAY TIME MULTI PLI ER dial set ting determines the time th at the Β sweep is delayed Sweep rate of the delayed portion is determined by the Β TIME When the HO R IZ DIS PLAY switch is set to Β D E DI V D ELAY E D SWEEP switch setting LAY E D SWEEP only the intensified portion wh ich was shown in the A ΙΝΤΕΝ DUR I N G B position is displayed οη the screen at the sweep rate indicated by the...

Page 42: ...Β 3 Set the Β SWEEP MOD E switch to the desired setting If TR IGG ER ABLE A FTER DELAY TIME is selected cor rect Β Triggering is also necessary 4 Set the delay time with the Α ΤΙΜΕ DIV switch and the DELAY TIME MULTI PL I ER dial 5 Pull th e D ELAY E D SWEEP Β ΤΙΜΕ DI V knob out and set to th e d esired sweep rate 6 If the T R IGG ERABLE A FTER D ELAY TIME position is used check the d isp lay for ...

Page 43: ...The Β EN DS time and delayed sweep rate in the normal manner Tu rn Α position produces α display which ends immediately the Α SWEEP LEN GTH control counterclockwise until the following Β sweep if the Β sweep ends before the normal sweep ends immediately following the intensified portion end of Α sweep The Α SWEEP LEN GTH control is used to on the display Now set the H OR IZ DISPLAY switch to Β inc...

Page 44: ... reject com ponents of the external horizontal signal all components of external horizontal sig nal accepted in DC position Using this mode of operation the horizontal deflection factor is uncalibrate d External horizontal deflection factor is about 270 mill ivolts clivision in the ΕΧΤ position of th e Β SOUR CE switch and about 2 7 volts division in the ΕΧΤ 10 position F or fu rth er information ...

Page 45: ... wh ich can be adapted for use with this instru ment Harley Carter An Introd uction to the Cathode Ray Oscilloscope Ph ilips Technical Library Cleaver Hume Press Ltd London 1960 J oh n F Rider and Seymour D Uslan E ncyclopedia of Cath ode R ay Oscilloscopes and Their U ses John F Rider Publisher Inc N ew York 1959 2 28 1 Connect the signal to either input connector 2 Set th e MOD E switch to d isp...

Page 46: ... F ig 2 18 th e vertical probe measurement is made between the reference line and point Volts VOLTS DIV Α Peak to Peak deflection Χ setting Χ attenuation divisions factor Substituting the given values ΝΟΤΕ Volts Peak to Peak 4 6 Χ 0 5 V Χ 10 The peak to peak voltage is 23 volts Operating Instructions 453Α R453A NOΤΕ 10 Establis h th e polarity of the signal If the waveform is above the reference l...

Page 47: ...onic signals to α fundamental freq uency or for comparing the repetition rate of the input and output pu lses in α digital cou nt down circuit T he following procedure descri bes how to establish arbitrary units of measure for com parison measu rements Alth ough the procedure for establish ing vertical and hori zontal arbitrary u nits of measure is much the same both processes are described in det...

Page 48: ...nce signal Conversion repetition rate seconds Factor horizontal ΤΙΜΕ DIV deflection Χ switch divisions setting 6 Measure the horizontal deflection in d ivisions and calculate the repetition rate of th e un known signal using the following form ula repetition rate formula step 6 Repetition 50 μs Χ 1 37 Χ 7 480 μ s Rate This answer can be converted to frequency by taking th e reciprocal of the repet...

Page 49: ...s The main d iffer ence is the p oints between wh ich the measurement is made The following procedu re gives the basic method of measur ing risetime between the 10 and 90 points of the wave form Falltime can be measured in the same manner on the trailing edge of the waveform 1 Connect the signal to eith er input connector Example Assume that the horizontal distance between the time measurement poi...

Page 50: ...0 8 and 7 2 d ivisions TABLE 2 2 ι Ι ι ι Horizontal 1 distance Ι Divisions vertically between 10 90 points _3 2 _4 0 _4 8 _5 6 6 4 Operating Instructions 453 Α R453A Applying th e time duration form u la to risetime horizontal ΤΙΜΕ DIV d istance Χ R isetime setting _ divisions Time Duration magnification Su bstituting the given values R isetime 4 Χ 1 μs 10 The risetime is 0 4 microsecond 1 Set the...

Page 51: ... display Time Delay ρ magnification about four d ivisions in amplitude Channel 1 reference Channel 2 MMMMMMMMMM 11ιιιΕιιι ιιιιιιιιι EMMMMMINNIMM MM MMMMENIMM M0 MMENIMM υ ιιιcαιαυκο The time delay is 22 5 microseconds Delayed Sweep Time Measurements T he delayed sweep mode can be used to make accurate time measurements Th e following measurement determines the time d ifference between two pulses d...

Page 52: ... Delayed Sweep Magnification Operating Instructions 453A R 453A The delayed sweep feature of th e 453Α can be used to provide h igher apparent magnification than is provided by th e MAG switch The sweep rate of the DELAYE D SWEEP Β sweep is not actually increased the apparent magnifi cation is the resu lt of delaying the Β sweep an amou nt of time selected by the Α ΤΙΜΕ DI V switch and the DELAY T...

Page 53: ...splay is triggere d at th e same point each time 1 Set up the display as given in steps 1 throu gh 7 de scri bed above 2 Set th e Β SWEEP MODE switch to T R IGG ERA BLE AF TER DELAY TIME 3 Adju st the Β LEVEL control so the intensified por tion on the trace is stable If an intensifie d portion cannot be obtained see step 4 Pulse to be magnified on MEN mom ΙNEEMEENEEN MENEEMENNE ENNEEMENOM Α Α swee...

Page 54: ... of display cannot be viewed ade quately because Α sweep is triggered on larger ampli tude signals at start of display MENNEEMENE NEENEEMMMM MMMMMMMMMM suffiammmmmm ΜΜΜΜO ιιιιΜΜΜ lUl ΜΜ EMBEEMENNE NEENEEMENE Β Area of interest displayed by delaying Β sweep Β STARTS AFTER DELAY TIME mode Fig 2 24 Displaying α complex signal usi ng delayed sweep Pulse Jitter Measurements 8 Set the H OR IZ DISPLAY sw...

Page 55: ...ting is 5 μs U sing the form ula 6 The du ration of the Β GAT E signal is determined by Su bstitu ting th e given val u e the setting of the Β ΤΙΜΕ DI V switch Pulse Jitter 0 5 Χ 0 5 μs 7 The external equipment will be triggered at the start The pu lse jitter is 0 25 microsecond of the intensified portion if it responds to positive going 2 38 Delayed Trigger Generator The Β GAT E ou tput signal ca...

Page 56: ...rizontally see F ig 2 26 Each division of th e graticu le CRT as th ou gh the 453Α were triggered in the normal man rep resents 45 of th e cycle 360 8 divisions 45 division th is meth od d oes not allow selection of trigger level or ision The sweep rate can be stated in terms of degrees as 45 division cou pling 11 Measu re th e horizontal d ifference between corre Multi Trace Phase Difference Meas...

Page 57: ...r above th is frequency the inherent phase d ifference between the vertical and horizontal sys tems makes accurate phase measu reme nts difficult In this mode one of the sine wave signals provides h orizontal deflection Χ wh ile the oth er signal provides the vertical deflection Υ The phase angle between th e two signals can be d etermined from the lissajous pattern as follows 1 Connect one of the...

Page 58: ...ivisions and Β is 10 d ivisions Using the formula is α circle the signals are 90 out of phase F ig 2 29 shows the lissaj ous d isp lays produced between 0 and 360 From the trigonometric tables Notice th at above 180 phase sh ift the resu ltant disp lay is the same as at some lower angle φ 300 Su bstituting the given val u es Sine 0 ό 0 5 Operating Instrucltions 453Α R453A Sine φ Α Β Fig 2 29 Phase...

Page 59: ... for maximum cancellation of the common mode signal 8 The signal wh ich remains should be only the desired portion of the Chan nel 1 signal The u ndesired signal is cancelled ou t 3 Set both I nput Coupling switch es to DC AC if DC Example An examp le of th is mode of operation is component of input signal is too large shown in Fig 2 30 Th e signal applied to Channel 1 con tains unwanted line freq...

Page 60: ... put pulse wh ich initiates the sweep signal prod uced by the of the 453Α is shown in F ig 3 1 Only the basic inter Α or Β Sweep Generator circuits The in put signal to the Α connections between the ind ividual blocks are shown on and Β Trigger Generator circuits can be individ ually selec this d iagram Each b lock represents α major circuit within ted from the i nternal trigger signal from the Tr...

Page 61: ...Circuit Descri ption 453Α R 453A 3 2 ...

Page 62: ...the elec trical operation and relationsh ip of the circuits in th e 453Α The theory of operation for circuits uniq ue to th is instru ment is described in detail i n this d iscussion Circu its w h ich are commonly used i n the electronics ind ustry are not d escribe d in d etail If more information is desired on these commonly used circuits refer to th e following textboo ks Tektronix Circuit Conc...

Page 63: ...positions above 20 Input Cou pli ng mV the attenuators are switched into the circuit singly or in pairs to produce the vertical deflection factor indicated Input signals applied to the CH 1 O R Χ connector can be on th e front panel These attenuators are frequency AC cou pled DC coupled or internally disconnected When com pensated voltage dividers For DC and low frequency Input Coupling switch S1 ...

Page 64: ... rive to the gate of Q23A peaking for the Feedback Amplifier stage C49 and R 49 Diode C R 18 protects the circuit by clamping the gate of provid e h igh frequency damping for the circuit As men Q23A at about 12 5 volts if α h igh amplitud e negative tioned previously th e STEP ΑΤΤΕΝ BAL adjustment is set signal is a pplied to the CH 1 OR Χ connector Over voltage to provide zero volts at th e emitt...

Page 65: ...r Pickoff stage is connected to the Trigger Preamp differences between the two circuits are described here circuit through ΙΝΤ T R IG switch S230B Portions of this circuit not described in the following description operate in the same man ner as for the Channel 1 Vertical Pream p circuit corresponding circuit numbers Paraphase Amplifier assigned in the 100 199 range F ig 3 3 shows α detailed The o...

Page 66: ...OP L ine Driver stage At the same time in the Channel 1 Diode positions of the MOD E switch both channels are alter Gate CR202 C R203 are connected to ground through nately displayed on α shared time basis F ig 3 4 shows α 8212 C R 202 C R203 are held reverse biased wh ile detailed b lock diagram of the Vertical Switching circuit Α C R201 C R 204 are forward biased Therefore the C hannel schematic...

Page 67: ...225 through Dio de Gate R 228 The current flow th rough collector resistors R221 and R 222 d rops the C R207 C R208 cathode level negative so the Channel 2 Diode Gate is blocked as for Channel 1 Reference F eedback stage Q253 provides common mode only operation The signal passes through the Channel 1 voltage feedback from the Delay Line Driver stage to allow Diode Gate to the Delay Line Driver sta...

Page 68: ...e Triggering LEVEL more negative than its base Q215 conducts The collector control is set to 0 The normal trigger signal is connected to level of Q215 goes negative and pulls the base of Q225 the Trigger Pream p through S230B R294 and R295 pro negative also through divider R214 R225 to cut Q225 off vide the same DC load for allow Q215 to conduct This action switches the Diode r as provided to Q284...

Page 69: ...s the quiescent current of Q324 and Ο334 when pressed to compress an off screen d isplay with in the graticule area N ormally th e collector current for Q324 and Q334 is Input Circuitry su pplied th roug h R 321 R322 and th e parallel combination The internal trigger signal from the Vertical Deflection of R323 a nd R333 When S330 is pressed 12 volts is System is connected to the Trigger Preamp thr...

Page 70: ... Q413 and to the base of Q423 for these stages In th e NORM position of the ΙΝΤ TR IG through zener diod e VR 421 Th is zener diode provides α switc h the N O RM trigger signal from the Vertical DC voltage drop wh ile the signal is connected to the base of Switc h ing circuit is terminate d at the in put to the amp lifier Q423 with minimum attenuation 0413 and Q423 are con by R404 The C H 1 O R Χ ...

Page 71: ...block diagram line and external Α fourth position of the Α SOUR CE switch provid es 10 times attenuation for the external trig ger signal The internal trigger sign al is obtained from the Vertical Deflection System th rough the Trigger Preamp circuit Th is signal is α samp le of the signal s applied to the CH 1 OR Χ and or CH 2 OR Υ connectors Further selection of the internal trigger source is pr...

Page 72: ... signal from Q443 is connected to the Slope Com parator stage through emitter follower Q453 Diode CR 449 C R459 and The slope of the input sign al wh ich triggers the Α sweep VR460 provide protection for the Slope Comparator stage is determined by Α SLOPE switch S455 When the Α transistors Q454 and Q464 S LOPE switch is set to the position the collector of Q454 is connected to the 12 volt su pply ...

Page 73: ...d to divert the major part of th e current However the current th rough collector current of Q454 through the Trigger TD stage CR 475 remains h igh enough to hold it in its high voltage The signal a pplied to the Trigger TO stage is now 180 out state The circuit remains in th is cond ition until the current of phase with the input trigger signal so the sweep is trig from the Slo pe Com parator sta...

Page 74: ... to the level determined by 8473 The resultant signal at the provid es the collector load for this stage The positive going collector of Q473 is α positive going fast rise pulse with the portion of the trigger pulse is cou pled to the Auto Multi width determined by th e time constants of th e RC network vibrator stage th rough C R484 C R483 clamps the collector in the circuit Τ474 inverts the outp...

Page 75: ... milliseconds Output Signal Amplifier The positive going gate pulse Then Q494 is biased off to end the auto gate display free from the Sweep Gate stage applied to the base of Q514 ru n s or is unstable However if α repetitive trigger signal turns produces α negative going pulse at its collector This pulse is Q485 on again before C485 has charged to 13 volts C485 connected to th e Ζ Axis Am plifier...

Page 76: ...ant charging current Capacitor C530 begi ns to charge through Timing Resistor for C530 wh ich maintains α constant charge rate to prod uce R 530 and the Α Sweep Cal Adjustment R 531 The Timing α linear Sawtoot h output signal The output voltage con Capacitor and R esistor are selected by the Α ΤΙΜΕ DI V tinues to go negative until the circuit is reset through the switch to change sweep rate The Α ...

Page 77: ...agram of the Α ΤΙΜΕ DIV Q531 is held at this same voltage level through the feedback etch loop comprised of Q533 and Q531 thereby setting the starting point of the Sawtooth output signal The level established by the Sweep Start adjustment is also connected As the Α SWEEP LENGTH control is rotated counter to the Β Sweep Start Am plifier so the Β sweep starts at the clockwise from the FULL position ...

Page 78: ... off before the RESE T button is pressed the col When the auto gate level is positive instrument triggered lector level of Q585 is negative The current th rough the current flowing through CR592 and R593 reverse biases R594 CR595 R587 R 588 sets the base level of Q594 nega CR593 and Sweep Gate tunnel d iode C R505 operates as tive enough to bias it off H owever when the RESET previously d escribe ...

Page 79: ...d or passed to the Slope Comparator stage If the Β SWEEP M OD E switch is in the Β STA RTS A FT ER DELAY TIME position th e trigger signal is blocked as in the Α position However the Β Sweep Gen The external horizontal signal can be obtained either erator essentially free ru ns in th is position as controlled by externally from the Β ΕΧΤ TR IG O R Χ I N PU T connector another portion of the Β SWEE...

Page 80: ...add ition al unblanking C R 742 Sawtoot h Sweep Generator 0743 and Q741 current is added to the Α unblan k ing gate during the Β and the Sweep Reset Emitter Follower Q753 F ig 3 13 sweep time Th is produces α display which is partially υη shows α detailed block diagram of the Β Sweep Generator b lanked during Α sweep time and further unblanked during circuit Α schematic of this circuit is shown on...

Page 81: ...omparator circuit is provid ed by DELAY TIME Reset M ultivibrator stage through C774 This pulse resets MULTI PL I ER control R760 The voltage to this control is the Β Sweep Reset Multivibrator wh ich in turn enables the filtered by R759 C759 to hold it constant and allow precise Β Sweep Gate stage delay pickoff The instrument is calibrated so that the maj or dial mark ings of R760 correspond to th...

Page 82: ...ce the Β sweep is triggered by the trigger signal Sweep Generator will start generating its sawtooth wave in this mode form is constantly being changed by the Α sweep sawtoot h The outp ut waveform from the Β Sweep Generator takes the form of α composite sawtooth waveform with the first and last parts occurring at α rate determined by the Α HO R IZO NTAL AMPL I F I ER Sweep Generator last part of ...

Page 83: ... connected to Paraphase Amplifier Q834 and Q844 Th is switch selects either the internal signal from Ch annel 1 stage converts the single ended input signal from either ΙΝΤ TR IG switch set to CH 1 O R Χ Y or an external Input Amplifier stage to α push pull output signal wh ich is signal connected to the ΕΧΤ T R IG OR Χ I NPUT connec necessary to drive the horizontal deflection p lates of the tor ...

Page 84: ...om the various control sources are the circuit by S801A so the horizontal gain is correct for connected to the emitter of Q1014 and the sum o r d iffer external horizontal operation regardless of the setting of ence of the signals determines the collector conduction the MAG switch However both sides of DS849 are con level C R 1015 and C R 1016 in the collector provide limiting nected to ground so ...

Page 85: ...The intensity and α negative going signal increases trace inten unblank ing input current change is approximately two sity T he Α Β and mixed unblanking gate signals from the milliamperes T herefore the output voltage change is about Α and Β Sweep Generator circuits blank the CRT during 60 volts 2 mA Χ 30 1 kΩ C1036 adj usts the feedback sweep retrace and recovery time so there is no disp lay on c...

Page 86: ... developed across the collector windi ng of Τ930 8903 R910 This sam ple of the output voltage is compared This prod uces α corresponding voltage increase i n the feed to the 12 volt level at the emitter of Q914 Any change i n back winding of Τ930 wh ich is con nected to the base of the level at the base of Q914 produces an error signal at the Q930 and it conducts even harder While Q930 is on its c...

Page 87: ...put Signals applied to the Ζ AXIS I NPUT connector see Ζ Axis Amplifier schematic are applied to the C RT cathode through C979 C976 R 976 DC and low freq uency Z axis signals are b locked from the C RT Circuit by C979 How ever they are connected to the Ζ Axis Am plifier circuit to produce an increase or decrease i n intensity depending upon polarity C976 and C979 cou ple high freq uency sig nals d...

Page 88: ...ower Supply detaile d block diagram 75 V Feedbac k Amplifier 01184 Ο 1193 Unregulate d 12 volts to H igh Voltage 12 V Oscillator CRT Circuit Series Regulator r l_ A 01137 6 3 Volt RMS Source R 1107 R1108 R1104 POW WER R 1105 1 N Circuit Descri ption 453Α R 453A 12 V Feed back Amplifier 01154 01163 12 V 12 V Current 2 V Limiting 2 V Reference 01129 Feedback VR 1114 Amplifier 01114 01124 01133 75 V ...

Page 89: ...e at its variable arm goes less negative closer to ground this appears as an error signal at the base of The following discussion includes the d escription of the 01124 In the same manner as described previously this 12 V Rectifier 12 V Series Regulator 12 V Feedback positive going change at the feedback input of the differen Am plifier 12 V Reference and 12 V Current L imiting tial am plifier inc...

Page 90: ... The decoupling networks which provid e decoupled operating voltages are shown on th is 75 Volt Supply Diagram and are not repeated on the ind ivid ual circu it Operation of the 75 Volt Supply is the same as de d iagrams scribed for the other supp lies The unregulated output of the 150 Volt Supply is connected to the 75 V F eedback CAL I BRATO R Am plifier to provide sufficient collector supply fo...

Page 91: ...Q1274 through R1274 In the 1 V CALI Q1274 to produce the accurate square wave at the output BRATOR switch position the output is obtained at the When the base of Q1274 goes positive Q1274 is cut off and junction of voltage divider R1275 and 131276 131277 to the output signal drops negative to ground When its base provide one tenth of the previous output voltage goes negative Q1274 is driven into s...

Page 92: ...rati ng e instru ment To remove th e covers conditions The following procedure is suggested for clea n slide the covers off the instrument the th umb screws and ing the filter If th e filter is to be replaced order new air The covers protect the filters from your local Tektronix Field Office or represent instrument from d ust in the interior The covers also direct ative ord er by Tektronix Part No...

Page 93: ... months if used infrequently In addition rep lace interior is to blow off the accumulated dust with d ry low ment of components may necessitate recalibration of the velocity air Remove any dirt which remains with α soft affected circuits Complete calibration instructions are brush or α cloth dampened with α mild detergent and water given in the Calibratio n section solutio n Α cotton tip ped appli...

Page 94: ... 1 18 1 Calibrator of wire woun d resistors are printed on the bod y of the component The resistance values of composition resistors and metal film resistors are color co ded on the com ponents Switch Wafer Identification Switch wafers shown on t he with ΕΙΑ color code some metal film resistors may have diagrams are coded to indicate the position of the wafer in the value printed on the body The c...

Page 95: ... Ι 10 2 Ι Ι 80 20 or 0 25 pF D and 3 Ο 1st 2nd and 3rd significant figures For capacitance of 10 pF or less multiplier ΟΤ tolerance 9 temperature coefficient NOTE Ο and or color code for capacitors depends upon manufacturer and capacitor type May not be present in some cases end of metal encased d iodes can be identified by the diode within 3 Test probes must be insulated to prevent acci symbol ma...

Page 96: ...e M ainten 3 Visual Check Visually check the an ce Υ portion of the instrument in wh ich the trouble is located Many troubles can be located by visual ind ications such as unsoldered 1 Check Control Settings Incorrect control settings can connectio ns brok en wires d amaged circu it boards dam ind icate α trouble that does not exist If th ere is any aged components etc question about the correct f...

Page 97: ...rating conditions similar to those used to take these readings see the first dia gram page 8 Check Individual Components Th e following pro cedures describe methods of check ing ind ivid ual com po nents in the 453Α Components wh ich are sold ered in place are best checked by d isconnecting one end Th is isolates the measurement from the effects of surrounding circuitry 12 volt 0 12 volt Α T R AN ...

Page 98: ... be Corrective maintenance consists of component rep lace maintained only if proper soldering techniq ues are used ment and instrument repair Special tech niques required to when repairing or replacing parts General soldering tech replace components in th is instrument are given here niques wh ich apply to maintenance of any precision elec tronic equi pment should be used when work ing on th is in...

Page 99: ...L ρ ά σι ΟΨ j Ο ο F Ψ α λ Δ έ ύ ο Ν ε m Z y Ο Δ Ν F ε σ Ψ υ Ζ Ο 3 ο C φ ό έ ο έ μ Ο ύ Ο F Q Ο σ Ο ά F τ υ F Ν Q υ ε C σ ό υ έ 3 ά Ν Ο ε υ Ο C 4 Ε F α ε Ο χ υΖ ΟΟ L F 3d Ψ Ν Δ φ Ο ξ _ ύ d d ά α G Ο Ο Ο m α Ψ Ό Ζ Ο Ο α L α α ε ι φ έ ν ο σ F Ο α α d ε Ι οΙ Ζ ι F υ Ο Ο σ Υ ό φ έ υ υ Ο ό ώ m η 7 υ ο ο ε α _ α ε ο s Ο μ υ t ρ ε Υ Ο G C L υ ε _ υ υ ρ ό _ Ν ΟΟ η L 9 έ s_ C Ο ε ρ η ώ ά _ C _ ε α ο Ι ε υ Ο ...

Page 100: ...Maintenance 453 Α R453Α ...

Page 101: ...her which holds the M ODE ΙΝΤ TR IG switch rear of board to the NOTE chassis The other screw may be left in place Even though unwired boards are available without components use of the completely wired replace ment board is recommended due to the large number of components mounted on most of the boards Most of the components mou nted on the circuit boards can be replaced without removing the board...

Page 102: ...outlines the removal and replacement of the cathode ray tube Α REMOVAL Maintenance 453Α R453A 4 U nsolder the trace rotation leads at the C RT shield 5 Unsolder the y axis rotation leads at the Υ Axis Align control 6 Disconnect the deflection plate connectors Be careful not to bend the deflection plate pins 7 Remove the C R T socket 8 Remove the two nuts by the graticule lights which hold the fron...

Page 103: ...stor R eplacement Transistors shou ld not be re placed u nless actually defective If removed from their sockets during routine maintenance return them to their original sockets U nnecessary replacement of transistors may affect the calibration of th is instrument When tran sistors are replaced check the operation of that part of the instrument wh ich may be affected 4 1 2 Fuse R eplacement Tab le ...

Page 104: ...hassis remove the fan through the rear subpanel High Voltage Compartment The components located in the h igh voltage compartment can be reached for maintenance or rep lacement by using the following pro ced υre Α solder joints in the high voltage compartment should have smooth surfaces Any protrusions may cause high voltage arcing at high altitudes Recalibration After Repair After any electrical c...

Page 105: ... Channel 1 In put Preamp Channel 2 Ιπρυt Preamp Vertical Switching Α5 Ζ Axis Amplifier and H igh Voltage Regulator Board Α4 Β Sweep Board F ig 4 4 Location of circuit boards in the 453Α Β Trigger Generator Β Sweep Generator Horizontal Amplifier Α3 Α Sweep Board Trigger Preamp Α Trigger Ge nerator Α Sweep Generator Calibrator ...

Page 106: ... g Vertical System Chec k This method will assu re that the instrument is both correctly adj usted and performing with in all given specifications ΜΡΟβΤΑΝΤΝΟΤΕ Performance Check The performance of th is instru ment can be checked withou t removing the covers or All waveforms shown in this section were taken with ma k ing internal adj ustments by performing only Part Ι α Tektronix Oscilloscope Came...

Page 107: ...nly for the Adjustment procedure are ind icated by footnote 2 9 Square wave generator 2 Must have the following out put capabilities may be obtained from separate gen erators 12 volts amplitu de into 50 ohms at one kilohertz Test Equipment with α risetime of 12 nanosecon d s or less 500 millivolts 1 Time mark generator Marker outputs F ive seconds into 50 ohms at 100 kilohertz with α risetime of o...

Page 108: ...robe Tektronix Ρ6011 recommend ed 23 Input RC normalizer 2 Time constant one megoh m Χ 20 p icofarads attenu ation 2Χ connectors BNC Tek tronix cali bration fixtu re 067 0538 00 Adjustment Tools 24 Screwdriver Three inc h shaft 3 32 inch bit For exam ple Xce Lite R 3323 25 Low capacitance screwdriver 2 1 1 2 inch shaft Tek tronix Part No 003 0000 00 26 Tuning tool 2 Hand le and insert for 5 64 inc...

Page 109: ... Channel 1 and 2 Cascaded Page 5 9 U pper Bandwidth L imit 15 Chec k Common Mode Rejection Page 5 10 Ratio 5 4 16 Check Am plifier Crosstal k Page 5 10 TR IGGER SYSTEM CHEC K Operation 19 Check Α and Β Low F requency Page 5 11 I Triggering Operation 20 Check Α and Β H igh F req uency Page 5 13 Reject O peration 21 Check Α and Β Low F requency Page 5 13 ι ι Rej ect O peration 22 Ch eck Single Sweep...

Page 110: ...ted otherwise 40 Check Calibrator Repetition Rate Page 5 23 1 Connect the 453Α to α power source which meets the 41 Check Calibrator Voltage Output Page 5 23 voltage and frequency requirements of this instrument 42 Check Current Through Probe Loop Page 5 24 2 Set the controls as given under Preliminary Control Settings Allow at least 20 minutes warmup before pro 43 Check Α and Β Gate Output Signal...

Page 111: ...n and the BNC Τ connector b CHE CK Trace aligns with center line with i n 0 1 d ivi sion from left to righ t graticule line c If necessary adju st the T R ACE R OTATION adjust ment side panel so the trace is parallel to th e center hori zontal line 3 Check Υ Axis Alignment e Connect th e outpu t of th e BNC Τ connector to the Ζ α Connect the time mark generator to th e C FI 1 O R Χ AXIS I NPU T bi...

Page 112: ... cable 3 Low frequency sine wave generator 8 In Line 50 ohm G R termination 4 42 inch 50 ohm BNC cable 9 5Χ G R attenuator 5 Dual in pu t cou pler 10 Th ree inch screwdriver Control Settings h If necessary adjust th e C hannel 2 STEP ΑΤΤΕΝ BAL Set the controls as given under Preliminary Control adju stment front panel for no trace sh ift as the CH 2 Settings VO LTS DI V switch is ch anged from 20 ...

Page 113: ... 1 5 volts 5 2 10 volts 5 20 volts 4 10 50 volts 9 Check Channel 1 and 2 Variable Volts Division Range b Ch ange th e following control settings C H 1 and 2 VOLTS DI V 20 mV C H 1 and 2 Input Cou pling AC c CHEC K Turn the Ch annel 2 VAR control fully counterclockwise minimum gain Display sh oul d be reduced to two d ivisions or less ind icates adequate range for continuously variable deflection f...

Page 114: ...DI V switch to 5 mV at all sweep rates At faster sweep rates alternation will not be apparent instead d isplay appears as two traces on th e screen j Repeat parts c and d of th is step 12 Check Chopped O peration α Change the following control settings g Repeat parts c and d of this step h CHECK Output frequency of generator must be 50 megahertz or h igher Actual frequency megah ertz k CHEC K Outp...

Page 115: ...anging th e ou tput amp litude increase the e Set th e CH 1 and CH 2 VOLTS DI V switches to 20 output frequency of the generator until the deflection is mV reduced to 4 2 d ivisions 3 d B point f CHECK Output frequency of generator must be 25 megahertz or higher Actual frequ ency megahertz g Disconnect all test equ ipment 15 Check Common Mode Rejection Ratio α Change th e following control setting...

Page 116: ...control may be adjusted as necessary to obtain stable display The Α SWEEP T R IG D light must be on when the display is stable e Change the following control settings Α COUPLI N G AC Α LEVEL Set for stable Α display HO R IZ DISPLAY Β DELAY E D SWEEP HO R IZ DISPLAY Α MAG X10 h Set the generator for α 1 5 d ivision d isplay at 60 megahertz i CHE CK Stable CRT display can be obtained with th e Α COU...

Page 117: ... ΕΧΤ TR IG MAG O FF O R Χ INPUT connector and connect it to the Α ΕΧΤ TR IG I NPUT connector i Change the following control settings d C HECK Stable C R T d isplay can be obtained with the A SOURCE ΕΧΤ Α CO UPLI N G switch set to AC HF REJ and DC Α HO R IZ DISPLAY Α LEVEL control may be adju sted as necessary to obtain α MAG Χ 10 stable display j Set the generator for α four d ivision d isplay 200...

Page 118: ...ble d isplay Α and Β COUPLI N G LF REJ 20 C h eck Α and Β High F req uency Reject Α and Β ΤΙΜΕ DI V 1 ms Operation H OR IZ DISPLAY Α MAG OFF c CHE CK Stable CRT disp lay can be obtained with the b Set the low frequency generator for α 0 3 d ivision dis Α LEVEL control play at 50 kiloh ertz c CHEC K Stab le CRT d isp lay can be obtained with the Α LEVEL control d Without changing the ou tput amplit...

Page 119: ...ut of the BNC Τ connector to the Β ΕΧΤ TR IG OR Χ I NPUT connector with th e 18 inch BN C cable e CHEC K RES ET ligh t comes on when bu tton is pressed and remains on until sweep is triggered f Slowly rotate the Α LEVEL control countercloc kwise g C HEC K Α single swee p disp lay one sweep only is presented when the Α LEVEL control is in the triggerable region RESET light goes off at the end of th...

Page 120: ... Β LEVEL control th roughout its range and chec k that display can be triggere d at any point along the negative slope of the waveform Display is not triggered at either extreme of rotation Ι Change the following control settings A SOURCE ΕΧΤ 10 Α SWEEP M OD E N ORM T R IG H OR IZ DISPLAY Α m Disconnect the cable from the Β ΕΧΤ T R IG O R Χ I NPUT connector and connect it to the Α ΕΧΤ TR IG I NPUT...

Page 121: ...arker output of the time mark generator to th e C H 1 OR Χ connector with the 42 inch 50 oh m BN C cable an d the 50 ohm BNC termination g Disconnect all test equ i pment NOTES d CHE CK Stable CRT d isplay can be obtained with the Α LEVEL control M ark er must be at the start of the sweep e Set th e time mark generator for 0 1 secon d markers f CHE CK Sweep free runs and stable display cannot be o...

Page 122: ...d le 5 ms eight divisions of th e d isplay if outside the 0 C to 40 C 1 ms range see Section 1 for applicable tolerances 2 ms 5 ms NOTE loms 20 ms Unless otherwise noted use the middle eight hori 50 ms zontal divisions w hen checking timing 1 s 2 s d Set the Α ΤΙΜΕ DI V switch to 1 ms 5 s e Set the time mark generator for one millisecon d markers f Position the second marker to the second vertical...

Page 123: ...2 division with in 4 ο over th e middle eight d ivisions of th e total magnified display if out side the 0 C to 40 C range see Section 1 for app licable tolerances N ote th e portions of the total magnified sweep length to be excluded from measurement Magnifier light must be on Th e vertical deflectio n factor must be reduced to 1 to display the 10 nanosecond markers 5 1 8 H OR IZ DISPLAY Α MAG Χ ...

Page 124: ...irst set the DELAY TIME MULTI PLI ER d ial to 1 00 and Linearity rotate the d ial u ntil the sweep starts at th e top of the DELAY TIME 9 00 TA BLE 5 4 MULTIPL I ER Α TIME DIV 1 ms Delayed Sweep Accuracy Β ΤΙΜΕ D 1V 10 μs Α TIME Β TIME Time DIV DIV mark switch switch generator setting setting output 1 μs 2 μs 5 μs 10 μs 20 μs 50 μs 1 ms 2 ms 5 ms 1 ms 2 ms 5 ms 10 ms 20 ms 5_0_ms 1 s 2 s 5 s 1s 2s...

Page 125: ...ing linearity η Set the DELAY TIME MULTI PL I ER d ial to 8 00 then rotate the dial slightly so α marker is d isp layed at the start of the sweep divisions with in 0 2 Ta ke into account the basic d ial error at 9 00 g C HEC K Timing between second and tenth marker with in 0 16 d ivision ρ Repeat this chec k at each major d ial division between 8 00 a nd 1 00 31 Ch eck Delay Time Jitter b Position...

Page 126: ...1 O R Χ Υ λ SWEEP LENGTH FULL Β COUPL I N G DC H O R IZ DIS PLAY Χ Υ H orizontal POSITION Centered b Set the time mark generator for 10 millisecond F I NE Centered markers b Connect the standard amp litude calibrator to th e C H c Set the Α LEVEL control for α stable display 1 O R Χ connector with th e 42 inch BN C cable d Position the mark ers to the far left and right graticu le lines with the h...

Page 127: ...horizontally with the Channel 1 and 2 POSITIO N controls e CHECK CRT display for an opening at th e center horizontal line of 0 42 division or less 3 or less ph ase sh ift see F ig 5 1 f Disconnect all test equi pment 39 Check Χ Bandwidth in Χ Υ Mod e α Connect the high frequ ency constant amplitude sine wave generator to th e C H 1 O R Χ connector with the five nanosecon d G R cable and th e in l...

Page 128: ...tor to the u nknown input connector of the standard amplitude cali brator with the 42 inch BN C cable ε Set th e standard am plitud e calibrator for α positive one volt DC ou tput in the ch opped mode d Connect the standard am plitude calibrator ou tput to the CH 1 OR Χ connector e Set the Α LEVEL control for α stable d isplay e Position the d isplay vertically so th e tips of the markers fall jus...

Page 129: ... 1 ms e C HEC K C R T d isp lay 0 5 d ivision in amplitude five milliamperes see F ig 5 3 0 5 division Fig 5 3 Typical CRT display when checking calibrator current ΝΟΤΕ This step only checks for the presence of current in the PROBE LOOP This current will remain within the stated 1 accuracy due to the tolerance of the divider resistors and tolerance of the calibrator out put voltage If it is necess...

Page 130: ... bottom of the waveform near th e zero volt level 12 volts 10 Gate duration should be about 5 5 divisions about 11 times the Β ΤΙΜΕ DI V switch settings Α ΤΙΜΕ DI V 2 ms Β ΤΙΜΕ DI V 1 ms Th is com pletes th e Performance Ch eck procedure for H O R IZ DIS PLAY Β D ELAY E D SWEEP the 453Α If th e instrument h as met all tolerances given in Β SWEEP MOD E Β STA R TS A FT ER th is proced ure it is corr...

Page 131: ...ju st 75 Volt Power Supply Page 5 29 19 Adjust Α and Β Trigger Level Center PART 11 ADJUSTMENT Introd uction 15 Adju st Channel 1 and 2 Gain GAI N Page 5 34 1 4 Adjust High Voltage Supply R 900 Page 5 29 20 Adjust Channel 1 Only and Normal Page 5 40 Trigger DC Level 1360 R285 5 Chec k Low Voltage Power Supply Page 5 29 Ripple 6 Adju st Calibrator R epetition Rate Page 5 30 T1 255 21 Adjust Sweep S...

Page 132: ... warmup before proceeding I source ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι 3 Connect the 453Α to the autotransformer output Titles for external controls of this instrument are 4 Set the autotransformer output voltage to the center capitalized in this procedure e g INTENSITY In of the voltage range selected by the Line Voltage Selector ternal adjustments are initial capitalized only e g assembly High Voltage N...

Page 133: ... ATO R 1 V ground b Connect the precision DC voltmeter between th e 12 volt test point see F ig 5 4 and chassis ground c C HEC K Meter reading 12 volts 0 32 volt POWER SUPPLY and CA L IBR ATOR ADJUSTMENT Fig 5 4 Low voltage power supply test points and adjustments Low Voltage Regulator circuit board 5 28 affect operation of all circuits withi n the 453Α e I N T ER ACTIO N Change in setting of R112...

Page 134: ...or if necessary e I NTER ACTION Change in setting of R1182 may affect operation of all circuits with in th e 453Α f Discon nect all test equipment 4 Adjust High Voltage Supp ly α Connect the DC voltmeter VOM 4 between the 1960 V test point see F ig 5 5 and ch assis ground d Set the Channel 1 GAI N adjustment for exactly four 4 ι f the precision high voltage divider is available for use with the di...

Page 135: ...rker p reliminary adjustment instrument operation Actual values may exceed these limits without loss of measurement accuracy if the instrument meets the specifications given in Section i Set the ΙΝΤ T R IG switch to CH 1 O R Χ Y 1 j C HEC K C RT disp lay for slow drift or no drift of the g Retu rn the autotransformer outpu t voltage to the time markers center of the regulating range selected by th...

Page 136: ... the Α SWEEP MOD E switch to AUTO TR IG CA U TIO N d Set the F OCUS control for as thin α trace as possib le e CHE CK Th e trace sh ould be parallel with the center horizontal line b Set th e Α SWEEP MOD E switch to SI NGLE SWEEP f AD JUST TRAC E R OTATIO N adjustment side panel so the trace is parallel to the center h orizontal line α Connect the time mark generator to the CH 1 OR Χ connector wit...

Page 137: ...m pensation c Connect th e probe tip to ΤΡ1047 see Fig 5 5 con nect the probe ground to chassis grou nd with α sh ort grou nd ing stra p d Set the test oscilloscope for α vertical deflection factor of 0 5 volts division five volts division at probe tip at α sweep rate of 0 1 microsecond division α Set the Α ΤΙΜΕ DI V switch to 5 ms and adjust the Α VAR control to display exactly one marker for eac...

Page 138: ...CHEC K Change the C H 1 VOLTS DI V switch from 20 mV to 5 mV Trace shou ld not move more than 0 1 d ivision vertically ι Use the BEAM FINDER switch to locate the trace if it is deflected off screen when switching to 10 or 5 mV ι ΝΟΤΕ d AD JUST Chan nel 1 STEP ΑΤΤΕΝ BAL adjustment front panel for minim u m trace sh ift as the CH 1 VOLTS DI V switch is ch anged from 20 mV to 5 mV e Set th e MOD E sw...

Page 139: ...the following control settings f ADJUST Ch annel 1 GAI N adjustment front panel for exactly five divisions of deflection g C hange the following control settings MOD E ADD INVERT Pu lled out h CHECK C RT d isp lay for straight line i ADJUST Channel 2 GAI N adju stment front panel for straight line display I j Disconnect all test equipment α Change the following control settings CH 1 and 2 VOLTS DI...

Page 140: ...connector with the five nanosecond G R cable 5Χ G R attenuator and in line 50 ohm GR termination h Set the MODE switch to C H 2 F ig 5 9 Location of CH 1 and 2 VOLTS DIV switch compensation position to provide six divisions of deflection Adjustment 453A R 453Α 17 Adjust Channel 1 and 2 Volts Division Switch Shunt Compensation α Connect the square wave generator high amplitude outp u t connector to...

Page 141: ...lued to Device s for which Con ditions for select provide α 2 to 3 this provides α com ing 20 mV Div four total compensating pensating effect division 100 kHz effect signal applied 1 C38 001 to 01 μ F Q23 Q33 MOD E CH 1 10 μs DI V MAG OFF 0 to 4 7 pF F eed bac k MOD E CH 1 Amplifier 1 μ s Div M AG OFF 14 to 47 pF Delay line MOD E CH 1 2 μs DI V MAG OFF 4 C138 001 to 01 μ F Q123 Q133 MOD E CH 2 10 ...

Page 142: ...00 V 10 4 7 pF 281 0618 00 200 V 0 5 pF 0015 μ F 283 0114 00 200 V 20 0022 μ F 283 0119 00 200 V 5 0027 μ F 283 0142 00 200 V 5 C264 is selected from among the following ca 0033 μ F 283 0041 00 500 V 5 pacitors 0047 μ F 283 0083 00 500 V 5 01 μF 283 0079 00 250 V 20 14 p F 281 0577 00 500 V 5 18 p F 281 0578 00 500 V 5 C44A and C144A are selected from among the follow 22 p F 281 0511 00 500 V 2 2 ...

Page 143: ...mum response is obtained F inal results of this adjustment should pro duce similar response for Channels 1 and 2 ι ι ι ι ι NO ΤΕ e ADJUST C263 and C265 see F ig 5 10A for optimum square wave response with minimum aberra if response of Channel 1 and 2 cannot be tions Use low capacitance screwdriver matched by making the adjustments given here see the procedure for selecting R195 given in Table 5 7 ...

Page 144: ...on from Channel 2 and given order for optimum square wave response with connect it to the CH 1 OR Χ connector minimum aberrations Use the low capacitance screw driver to adjust the variable capacitors Repeat these adjustments until optimum response is obtained χ C HECK CRT display for optimum square wave response with aberrations not to exceed 0 12 d ivision peak to peak ad Disconnect all test equ...

Page 145: ... frequency sine wave generator to α Change th e following control settings the C H 1 O R Χ connector with th e five nanoseco nd G R cable and the in line 50 ohm G R termination ΙΝΤ T R IG CH 1 OR Χ Υ Α COUPL I N G DC ε Set th e generator for α 0 3 division d isplay at 50 Α SWEEP MOD E AUTO T R IG kilohertz if necessary use the AUTO T R IG position to HO R IZ DISPLAY Α obtain α 0 3 division disp la...

Page 146: ...ch to NORM g ADJUST Normal Trigger DC Level adjustment R285 see F ig 5 12 for α stable display f CHECK Stable CRT d isplay is presented h Disconnect all test equipment ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι NOTES Adjustment 453Α R453Α ...

Page 147: ...nth marker pre D ELAY TIME liminary adjustment HO R IZ DISPLAY Α ΙΝΤΕΝ D UR I N G Β η Set the H OR IZ DISPLAY switch to Β D ELAY E D ε Tu rn the DELAY TI ME MULTI PL I ER dial fu lly SWEEP cou ntercloc kwise d CHECK DELAY TIME MULTI PL I ER d ial setting exactly 0 20 e ADJUST If th e DELAY TIME MULTI PL I ER d ial is not correctly positioned when fully countercloc kwise loosen th e set screw and m...

Page 148: ...ninth graticu le lines ι NO ΤΕ Unless otherwise noted use the middle eight hori b Position the middle marker three markers on total zontal divisions when checking or adjusting timing magnified sweep to the center vertical line c ADJUST N ormal Gain adjustment R 835 see F ig 5 14 for one marker each division The second and tenth markers must coincide exactly with their respec tive graticu le lines ...

Page 149: ...ings α C h ange the following control settings CH 1 VOLTS DIV 1 Α and Β ΤΙΜΕ DIV 1 μ s Α and Β ΤΙΜΕ DI V 1 μ s HOR IZ DISPLAY Α HOR IZ DIS PLAY Α d CHE CK CRT d isp lay for one marker each division d Set the MAG switch to Χ10 between the first and ninth graticu le lines ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι b Set the time mark generator for 10 nanosecond b Set the time mark generator for one microsecond markers mar...

Page 150: ...V MODE CH 2 ΙΝΤ TR IG CH 1 OR Χ Υ Β COUPL I N G DC HOR IZ DISPLAY Χ Υ MAG OFF b Connect th e standard amplitude cali brator to the C H 1 OR Χ connector with th e 42 inch BNC cable ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι Adjustment 453Α R 453Α d isp lay is visible two dots about five divisions apart f CHEC K C R T d isplay for five divisions horizontal deflection g AD JUST Ext H oriz Gain adju stment R645 see F ig 5 1...

Page 151: ...NOTES ...

Page 152: ... to meet the environmental allows room on each sid e of the instrument for the slide out characteristics of the instrument shock and vibration tracks to operate freely permitting th e instrument to move smooth ly in and out of the rack Two alternative mounting methods are described at the end of this p rocedure H owever when mou nted according to these alternative meth ods the instrument may not m...

Page 153: ...rack otherwise the must be provided for securing the instrument to the instrument may not slide all the way into the rack Do not rack tighten the mou nting screws Fig 6 6 shows the parts in the rear support kit and the order in wh ich they are assembled Alternative Rear Mounting Methods 4 Assemble the su pport pin to the angle bracket in the CAUTION order shown in Fig 6 6 Leave the spacer washer o...

Page 154: ...cation Slide Out Track Lubrication The slide out track s normally req uire no lubrication The Removing or Installing the Instrument special finish on the sliding su rfaces provides permanent lubrication However if th e tracks do not slid e smooth ly After initial installation and adj ustment of the slide out even after proper adj ustment α th in coating of paraffin tracks the R 453A can be removed...

Page 155: ...ectio n Fig 6 1 Slide o ut track asse mblies ASSEMBLY FO R RIGHT SID E Stop latch hole Mounting flange Fig 6 2 Hardware needed to mo unt the instrument in the cabinet rack 10 Hnίshiηg P lasric washers wash ers 4 ea ί 4 Ca l 8 υί 10 32 10 32 ΡΗ 5 FHS screw screw 8 Cal i4 ea Τυρρ λ 10 32 ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ...

Page 156: ...y to right statio nary section Rail tapped for 10 32 screws Α F ront rail ta pped for 10 32 screws Fig 6 4 Method s of mounting the stationary section to the front rails Note Rackmounting 453 Α R453A 1Ιτ inch for cor rect position of curi ng holes MISS __ Untapped h oles _ ο s ι ι η Ο WW I Ι Use FHS screws if front rail holes Β Untapped front rail are countersunk 6 5 ...

Page 157: ...R ackmounting 453Α R453A F ig 6 5 Supporting the rear of the stationary sections Α Dimensions necessary Β Completed installation ...

Page 158: ...d on instrument S uppo rt pin 2 ea Neop rene s upp o rt was her 2 ea Spacer F ig 6 6 Rear S u pport kit F ig 6 7 I nstalling t he s upport bloc k on the instr u ment R ea r of statio na ry section Rac kmounting 453Α R453A 6 7 ...

Page 159: ... push the instru ment all the way i nto the rack 6 To secure the R453A to the rack insert the 4 secu r ing screws Ε with fin ish i n g was h ers and teflon washers through the slots in t he instrument front panel and screw them into t h e fro n t rails of t h e rac k TO REM O VE THE R 453A 1 Remove t h e securi ng screws a nd wash ers Ε 2 Pull the instrument out ward until the stop latches snap in...

Page 160: ...t correct reposition as necessary DEEP RACK CONFIGURATION 10 32 Left rear rail of cabinet rack SHALLOW RACK CONFIGURATION ErmM Rail ta pp ed fo r 10 32 sc rews 8 32 Ke p s nut 2 ea Rail tapped for 10 32 screws Fig 6 9 Alignment adjustments for correct operation ΝΠρ 9 ΑΠAW Station a ry sectio n of slideout track 8 32 FHS screw 2 ea K Stationary section of slideout track Left rear rail of cabinet ra...

Page 161: ...RILL ING ΜΌ Ι ΝΤ ΙΝG Γ ΘΤ Ο Ι25 Ο ΙΘ7 TA MOUN TIN G RAI D LLE AR PENING RAIL 0 625 1 250 0625 Q ΟΟ 0 500 0625 1250 0 0 625 Ο οο Ο ΟΟ 0 400 05004 1 250 0625 5 0 625 4 0 0 ΣΟΟ 1 250 0625 0625 Q 400 05004 1250 0625 Ο625 NOT ES Ι ALL DI MENSIO N S A RE REFEREN C E DI MEN SIO N S EXCEPT AS NOT E D 0 Ι GAIB I NE 7 dANE I D UNTING 4250 0 000 0256 0000 S P ACE 1750 M ULTIPLE S TOP θ TOP θ BOTTOM BOTTOM 1 ...

Page 162: ...ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι Ι 1 5 ι Ν s a l l υ Jim2 ι ι ι Ν οοοο jj Γ ο ο ο ά ό Rackmounting 453Α R453Α 6 11 ...

Page 163: ...ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ...

Page 164: ...x head steel HSB hex socket brass HSS hex socket steel ID insi de diameter inc in candescen t PARTS LIST ABBREVIATIONS int internal Ig length or long met metal mtg hdw mounting hardware OD outside d iameter ΟΗΒ oval head b rass OHS oval head steel Ρ Ο part of ΡΗΒ pan head brass PHS pan head steel plstc plastic PMC paper metal cased poly polystyrene prec p recision PT paper tubula r ΡΤΜ pa per or p...

Page 165: ...tion in your order P art n u mber instru ment type or nu mber serial or model n umber and modification nu mber if a pplicable If α part you have ord ered has been replaced with α new or im proved part you r local Tektron ix I nc Field Office or rep resentative will contact you concern ing any ch ange in part number SPECIAL NOTES A ND SYMBOLS X000 P art first a dd ed at this serial number ΟΟΧ P art...

Page 166: ...CAL PREAMP Circuit Board Assem b ly 7 12 Α2 VERTICAL OUTPUT Circuit Board Assembly 7 19 Α3 Α SWEEP Circuit Board Assembly 7 21 Α4 Β SWEEP Circuit Board Assembly 7 27 Α5 Ζ AXIS Circuit Board Assembly 7 34 Α6 LOW VOLTAGE REGULATOR Circuit Boa rd Assembly 7 36 453Α R453A ...

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Page 168: ...F Va r Air C7E 281 0505 00 12 pF Cer 500 V 10 C8B 281 0099 00 1 3 5 4 pF Var Air C8C 281 0083 00 0 25 1 5 pF Va r Tub CH 50 pF Mica 10 C8D 281 0544 00 5 6 pF nominal val ue Selected C9B 281 0100 00 1 4 7 3 pF Var Ai r C9C 281 0086 00 0 25 1 5 pF Var Tub C9E 500 pF Mica 10 C9D 281 0593 00 3 9 pF nominal value Selected C9F 281 0547 00 2 7 pF Cer 500 V 10 C10 281 0529 00 1 5 pF Cer 500 V 0 25 pF C11 ...

Page 169: ...0 25 pF 1 3 5 4 pF Var Air 15 pF Cer 200 V 18 pF Ce r 500 V 5 4 7 pF Cer 500 V 5 pF 3 3 pF Cer 0 25 pF 0 022 μF Cer 25 V 80 20 0 022 μF Cer 25 V 80 20 0 03 μF Cer 200 V 80 20 22 pF Cer 500 V 12 pF Cer 500 V 10 1 8 pF 0 01 ΙιF 100 pF 4 5 25 pF Var 84 pF 0 001 μF 0 01 μF 0 1 μF 1 ριF 101 100 pF Cer 350 V 100 pF Cer 350 V 470 pF Cer 500 V 390 pF Cer 500 V 0 0047 μF ΡΤΜ 100 V 0 047 μF Elect 0 47 μF El...

Page 170: ...79 283 0060 00 100 pF Cer 200 V 5 C985 285 0572 00 0 1 μF ΡΤΜ 200 V C1105 283 0080 00 0 022 μF Cer 25 V 80 20 C1111 285 0566 00 0 022 μF ΡΤΜ 200 V 10 C1112 290 0281 00 1500 μF Elect 25 V C1141 285 0566 00 0 022 μF ΡΤΜ 200 V 10 C1142 290 0281 00 1500 μF Elect 25 V C1171 285 0566 00 0 022 Ι_ιF ΡΤΜ 200 V 10 C1172 290 0280 00 Β010100 Β099999 200 ιιF E lect 150 V C1172 290 0018 00 13 100000 200 ιF E le...

Page 171: ... 152 0198 00 Silicon MR1032A Motorola CR1142A B C D 152 0198 00 Silicon MR1032A Motorola CR1172A B C D 152 0066 00 Silicon 1 Ν3194 CR1202 152 0066 00 Silicon 1 Ν3194 CR1212 152 0066 00 Silicon 1 Ν3194 VR559 152 0217 00 Zener 1 Ν756Α 8 2V 0 4 W 5 VR963 152 0428 00 Zener 1 Ν987Β 400 mW 120 V 5 Delay Line D L301 119 0168 01 Delay L ine Assembly Bulbs DS75 150 0030 00 Neon NE 2 V DS175 150 0030 00 Neo...

Page 172: ...pair Q374 Q884 151 0124 00 Silicon ΝΡΝ TO 5 Selected from 2Ν3119 Q894 151 0124 00 Silicon ΝΡΝ TO 5 Selected from 2Ν3119 Q930 151 0140 00 Silicon ΝΡΝ TO 3 Selected from 2Ν3055 Q1133 151 0136 02 Silicon ΝΡΝ TO 5 Replaceable by 2Ν3053 Q1137 151 0140 00 B01 0100 Β099999 Silicon ΝΡΝ TO 3 Selected from 2Ν3055 Ql137 151 0337 00 Β100000 Silicon ΝΡΝ TO 3 Selected from 2Ν3055 Q1163 151 0136 02 Silicon ΝΡΝ T...

Page 173: ... Pr ec 1 R77 316 0154 00 150 kΩ 1 α W R78 316 0106 00 10 ΜΩ 1 α W R81 321 0055 00 36 5 Ω 1 8 W Prec 1 R90 311 0169 00 100 Ω Var R91 321 0017 00 14 7 Ω 1 8 W Prec 1 R102 315 0105 00 1 ΜΩ 1 α W 5 R103 317 0620 00 62 Ω 78 W 5 R 106C 322 0643 00 600 kΩ 1 α W Prec 1 RI 06E 322 0644 00 666 6 kΩ α W Prec 1 R106 F 315 0220 00 Β010100 Β129999Χ 22 Ω 1 α W 5 RI 07C 322 0620 00 800 kΩ 1 α W Prec 1 R107E 321 0...

Page 174: ...60 311 0553 00 10 k Ω Var R 528 316 0106 00 10 ΜΩ 4 W R530A 323 0400 00 143 kΩ 1 2 W Prec 1 R530B 323 0371 00 71 5 kΩ 1 2 W P rec 1 R 530C 323 0371 00 71 5 kΩ 1 2 W Prec 1 R 530D 323 0371 00 71 5 kΩ 1 2 W P rec 1 R 530E 315 0335 00 3 3 ΜΩ 4 W 5 R530F 325 0072 00 10 ΜΩ 1 W Prec 1 R 530G 325 0077 00 11 5 ΜΩ 1 W Prec 1 R530H 325 0075 00 7 15 ΜΩ 1 W Prec 1 R530J 325 0073 00 3 57 ΜΩ 1 W Prec 1 R 530K 3...

Page 175: ... 3 Μ9 1 4 W 5 R 74ΠF 325 0072 00 10 ΜΩ 1 W Prec 1 R 74ηG 325 0077 00 11 5 ΜΩ 1 W Pr ec 1 R740H 325 0075 00 7 15 ΜΩ 1 W Prec 1 R 740J 325 0073 00 3 57 ΜΩ 1 W Prec 1 R 740Κ 323 0712 00 1 43 ΜΩ 1 2 W Prec 2 R 740L 323 0710 00 715 k Ω τ W Prec τ UAW 323 0710 00 715 kΩ τ W Prec τ R 74ΠΝ 323 0711 00 715 kΩ τ W Prec 1 10 R 740P 315 0332 00 3 3 kΩ 1 4 W 5 R74ηχ 315 0272 00 2 7 kΩ 1 4 W 5 R740Y 311 0554 00...

Page 176: ...948 301 0106 00 10 ΜΩ 1 2 W 5 R 949 316 0105 00 1 ΜΩ 1 4 W R951 308 0588 00 12 Ω 1 2 W ωω 1 R956 301 0103 00 10 kΩ 1 Ζ ω 5 R 961 316 0105 00 1 ΜΩ 1 4 W R962 316 0105 00 1 ΜΩ 1 4 W R963 301 0205 00 2 ΜΩ 1 2 W 5 R964 301 0335 00 3 3 ΜΩ 1 2 W 5 R 965 301 0335 00 3 3 ΜΩ 1 2 W 5 R966 301 0335 00 3 3 Μ 2 1 2 W 5 R967 311 0254 00 5 ΜΩ Va r R968 301 0155 00 1 5 ΜΩ 2 W 5 R969 301 0106 00 10 ΜΩ 1 2 W 5 R971...

Page 177: ...70 00 27 Ω 1 2 W R l275 322 0655 00 180 Ω 1 α W Prec Ρ1270 321 0702 00 30 Ω W Pr ec R 1277 321 0704 00 60 Ω W Prec Switch es Sl 260 1168 00 Lever AC GΝD DC S5 260 0720 03 Rotary CH 1 VOLTS DIV S75 311 0385 00 CH 1 CAL Sl π1 260 1168 00 Lever AC GND DC 5105 260 0720 03 Rotary CH 2 VOLTS DIV Sl75 311 0385 00 CH 2 CAL S23ΠΒ Wired 262 0727 01 Rotary ΤRο EER S230β 260 0595 01 R otary MODE TRIGGER S330 ...

Page 178: ...gle POWER 5110214 5110314 S1275 260 0447 00 Slide CALIBRATOR ΤΚ1101 260 0638 00 Opens at 75 C 3 Furn is h e d as α unit with R530Y Fur nis h e d as α un it wit h D5597 Furnished as α unit with R740Y 4See Mechanical Pa rts List Li ne Voltage Selecto r B o dy Thermal Cut Out Transforme rs Τ930 120 0471 00 Η V Power Τ1101 120 0649 00 L V Power Electron Tube V979 154 0630 00 B01 0100 Β029999 CRT Stand...

Page 179: ...d C44C 281 0080 00 1 7 11 pF Var Ai r C45A 281 0080 00 1 7 11 pF Var Air C49 281 0081 00 1 8 13 pF Va r Air C53 290 0267 00 1 μF Elect 35 V C54 281 0077 00 1 3 5 4 pF Var Air C64 283 0078 00 0 001 μF Cer 500 V C84 283 0032 00 470 pF Cer 500 V 5 C94 283 0032 00 470 pF Cer 500 V 5 C95 283 0080 00 0 022 μF Cer 25 V 80 20 C96 290 0134 00 22 μF Elect 15 V C97 290 0134 00 22 μF Elect 15 V C98 283 0092 0...

Page 180: ... V 80 20 C261 283 0060 00 100 pF Cer 200 V 5 C262 281 0572 00 6 8 pF Cer 500 V 10 C263 281 0081 00 1 8 13 p F Var Ai r C264 281 0512 00 27 pF nominal valu e Selected C265 281 0081 00 1 8 13 pF Var Air C266 281 0604 00 2 2 pF Cer 500 V 0 25 pF C288 281 0505 00 12 pF Cer 500 V 10 C289 281 0593 00 3 9 pF Cer 10 C293 283 0081 00 0 1 μF Cer 25 V 80 20 C297 283 0081 00 0 1 IA F Cer 25 V 80 20 C298 281 0...

Page 181: ...licon Replaceable by 1 Ν4152 CR233 152 0008 00 Germanium CR235 152 0185 00 Silicon Replaceable by 1N4152 VR53 152 0166 00 Zener 1 Ν753Α 6 2 V 0 4 W 5 VR153 152 0166 00 Zener 1 Ν753Α 6 2V 0 4W 5 Inductors L23 108 0443 00 Core ferramic suppressor L24 276 0528 00 ΧΒ110000 25 ΙιΗ L43A 114 0170 00 0 15 0 25 μ l l Va r Core 276 0506 00 L44A 108 0182 π0 0 3 jι Η L45A 108 0170 01 0 5 ΙιΗ L84 276 0528 00 C...

Page 182: ...icon ΡΝΡ TO 18 21 14258 Q194 151 0221 00 Silicon ΡΝΡ TO 18 21 14258 Q215 151 0190 ύ1 Silicon ΝΡΝ TO 106 Tek Spec 0225 151 0190 01 Silicon ΝΡΝ TO 106 Tek Spec Q234 151 0190 01 Silicon ΝΡΝ TO 106 Tek S pec Q244 151 0223 00 Silicon ΝΡΝ TO 1 8 2Ν4275 Q253 151 0220 00 Silicon ΡΝΡ TO 18 21 14122 Q284 151 0160 00 Silicon ΝΡΝ TO 5 Selecte d from 2Ν3137 Q294 151 0160 00 Silicon ΝΡΝ TO 5 Selecte d from 2Ν31...

Page 183: ...R51 316 0680 00 68 Ω 1 4 W R52 321 0216 00 1 74 kΩ Θ ω Prec 1 R54 316 0680 00 68 Ω 1 4 W R 55 311 0480 00 13010100 13139999 500 Ω Var R55 311 1224 00 Β 140000 500 Ω Var R 56 315 0752 00 7 5 k Ω 1 4 W R58 301 0112 00 1 1 kΩ 1 2 W R59 315 0331 00 330 Ω 1 4 W R60 311 0465 00 13010100 Β139999 100 k Ω Var R 60 311 1235 00 Β 140000 100 k Ω Var R 61 315 0153 00 15 kΩ 1 4 W R63 301 0122 00 1 2 kΩ 1 2 W R6...

Page 184: ...21 0124 00 191 Ω 8 W Prec 1 R144C 311 0462 00 13010100 Β139999 1 kΩ Var R144C 311 1225 00 13140000 1 kΩ Var R1 45A 321 0151 00 365 Ω 8 W Prec 1 R 146 321 0136 00 255 Ω 8 W Prec 1 R 147 321 0237 00 2 87 kΩ ω Prec 1 R 148 321 0212 00 1 58 kΩ ω Prec 1 R149 311 0462 00 13010100 Β139999 1 k Ω Var R 149 311 1225 00 13140000 1 kΩ Var R150 321 0136 00 255 Ω ω Pr ec 1 R151 316 0680 00 68 Ω 4 W R152 321 021...

Page 185: ...332 00 3 3 kΩ 4 W 5 R234 321 0081 00 68 1 Ω 8 W Prec 1 R235 315 0102 00 1 kΩ 4 W 5 R 241 315 0473 00 47 kΩ 4 W 5 R 244 315 0392 00 3 9 kΩ 4 W 5 R 245 315 0222 00 2 2 kΩ 4 W R253 315 0102 00 1 kΩ 4 W R260 321 0179 00 715 Ω 8 W P rec R 261 315 0363 00 36 kΩ 4 W R262 321 0235 00 2 74 kΩ 8 W Prec R264 321 0260 00 R 265 321 0205 00 R 267 321 0164 00 R268 321 0117 00 R 269 321 0117 00 R 270 321 0179 00 ...

Page 186: ...Electrical Parts L ist 453Α R453A C301 281 0503 00 8 pF Cer 500 V 0 5 pF C302 281 0503 00 8 pF Cer 500 V 0 5 p F C303 281 0572 00 6 8 pF Cer 500 V 0 5 pF C306 283 0080 00 0 022 μF Cer 25 V 80 20 C311 281 0503 00 8 pF Cer 500 V 0 5 pF C312 281 0503 00 8 pF Cer 500 V 0 5 pF C313 281 0572 00 6 8 p F Cer 500 V 10 5 pF C322 283 0080 00 0 022 μ F Cer 25 V 80 20 C326 281 0504 00 10 pF Ce r 500 V 10 C327 ...

Page 187: ...Ν TO 1 8 Selected from 2Ν2369 Ο354 151 0127 00 Silicon ΝΡΝ TO 18 Selected from 2Ν2369 Resistors R esisto rs a re fixed com position 10 unless otherwise ind icated R303 321 0091 00 86 6 Ω 8 W Prec 1 R304 322 0097 00 100 Ω 4 W Prec 1 R306 323 0054 00 35 7 Ω 2 W Prec 1 R313 321 0091 00 86 6 Ω 8 W Prec 1 R314 322 0097 00 100 Ω 4 W Prec 1 R 321 323 0072 00 54 9 Ω 2 W P rec 1 R322 323 0060 00 41 2 Ω 2 W...

Page 188: ... 001 μF Cer 100 ν 5 C416 283 0080 00 0 022 ιF Cer 25 V 80 20 C417 283 0080 00 0 022 1 ιF Cer 25 V 80 20 C421 283 0031 00 0 1 1 Cer 25 V 80 20 C422 283 0080 00 0 022 1 ιF Cer 25 V 80 20 C424 283 0090 00 0 022 al Cer 25 V 80 20 C440 281 0543 00 270 p F Cer 500 V 10 C443 283 0080 00 0 022 μF Cer 25 V 80 20 C456 283 0080 00 0 022 μF Cer 25 V 80 20 C466 283 0080 00 0 022 1ιF Cer 25 V 80 20 C464 283 003...

Page 189: ... 20V C1251 290 0267 00 1 ΙιF E lect 35 V C1255 285 0595 00 0 1 μF ΡΤΜ 100V 1 C1266 283 0010 00 0 05 ΙιF Cer 50V C1273 281 0519 00 47 pF Ce r 500 V 10 CR408 152 0141 02 Silicon 1 Ν4152 C R441 152 0246 00 Silicon Low lea kage 40 V 0 25 W C R449 152 0185 00 Silicon Re p laceable by 1N4152 C R455 152 0185 00 Silicon Replaceable by 1 Ν4152 C R456 152 0185 00 Silicon Replaceable by 1 Ν4152 CR459 152 018...

Page 190: ...eab le by I N4152 CR591 152 0185 00 Silicon Replaceable by 11 14152 CR592 152 0185 00 Silicon Replaceable by 1N4152 CR593 152 0185 00 Silicon Replaceable by 11 14152 CR594 152 0185 00 Silicon Replacea b le by I N4152 CR595 152 0185 00 Silicon Replaceable by I N4152 VR421 152 0166 00 Zener 1 Ν753Α 6 2V 0Α W 5 VR460 152 0278 00 Zen er 1 Ν437Α 3V 0 4 W 5 VR544 152 0149 00 Zener 1 Ν961 Β 10 V 0 4 W 5 ...

Page 191: ...0220 00 Silicon ΡΝΡ TO 18 2Ν4122 Q575 151 0220 00 Silicon ΡΝΡ TO 18 2Ν4122 Q585 151 0220 00 Silicon ΡΝΡ TO 18 2 Ν4122 Q594 151 0136 00 Silicon ΝΡΝ TO 5 R eplaceable by 2Ν3053 Q1255 151 0224 00 Silicon ΝΡΝ TO 18 2Ν3692 Q1265 151 0224 00 Silicon ΝΡΝ TO 18 2Ν3692 Q1274 151 0220 00 Silicon ΡΝΡ TO 18 2Ν4122 Resistors are fixed com position 10 u nless otherwise indicated R404 321 0097 00 100Q 1 8 W Prec...

Page 192: ... 2 5 kΩ Var 5 R463 315 0112 00 1 1 kΩ 1 α W R464 315 0561 00 560 Ω 1 α W 5 R465 316 0270 00 27 Ω 1 α W R 466 315 0682 00 6 8 kΩ 1 α W 5 R 467 315 0301 00 300 Ω 1 α W 5 R468 315 0510 00 51 Ω 1 α W 5 R 469 315 0271 00 270 Ω 1 α W 5 R472 316 0470 00 47 Ω 1 α W R473 315 0243 00 24 kΩ 1 α W 5 R474 315 0220 00 22 Ω 1 α W 5 R476 315 0201 00 200 Ω 1 α W 5 R477 315 0392 00 3 9 kΩ 1 α W 5 R481 316 0101 00 1...

Page 193: ...2 kΩ 4 W 5 R 529 315 0331 00 330 Ω 4 W 5 R533 316 0101 00 100 Ω 4 W R534 316 0101 00 100 Ω 4 W R535 315 0123 00 12 kΩ 4 W R536 316 0101 00 100 Ω 4 W R538 321 0259 00 4 87 kΩ 8 W Prec R539 308 0307 00 5 k Ω 3 W ωω 1 R540 315 0150 00 15Q 4 W 5 R543 316 0101 00 100 Ω 4 W R 544 303 0822 00 8 2 kΩ 1 ω 5 R546 316 0101 00 100 Ω 4 W R547 315 0331 00 330 Ω 4 W 5 R 549 316 0101 00 100 Ω 4 W R561 321 0268 00...

Page 194: ...120 0460 00 Calibrator freq u ency Α4 Β SWEEP Circuit Boar d Assembly 670 0418 05 Complete Board Tolerance 20 unless otherwise ind icated Ca pacitor s Electrical Parts List 453Α R453A C629 281 0543 00 270 p F Cer 500 V 10 C633 283 0080 00 0 022 ΗιF Ce r 25 V 80 20 C636 283 0080 00 0 022 ιF Ce r 25 V 80 20 C639 283 0090 00 0 022 1 F Cer 25 V 80 20 C642 283 0080 00 0 022 ιιF Ce r 25 V 80 20 C656 283...

Page 195: ... 80 20 C796 283 0081 00 0 1 μF Cer 25 V 80 20 C797 283 0092 00 0 03 μF Cer 200 V C798 290 0135 00 15 μF Elect 20 V C799 290 0135 00 15 ΙιF Elect 20 V C804 283 0059 00 1 uF Cer 25 V 80 20 C806 283 0080 00 0 022 μF Cer 25 V 80 20 C807 283 0080 00 0 022 μF Cer 25 V 80 20 C882 281 0064 00 0 25 1 5 pF Var Tub C892 281 0064 00 0 25 1 5 pF Var Tub C898 290 0267 00 1 μF Elect 35 V C899 290 0267 00 1 μF El...

Page 196: ... 0185 00 Silicon Replaceable by I N4152 CR764A 8 152 0151 00 Silicon assembly matched pair of 1 Ν4152 CR776 152 0185 00 Silicon Replacea b le by 1N4152 CR777 152 0185 00 Silicon Replaceable by 1N4152 CR795 152 0185 00 Silicon R eplaceable by 1 Ν4152 C R796 152 0185 00 Silicon R eplaceable by 1 Ν4152 CR797 152 0185 00 Silicon Replaceable by 1 Ν4152 CR798 152 0185 00 Silicon Replaceable by 1 Ν4152 C...

Page 197: ...8 21 13692 Q772 151 0220 00 Silicon ΡΝΡ TO 18 21 14122 Ο775 151 0220 00 Silicon ΡΝΡ TO 1 8 21 14122 0779 151 0220 00 Silicon ΡΝΡ TO 8 21 14122 0785 151 0220 00 Silicon ΡΝΡ TO 18 21 14122 0790 151 0220 00 Silicon ΡΝΡ TO 18 21 14122 0797 151 0223 00 Silicon ΝΡΝ TO 18 2Ν4275 081A 151 0223 00 Silicon ΝΡΝ TO 18 2Ν4275 0824 151 0223 00 Silicon ΝΡΝ TO 1 8 21 14275 0834 151 0220 00 Silicon ΡΝΡ TO 1 8 21 1...

Page 198: ...W 5 R664 315 0621 00 620 Ω 4 W 5 R665 316 0270 00 27 Ω 4 W R666 315 0332 00 3 3 kΩ 4 W 5 R667 315 0301 00 300 Ω 4 W 5 R671 315 0510 00 51 Ω α W 5 R672 315 0271 00 270 Ω α ω 5 R674 315 0243 00 24 kΩ 4 W 5 R676 315 0270 00 27 Ω 4 W 5 R677 316 0470 00 47 Ω 4 W R686 315 0220 00 22 Ω 4 W 5 R688 315 0201 00 200 Ω 4 W 5 R689 315 0392 00 3 9 kΩ 4 W 5 R702 315 0201 00 200 Ω 4 W 5 R704 315 0821 00 820 Ω α W...

Page 199: ...316 0101 00 100 Ω 4 W R 754 304 0103 00 10 kΩ 1 ω R755 316 0221 00 220 Ω 4 W R756 315 0331 00 330 Ω 4 W 5 R757 323 0299 00 12 7 kΩ 2 W Prec 1 R758 311 0514 00 100 Ω Var R759 321 0126 00 200 Ω Β ω Prec 1 R761 316 0101 00 100 Ω 4 W R763 321 0155 00 402 Ω Β ω Prec 1 R765 301 0822 00 8 2 kΩ 2 W 5 R766 315 0122 00 1 2 kΩ 4 W 5 R767 315 0351 00 360 Ω 4 W 5 R768 315 0682 00 6 8 kΩ 4 W 5 R769 321 0245 00 ...

Page 200: ... W 5 R809 321 0231 00 2 49 kΩ ω Prec 1 R812 321 0260 00 4 99 kΩ ω Prec 1 R814 304 0103 00 10 kΩ 1 ω R821 315 0510 00 51 Ω 1 4 W 5 R822 321 0263 00 5 36 kΩ Θ ω Prec 1 R824 304 0103 00 10 kΩ 1 ω R826 321 0231 00 2 49 k Ω 1 8 ω Prec 1 R828 315 0272 00 2 7 kΩ 1 4 W 5 R 831 315 0153 00 15 kΩ 1 4 W 5 R 833 323 0305 00 14 7 kΩ ω Prec 1 R 834 322 0216 00 1 74 k Ω 1 4 W Prec 1 R835 311 0480 00 13010100 131...

Page 201: ...283 0003 00 0 01 ιF Ce r 150 V C1007 283 0080 00 0 022 ΝιF Ce r 25 V 80 20 C1015 283 0080 00 0 022 μF Cer 25 V 80 20 C1016 283 0003 00 0 01 μF Cer 150 V C1022 281 0547 00 2 7 pF Cer 500 V 10 C1023 283 0080 00 0 0221 Cer 25 V 80 20 C1026 283 0080 00 0 022 ιιF Ce r 25 V 80 20 C1029 283 0083 00 0 0047 μF Cer 500 V 5 C1034 283 0092 00 0 03 ιF Cer 200 V 80 20 C1036 281 0064 00 0 25 1 5 pF Var Tub C1037...

Page 202: ...915 316 0474 00 470 kΩ 1 4 W R916 316 0101 00 100 Ω 1 4 W R917 316 0104 00 100 kΩ 1 α W R925 301 0303 00 30 kΩ 1 2 W 5 R982 311 0465 00 13010100 Β139999 100 k Ω Var R982 311 1235 00 Β140000 100 k Ω Var R1004 316 0470 00 47 Ω 1 4 W R1006 315 0123 00 12 kΩ 1 4 W 5 R 1007 315 0123 00 12 kΩ 1 4 W 5 R 1008 321 0241 00 3 16 kΩ 1 8 W Prec 1 R 1011 301 0473 00 47 kΩ 1 2 W 5 R 1012 316 0470 00 47 Ω 1 4 W R...

Page 203: ... 283 0078 00 0 001 μF Cer 500 V C1164 290 0286 00 Β010100 8099999 50 μF Elect 25 V 75 10 C1164 290 0209 00 13100000 50 1 E lect 25 V 75 10 C1181 290 0198 00 Β010100 Β099999 17 rιF E lect 150 V 30 15 C1181 290 0226 00 13100000 20 1 LF E lect 100 V C1184 283 0079 00 0 01 μ Cer 250 V Cl185 285 0622 00 0 1 μF ΡΤΜ 100 V C1194 290 0305 00 13010100 Β099999 3 μF Elect 150 V C1194 290 0159 00 13 100000 2 μ...

Page 204: ...r R1123 323 0160 00 453 Ω τ W Pr ec 1 R 1129 308 0224 00 0 3 Ω 2 W WW R1133 316 0121 00 120 Ω 1 4 W R 1151 323 0210 00 1 5 kΩ τ W Prec 1 R1152 311 0514 00 100 Ω Va r R 1153 323 0205 00 1 33 kΩ τ W Prec 1 R 1154 323 0373 00 75 kΩ 72 W Prec 1 R 1156 301 0243 00 24 kΩ 1 2 W 5 R 1159 308 0244 00 0 3 Ω 2 W WW R1163 316 0121 00 120 Ω 1 4 W R 1164 316 0123 00 12 kΩ ι 4 W R1181 323 0308 00 15 8 kΩ τ W Pre...

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Page 206: ...fix letters are used as reference designators to id entify components or assemblies on the diagrams Α Assembly separable or repairable circuit board etc LR Inductor resistor combination AT Attenuator fixed or variable Μ Meter Β Motor Q Transistor or silicon controlled rectifier BT Battery Ρ Connector movable portion C Capacitor fixed or variable R Resistor fixed or variable CR Diode signal or rect...

Page 207: ...ge 453Α chassis ground Β ΤΙΜΕ DI V 2 ms Recommend ed ty pe Tektronix 7D13 Digital ΜυΙ Α VAR CA L as used for voltages timeter used with test oscil Α SWEEP MOD E AUTO T R IG on d iagrams loscope Β SWEEP MOD E TR IGG ER ABLE AFTER D ELAY TIME H O R IZ DIS PLAY Α M AG O FF 453Α Cond itions Α SWEEP LEN GTH FULL L ine voltage 115 volts POSITION Midrange Signal applied No signal ap plied for voltage F I...



Page 210: ... blk on wht 0 brn orn brn on wht P brn grn brn on wht I I U shield for V V blu blu on qv coax NOTE C18 CR18 R16 R21 R71 R76 R81 R91 See Figs B 2 and 8 3 for location of parts not i mounted on rear of board Fig 8 1 ΡΙΟ Al Partial Vertical Preamp ci ...

Page 211: ...location of parts not id entified here tial Vertical P reamp circuit board Υ red on wht ...

Page 212: ...100 TV 500 lis mmml Jim No ME MEN molmim ME mommoomm ONES MENEEMEMMI 200 171V 500 μ 1ω ol AC COUPLED ο mm ff III MENEM 00 i ...

Page 213: ...ΕΕ r1 ρ υ ι34 R IS G Ο ι 23 Ι 3 7 Κ Q43 6θ FEEP ΤΣ ΙΝΑι9 ι Μ L ο m α ι 39 Ι ι ιι DL 1 1 1c τ 4 s00 0 78 1 β Ι r ο β 2 Ρ 1 β S7 R24 1 1 F η 5 Γ 1 Κ 2 Ο Κ FL 1 S Θ 1 Κ 69 INPUT GOυ P L IN L β 3 Ι3 ςe34 Ι R 23 Ι 5 Κ 47 1 487 Ι G98 SE L r τ ι L τ 3 25 y λΗ λ 12 ν DtG Ι c ι 35 2 ΟΚ Q33 V O LTAG E S OW W AVEF O RMS σδtαίπσd υιdαr caιdiF __Q23 Β R34 R 3 Γε fι Ι Μ G Ι 37 β 48 C30 Ι 58 k c T ι ι Π S R V μ ...

Page 214: ...ΥΑ y2 87k It β β ι T OPEN CALIBRAT ED 5 5 ONLY WHEN R75 15 FU LLY C W F 71 4 ΙΟΚ R59 530 p 8 ι 36 5 Ι SOI L R β 3 k Ι ιοΜ 5 UN GA L 0s 5 CFO A714 F ΟΟ jί ΕF εΝ G Ε D1 ACZ RA M5 f ββ Ι ί 2 ν 5 Κ β9 Ι 14 77 494 QG3 ρ 63 ι 2 Κ ν GCo4 P r 4 001 33 Ο 12 V R43 1 4 υ R534 5 30 Ρ 55 r 94 ι 84 1 4 Κ 4 Ο 12 V C94 47 ο L94 F 14 53 0 Ο G FiAN NEL 1 ATT E N UATO R S 5 Εε PAP T5 LΙ 5Τ Ρ0 ρ 5εΜΙ G ομρμ C Τφ2 ΤΥρ...

Page 215: ...A MS 50 ρ ι Ο 453 Α 05C I L L OSCO PF τ ρ ιο τ 0 ο Ι Ο 2 Ο 10 ο ΊΟ RSF RSE C B E 56 111 κ Τ so C9 B R 9c ζ Lc9D Cgc 1 4 7 3 990 κ r S 9 0 25 1 5 P 9 ε LC9F ιο ικ Τ s οο ι 100 T o 0 c8 D 4z cac 5 6 0 25 LS R9 F 47 ι ι C13F R T S EE PA RTS LIST FO R EARL I ER VALUES AND S ERIAL NUM BER C1iA NNEL Ι V ERTICA L ΡFΖΕΑΜΡ RANG ES O F PARTS MARKED WITH BLUE OUTLI NE s ρι5 τ2 C13 1S 1 3 S 4 Ι Ι Ι R 6C C6C έ...

Page 216: ...NOTE CR118 R116 R121 8171 R176 R181 R191 mounted on rear of board See Figs 8 1 and 8 3 for location of parts m Fig 8 2 P O Al Partial Vertical Preamr ...

Page 217: ...3 for location of parts not identified here Partial Vertical Preamμ circuit board FRONT ...

Page 218: ...9 ΒΟ Κ P 123 4 Ε LΓ13 τ υΙ R Ι 33 511 75V λ 97Κ ΤΙη F R 14 ώ RI B I3 81 9 155 Ιλ V GR114 DCPL Ι Ι βί 37 Q 33 ΟΡΙ 35 17 σΚ Q 23B I2V R134 CR 13Φ ρGPl y ιηπ θ 1149 C130 I CR1 φ 7 1 5 Ο22 ς Ι 2 ν Dc PL ςβΙ 36 nCFU SS δ3 1 Κ CΙ4 θΕ Ι 3 P 0 A ι VERTICA L ΡRΕΑΜΡ BOARD G 139 sει R Γ 44Α Ι 91 L144 λ Ο3 μΗ 1 5 Κ ς 47 CI 4Α RI44E ML Ι 3 Κ τΡ 134 Ρ Ι 47 2 ε37 Κ MODE CH 2 ιτν ζηεαι G R I61 ρ ι 55 C Ι 44 β 1 0...

Page 219: ...9 259 Ι Β Ι8 _5 RS44 L ηΙ Ι Κ R ι 4 Ι fl iSK _ CΓ45 Α Ι 7 Ι1 1 χν I1V k lSe Ι 2 Κ ΖΙΒ3 R 174 1 L4k ι ΙΒΟ ι Ι lSOV Ι υ αε4 Ι Ι ΑΙ77 έ Kiel 15 οκ ιΙ 36 S υυεΑς R M1 Ι ΟGΑ1Ν Ο5 ι7s ΙΟΜ R 190 Ι ΙΟΟ sιτs Ο οΡεΝ εΑιι R ΑτΣο ONLY WHEN R 175 15 FULLY Ο W RΜ 140 R ιΤ 9 1κ νΑ R ΙΖ 175 25 ρ r r ρΙ 91 Ι 4 7 Q 94 C L Ll 12ν υ RI9S 1δh SEL ΤΙ 95 GM9 L 270 CH AN NE L 2 VERTICA L PR E AM P SI4S I NVER T Q184 ΡυιL...

Page 220: ...ιΣ 5 P I V 1 F ιf R 2f 11r R 2F 3F ξ R qF 1 R ι ι ε ι ι Ι ι ι Ι r c ιιο Ι ι Ι Ι 1 5 Ι Ι Ι ι Ο Ι Ο Ο Ο C ι C109F Z 7 Δ Ο Ο P τ ΙΟ 1η0 Ο ο L Ο α ο ο C ι l ι Ι 3 ο SEE PAR TS LIST FO R EA RL IE R VALUES AND S ERIAL NUMBER RANGES OF PAR TS MA RK ED WITH BLUE OUTL I NE τδ R113 22 C113 15 τ 5 Ο L 4 0 990 Κ Τ 3 9 ρ C S Ifο 2 Ι 5Β 1 4 7 5 5 αοο κ PrI 4 7 3 R107 F R 07 G107 E 47 2SΟΚ Ι 2 SIDS ΤΟ GAT E QS23...

Page 221: ... M grn gro on gy coax H orn on wht G brn on wht T grn on wht E yet on wht D blu on whi C red red on gy coax AC gy coax AD brn red blk on tan AE brn red bik on wht See Figs 8 1 and 8 2 for location of parts not Fig 8 3 P 0 Al Partial Vertical Preamp i ...

Page 222: ...π d 8 2 for location of parts not identified here 3 Α 1 Partial Vertical Preamp circuit board ...

Page 223: ...500 mV 5 00 μS Ι AC COUPLED 0 V MEMME EMME 200 mV 1 μS AG COUPLED Ι Ι 1 1 1 AC COUPLED ον 500 mV 500 μS r h ME 03 O D 5V 1 100 μS 71 0 ν ον ...

Page 224: ... 21S C R 12S ΤΡ 21S R121 2 Ο 20 Q215 ι κ ι κ Q225 C214 R216 C224 22 R11S7s1 3 θΚ ρ 22 θ 22 λ 37 Κ 2 37 Κ R113 R223 Iς 187 187 SR 221 649 17V 12V Dr PL DC PL C1 6 0 00 8 2 R2gl 11 V C RAIB ιΙ 226 47 Κ R 2Ι β R22 B Ι 46 ν Γ 46 C241 R244 1 2 Κ ΙΟΟ 3 9 Κ R 14S R231 V 4 Ι 5 Κ C R Ι 23 _ Q 2Z4 R 233 0 ι F Ζ ι Θ λχ R 227 DC Ι 47 12V δτι ιοτ 121 3 3 Κ ι η c Ρι Gt Ε 5 λ3 ΟΑ μΟΟΕ CHI R 260 71S R270 71S 62 θ...

Page 225: ...S K h2D fI 2 V VERTICAL Ι οιτα cεs σηυ ωανεεοΗrπs ουιαπ eα de αΙ r C HOP BLANKINL Ι 91ven σο peye α 2 e εερτ s εηιιητ ΤΟ RIO i I ί 1 UΠΕ ALT ΙΙ vODF CHOP Ι eττ nsrillnse0pe Irl7gered irσm applied dg 1 Ιητ rvπ ι ι π ι Ι ικ3 ιπυ SEE PARTS LIST FOR SEMICONDUCTOR TY PES Α VERTICAL SIGNAL ΤΟ TRIGGER SW LTcl l 523Ο8 Ο AC R291 C25 θ 1 12ο 0 1 ά 7 77 Q253 Γλ αcΡι ή Ρ 0 Α Ι VERTICAL PREA MP BOA RD R EF ERE...

Page 226: ...ΝΟΤΕ C3A t C 417 Ρ340 R347 R r α τι Γκ ιΙ D brn red blk Ε brn r ed blk C bfu on wh t on tan on wht ed on SN Β010100 Β049999 Fig 8 4Α Α 2 Vε t ίc αl Output Amplifier circuit board ...

Page 227: ... D brn re d blk Ε brn red blk C bl u on wh t on tan on wh t SN B050000 up Fig 8 4β Α 2 Vertica l Output Amplifier circ uit board ...

Page 228: ... μS _ 500 mV 500 μS No No 0 0 on w No mm 07 i 1 ν_ 5αο μI H EUT ο c i F Fm 50 mV 500 μS 1 τ n ιι mmm 1 α τ 500 λ 5 lo v 50α μS ι L _ 1 Ον D ν AC COUPLED lo v 500 AS lo v 500 μ5 _ ι ι ι ι _ Ι Ι 0 μ ι 1 0 ν I q E177 7 5 ν ...

Page 229: ...12 8 Θ 19_44r L31 Ι ο ι 5 LLΗ R313 86 6 313 6 8 BEAM FINDER Pressed Α2 VE RTICA L OU TPU T BOA RD R314 ΙΟΟ ρ 3 Ι9 Vc ι 1 Αι ΕS ιιι ε ανε ιυινιιrιι ύοπτ y fυcn οπ Ραgε 8 2 pt ατ fουοω C306 Ο22 ι 2ν R324 750 R330 39 R325 Ε y R32ι τ5Α 9 Ι e ε R 322 41 2 C326 ΙΟ Μ334 75 Ο Ι Ι 6 Β R3θ3 ΙΟΟ R331 649 R331 5 9 3 3 Κ 12ν 0322 ο22 5 Γ 4 C33δ f B Ι3 C327 _ς R 328 S00 DΑΜΡΙΝG C328 Ι Θ 13 G ια f 3 η 9 S 330 RE...


Page 231: ...See Figs ITC 80 and 8 14 for location for parts not identified here Fig 8 5 P 0A3 Partial A Sweep circuit board ...

Page 232: ...8 6 8 7 and 8 14 for location for parts not identified here ig 8 5 Ρ Ο Α3 Partial Α Sweep circuit board DE shield for D F DF gy coax DA shield for DB D Β blu blu on gy coax DC gy coax DD shield for DC ...

Page 233: ...ι 50 mV 500 μ5 1 V 504 μS η ι 500 mV 56011S ι ι OV IO V Ι 10 0 mV 544 AS ι 4 V 500 mV 500 μ5 ...

Page 234: ...2 Κ _ J402 NO RM C H I O R Χ ions given on page 8 2 VOLTAGES and WAVEF O RM obtained un der con dh RΣ F Ε R έΝ C έ D ιΑG RΑΝι 5 I Ι CHANNEL INPUT AMPLIFIER S VERTICAL 5W ιΤ C Ηιμ C θ Α τ R GG EQ GENER ATO R ι 0 Β T R 144 ER G ΕΝΣ R ΑΤΟ R SEE PAR TS LIST FO R SEMICONDUCTOR TYPES 453 Α 05C 1 LL OSCO PF UIJRk4 ISO V C405 R 406 022 Τ 2 26 Κ C F2 408 R4p bL 9 1 4 F i04 0404 R 40A _ ρ 72 ΙΟΟ R403 DE R40...

Page 235: ...R4a t 6 2Υ S 3 8421 10 Κ C421 0 1 12 V Ρ 41 100 C41 o 022 ΙΙ ι 1 Q413 4 7 C417 1 QA17 022 Τ Ζ 470 ι2ν R427 9 Ι r D ή 93_ςι Α ρ TR IGG ER SIG N A L TO 1 1 Q42S 9 S R424 5 L C424 ρ2ο Τ ο22 ΜΛ 93 J L OG R4i29 DD 9 Ι SOU RC E SW ITC H 5430 2 T R IG4 ER SI4 N A L 70 SOURCE SWITCH 5610 LJIJ 1270 TRIGG ER PREAMP ...

Page 236: ...SN 6010105B039999 CA vio grn blk on wht CB brn red blk on wht CC brn red bil 5N B040000 up A W Fig 8 6 P 0 A3 Partial A Sweep circuit board ...

Page 237: ...q B040000 up partial A Sweep circuit board CC brn red blk on tan TD Val on wht See Figs V 83 and 8 14 for location of parts not identified here IRONT ...

Page 238: ...500mV τ500μS ίΟ 2 ν η 540 μS ον 200 mV 500μS 5 Ό 4 mV 504μS ον ον ι ιΙ 1 λ Ιo No ONE m ON 500mV 500 μ5 Ον ον ...

Page 239: ... 4fo6 5α3ο Ι ι ι ι ι ι Ι ι Ι ι ι Ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι Ι ι ι ι ι _ _ Ι ι CR455 CR 4to Ι Ι ι Ι ι ι ι 2 ϊ Ι Ι Ι Ι Ι Ι ι 0 Ι Ι Ι ι ι 12ν 5 Ι Ι Ι ι Ι Ι ι _ Ι TW15T ED PAI R δ 4 G432 Ι_ Ι Ι Ι ι ι ι i Ι ι Ι Ι 2ν y G443 ι ι ι Ι C440 t Ι 022 Ι Ι C4δς ι Ι1 ΙΝΤ ι Ι οί ι AC ι 3 LF REJ 1 ι NF ι ωεJ ι Ο C F Ζ 4λΚ RΙΜ 0 Ιόο 4 Ι R 4 M 9 Q443 Ρ Ο Α Α SWEEP B OA RD RE FE P Ελ1C Ε DIAGRA M S Α 7 R SCa4G R 5 455 Ι 7 TRI...

Page 240: ...2 7Ρ4 5 5 w ΙΖ495 ΙΚ cc CH 2ί C45 4 ω492 ΙΟΟ 1 Ι 2Κ C4 5l ηL G4 αώ 1 022 r Ο 22 η 7 Ι 7 77 J 777 ΤΡ475 Q484 Ι β481 ιοο c Fτ 45 Γο C ετ 4 ω L4G9 ςt4G9 εακα 3 0 α υ ι 4 ι α Q473 cR484 R459 β 472 L 4841 5 Φ 47 Ι 1 15Κ υΓ t ν 1 R5 5 C τ455 CR4ω 5 12V R4s3 ΙΘΚ ι 2ν ιz ν 11V P 452 Q454 Q46 4 Ι R465 R 469 τα 4r4 Ι τΚ R4G1 ί7 έ 27 Ι 5Κ C D R451 4 R 466 3 4 Κ o7 3 ρ z i 4 59 Τ 5 ο4 δ κ τ ι ενε ιτ ν υ R4β ο...

Page 241: ...n bl k on wht Ι Ν gy on wht Ι Μ οrη οrπ on gy coax L shield for Μ Κ brn grn brn on wht See Figs 8 5 8 6 and 8 14 for location of parts not identified here Ε wht wht on gy coax F shield for E G shield for Η Η red red on gy coax grn grn on gy coax J shield for 1 Η Η58 i585 R582 75 U 594 C z 98 Ν L n V ά ο ι35 λ Fig 8 7 Ρ Ο Α3 Partial Α Sweep circuit boarc ...

Page 242: ...eld for Η Η red red on gν coax η grη on gy coax or Τ 1 Ρ Ο Α3 Partial Α Swee p circuit board ε wht ωη t on gy coax Α shield for Β Β yel yel on gy coax ε C shield for D D red red on gy coax SN Β010100 Β039999 SN 13040000 υρ ...

Page 243: ...ο Γ 57S AC CO UPLE D ον ον ον _ _ζ 2 5 V _ 5 V 5 m5 2 _ V Ί ί α Ι H 2 0 ν 5 Μ Ι _ r_ 0 V Ι ο 1 01 ι 5 m 500 mV 5 mS τ λ 1 0V ...

Page 244: ...ΙΟΚ ς ι ι1 ρΡΣΝ ΟΝ L Υ ι _5B6 575 1 FULL ι ______ λ WRεΝ RS55 Ι VR559 Ι Ο22 2ν 15 FULL Y CGW κσσσ Ν Β Λι Ι 75ν y CR 50 5O1 TPSOS SELL PARTS LIST FOR SEWCONOUCTOR TYP ES SEE PARTS L IST FOR E ARLI ER ΥΑLU Ε5 AND SERIAL NUMB ER R ANGES OF PARTS MARKED W ITH BLUE OUTLINE R503 VOLTAG ES απdWAVΕF ORMS οhιαίπ d under epηdi ti 9ίυm on pap 82 REFEREN θ E bIAGRAMS 12V RSO2 R574 100 5 74 Κ 2ΟΟ 1ZV R562 76 Β...

Page 245: ... Ι ι ι CS46 ΒΑ CS45 r 1 S Ι ι ΟΟΙ χυιν αsss ιν Ccw C RΒ55 Ρ j D CSb9 ΙΟ Τ Ο 3 R669 ΙΟΟχ 0 R514 1 2 y ι 0 R511 Ι ς 1 75ν R514 Ι 1 Κ Q514 R SI3 R 512 3 Ο1 47 3 Ο22 R758 SW EEP 91 ART Ρ Α 4 ΟCR517 R757 R754 75V 12V 8 SW EEP BOA RD τzν ΤΡ5Ι4 r Ια ι cs ze ιοΟ Τ 1Sr F Π Ι 5 ΟCΡδ47 4Ι 7 C R S33 ΤΓ Ι 3 Κ vcoasιs RS M 7 S Κ C R546 C R S4 Β C547 ΙΟΟ Rb 32 1CS34 L 22 Ο ο 22 c5 ϋ ΑΒ RS38 C 536 4 Β7 Κ s οπ Α S...

Page 246: ... CD vio on ι CC gΥ on wht CB grn on wht CA blk on wht F ig β 8 Ρ Ο Α4 Parti 1 Β Sweep circ uit board See F igs 8 9 and 8 10 for location of parts not identified h ere ...

Page 247: ... CD via on wht CC gy on wht CB grn on wht CA blk on wht 0 for location of parts not identified here 44 Partial Β Swee p circ u it board ςΕ blk orn on wht CF yel on wht CG blk grn on wht ...

Page 248: ...500 mm 5500 μS ε ι ρ V w J EZ 10 V ο ο 260 mV 5 ms 50 mV 5ρ0 μ5 ρ ν ρ 75 V 7 1 L j ρν ...

Page 249: ...2 λΚ 1 Μ ΙΟΟ ετ 1 ε QG43 T WI ST Ep L I λJ E 7 β4GGE P 5 Ι g Νλι ΡχοΜ R1106 L ΙΝΕ WA μ EF OR MS GL02 z2 m θ εχτ TRIG 3ωαΙ R ωΟι OR Χ 1 ο ΕΧΤ INPUT Ιο ο αχτ ΙΟ 453 Α o5cιLLOSCOPE ο ο to 0 VO LTAGES an d WAV EF O RMS ο bιαΙπ ed d e candi τίππτ g Ινοπ Oil page 8 2 e pt as follow H O RIZ DISPLAY 13 DE LAY ED SWEEP ΗΟΗΙΖ DISPLAY Κ Υ Β 7 χ 1GGC R G 270 C Fte Ι ϊ q F C ώ 36 ο Ρ 0 Α4 ι 027 j Β SW EE P B O...

Page 250: ...R l σ55 CβΓε65 ι ι7 νΙ 3ΑΚς ιι S ξ R b s3 βω53 νρ 654 3v n f Ι λΚ V Β ΤΑ GGE R LEVEL G E NTCR I N G 7 Β Β R 663 Q654 4664 ι ιω Τα 6 6 4 _ 27 O S6 LR ο 53 ο 2 τΙ Η R665 27 Gb G664 0 22 R 6m 4 b20 C12β35 R b 39 ξ Ι GRb 51 m ο Ι R ΕF Ε R ΕΝιΕ D Α4iζΑΜS η S6 ι 2 ν R 68 σ 42 7 ΤΡ Ι GG Εξ PP ΕΑΜΡ It E5 SWEEP GRNrp AToR Ι3 ΗΟ ΖΙΖΟΝΤΑΙ ΑΜΡ L Ι F ΙΕΙΧ 14 HORIZONTAL D Ι 5ΡιΑΥ 5ωΙΤGΗ 1 ΡΟωΕς2 15UPP LY ξ MST ...

Page 251: ...io on wht CUM 107i TΡ714 wmu τ R718 _ W5 R717 1 R74 0744 I I A C W6 R751 R7413 0 brn red blic on wht I AN brn red blk on tan AM vio grn bik on wht AL blu grn blk on wht ΑΚ blu blu on gy coax AG gy coaW AX shield for AK Wires connected through hole in board See Figs 8 8 and 8 10 for location of parts not ide Fig 8 9 P 0 A4 Partial B Sweep circuit b ...

Page 252: ...8 9 ΡΙΟ Α4 Partial Β Sweep circ uit board BE brn on wht BD shield for BC BC yel yel on gy coax ι AE red on wht BF sh ield for BG BG ΟΥη ΟΥΠ on gy coax AF sh ield for ΑG ΑΗ shield for All Al red red on gy coax AY grn gr η an gy coax AT sh ield for AY ΒΑ οrπ on wh t BB blk yet on wh t ΒΗ yel γel on gy coax ΒΙ sh ield for ΒΝ ...

Page 253: ...αν ου σ Νι 50 mV 5 ς 50 ν 5 ς ι ον ον σν ...

Page 254: ...TRIGGER GENER ATok At Β TIMING SWITCH Id H Q R IZON7AL AMPLIFIER νHOR 6ZONTAL DISPLAY 5ωιΤGΗ it ΑΧΙ 5 AMPLIFIER 12V TT C796 2 i l R777 ζΑ7ΘΓ η ί R 796 Ι Ο Ι Ι 3 κ 3k2 49 Κ Ι 2ν ι 10 gE ν SR776 Α8 12V 2F Ι ί7θΟ 47 Α Α ΙΝΓΕΝ DU R LN6 Β 12V Β 9E LAYLO SWEE P MIXED χ Υ R779 R790 7Ι 5 140 Rl θ2 47 θ5 12 V IzV 715 47 Ιια r 3 4 Ιί Ιίω ΤΡι GG E RA B LE μΤΕ R DELAY 7ΙΜΕ ι θ STARTS AFTER 1 Ι DELAY TIIAE R76...

Page 255: ...4Α R Τ TO Σ 5 ii cv ιΑτκ Ι Ι 2ν Ι1 β RT53 ςg ι Ar Ιοσ Q7S4 Ο Ι Β t ι GRε AS ωΕΕΡ FβΟΜ Q531 12ν 4 R Ι 4F Ι _ __1__________ _ __ _r τΡ 7οα _ CR749 Ι2ν λ Ο 47 ο Τ 39Ο GR7SS εβ 7sbρ ύν G704 Ον β7Ο2 15 Q704 επταΙ γ 1Q ε τρ 7Οs ZOO ε z α Rσό 743 α az o r 00 Α7ιs Ατ4s c7os ατοs bz ι2κ R756 33Ο Γ ι Ι τ5ν Ρ754 ΙΟΚ 4CR754 VCR7S3 G756 Ιοσ ΙΤ V R744 ΙρΟ Q753 λ Α 5 Ο Οσ C744 Ο2Ζ CR7S2σ Ι 2 Τ V 7ι 5 1 R749 ξ SK...

Page 256: ...2 Ι Ι ς Ι Ο Ι Ι f Ι Ι Ι Ι Ι 1 Ι Ι Ι Ι Ο Ι CS50C Ι CS30C Ι Ι 390 ς ΟΟ 1 Ι Ι ΛΟϋΝΤΕ D 01J REAR O F Ρ 30Υ SW I rc H Ι5 AS SHOWN OWI Y IN CA LI Β P Α ED FULL CW OLDOF F CAPS L ΤΙλΑ ΝG CΑΡ3 ι ΤΙΜΙΝG RE515TORS Ι DRΖΟλΙΤΑL AMPLIFIER Ι 5 ΕΕ GEME Α OR Α OR b ι 252θ Uλ1CAL ΙΟΜ 4553oω ΙΟ Ο Ι I S530Y 574Ογ λ Ι SO ς Ι Ι Ι Ο Ι Ι Ι Ι Ι Ι ι Ι l zo Ι ι 1 ι Ο Ο Ι Ι Ι Ι Ι Ι Ι Ι ςρ Ι ε ι ε Ι Ι CS30 B Ι 8α ς δ Ι Ο ι ι...

Page 257: ... ΑΜΡLιFΙ F12 ι R74ρυ β74οΗ k7404 R 74oF Ι C740 F 3 574 7 W ΙΙ S Μ ΙΟΜ Ι Ί Ιμ F Ί Ι Ι Ι Ι C740 H R740K νν ννν f νν r νν Ι Ι ι 0Ο Τ Ι Ι 43 Ι _ 7 Μ Ι Ι R740 L 7Ι5Κ Ο Ι Ι Ο Ι ι ι Ι _ L Ι Ι 1174114 R7 1 11 Ti MMG RESISTORS ΤΟ GA7E g743g743 TNRU R743 Ι Ι ol r o 7ιsΚ ι ι 9 Ι Ι ι P740 μ Ι Ι Ι C740Ε Ι 7Ι5Κ Ι Ι Ο Ι Ι Ι ι ι Ι Υ Ι Ι Ι Ι Ι ΙΙ 1 Ι Ι έ Ι Ι Ι Ι C7400 Ι Ι Ι ΟΙ Ι Ι ι Ι Ι ι ι Ι Ι Ιι Ι ι Ι Ι Ι Ι Ι Ι ...

Page 258: ...bIk blu on wht F collector of Q894 I E collector of Q894 D emitter of 0894 C emitter of Q834 B base of Q884 A collector of Q884 TRVAN Wires connected through hole in board See Figs 8 8 and 8 9 for location of parts not identified het Fig 8 10 P O A4 Partial 8 Sweep circuit board ...

Page 259: ...r ιη wht rn on wht id 8 9 for location of parts not id entified here Ρ Ο Α4 Partial Β Sweep circuit board 1FRONT ...

Page 260: ...v ν v ν ov 51 0 ν s Ts r i1 t H q or 1 1 o ν 0 ν L o ν o ν tll ...

Page 261: ...οδmίπαd υπd caodi fiom gιναπ an pap λ ααεαρτ α εσΙΙ MAG Χ1α BEAM FI NOEN Ρ Ο 74 9 51 ω RBBb F 2846 MA Ι 62 Κ 137 G R I RΒ55 μqG ζ V 2οΚ crτα5ι GΑ Ν i ΙΖθ4β ΙΟΟ RB S4 ΙΟΚ R856 ΙΟΚ Ι Ι Ι 1οβοΒ Ι 1μί έ 2 7 Κ P 824 Ι Ι 77 Ιοκ 4 I V ΙΓ ι 1τθ4 Ι Ι ι Γη 1C Ιν 7SV C F L 87 0 V Ι Ι Ι Ι Ι Ι Ι 1 Ι ο 4ο Ι Ι ο J ο ι ι Ι ι Ι ι to 4 R Ι F P ρ 1 R δ8 ΟΙΑ 2R Ζ R0θθ 49 Ί __1 _ I __ HO Riτ D Σ5ΡLΑΥ _ ____ J L__ _ Ν ...


Page 263: ... ITCH ΓΓ χχ Ι 3 H O R IZONTA L AMP LI F I ER 7 Ζ AXIS AMPLI F IER 4 ς3Α OSCI LLOSCOPE ι SWEEP Β SW EEP ΕΧΤ H O RIZ FRO M F RO M START TO FR OM F R O M N ORM GAIN MAG GAI N FROM Β SWEEP R748 R 14S R83S RB S R7515 MODE 56SS Ι IR Ι3 Ιθ Ιι ΙΙ ΤΟ BASF Q54 4 54 ι Ι Ι 0 0 On Jl Jl m λ Fka ο 1 ι 2 V Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο ι ι qΒσ Ι tcI_ dFF ιΘοΕl Α SWEEP Ι F RCM Ι Q531 5 ΟΙΒ Τα 7 Ο 12 ν Τα ι 2 Cfu s v ί ΒΑ5Ε BAS...

Page 264: ...ΙΙ Ι ι ι ι fi ιι ιι ι s Ι Ι ι 0 0 0 ο Ι Ι I Ι Ι Α UN ΒLAN KI NG GAT E F ROM R bl 9 TO Β SWEEP MODE S δθδ ιο Ι Το R64 1 Ο LIR R I008 ILK Ο ο Α ΙΝΤΕΝ DU RIMG Β υμΒ L ΑΝΚΙΝG ΡR ΟΜ R7ΙΒ ο ο Ο Β UNBLANVING GATE FROM R717 0 I 3R Ι 1 1 Ι Ι L 0 ο MIXED υωΒL ΑΝΚΙΝC GATE FR OM LR146 ΙΙ UN ΒL A NK I NG GAT E TO EMITT ER Q ιο iα τει R υ R ια 1 4 Ι Ι 5 ...

Page 265: ...rη αη gγ Ίαααχ G shield fac Ν Η red red αη gγ cααχ 1 shield far J J gr η gcη αη gγ d caax Μ vio grη blk αη ωhτ See F ig λ 2 for ίαεαtϊαη of ραcτs ηαf identified here Fίg 1 λ ΡΙ Α5 Ραrtiai Ζ Αχί είrευάτ board ιϊ ...


Page 267: ... L ρ IS PL AV SW ITC H ι b CRT CI R C U L7 6 D F2100 q S ο sι 47 453Α OSCILLOSCOPE 12 V SE E PA R TS L ι ST FO R SEMICONDUCTOR TYPES 91007 Ι 2 Κ C1016 ΟΙ RIOO6 Ι 2 Κ R 1006 3 ι b 1c C1007 Ο 22 7F 14 4 Τ 015 022 P 0 A5 iz Αχε S ΒΟΑΡ D 7s ν Γαιοα 3 i 2 Ζο ΐ 12 V tl SD V R 4770 C1023 V Γ11 R Ε C1022 RIOS6 2 7 20K r 1F Ql014 P ΙΟΙ 3 3 1E Κ R101 ΙΟΟ Rιο 2 Ι 39 ΓεΓ 026 4Τ i21036 ιαν 3 Ο ΙΚ Ι F V C R IOI...

Page 268: ...25 750 G107 7 2 7 C 1036 Ι Τ C 3 1 0 26 1 9 P 1042 11 18 Κ 1 D Ον U Ν P ΕΓ 2 R 1034 24 Κ 19 S Q1034 01034 Ο 3 ι Sον υΝ εα ΡςΟ4 Ι ιοα R1044 ΙΟΟ OR IO44 V 9ύ 8 ι5ΟV UNR ΕG R104 3 3 32Κ C1044 V 4 043 Ο 3 t ι 5ν ι5 ν 4 ς l1 Ο43 h ιr _π 1 11 ρ 41 1026 C1048 RΙ Oar ζ 022 Ο22 4Τ 1048 VOO 93 1 12 ν R1046 68 G ιΟ43 03 UN BL ANICI NG Q ΑΤΕ ι Το 944 Ο g 7 ι6 R1047 6 Κ 7 ΡΙΟ 47 ...

Page 269: ... D Τε ΐ L vio on wht Ν blk shielded Ο shield for Ν and Ρ Ζ Ο α See Fig 8 11 for location of parts not identified here Fig 8 12 Ρ Ο Α5 Partial Σ Axis circuit board Ρ red shielded ...

Page 270: ...OP E 29 30 R E F EREN CE DIAGRAMS SE E PARTS LIST FOR SEMICONDUCTOR 7YPE5 Τ 93Ο r Ο ΙΟ 8951 Ι 2 Ι2 CRT 7 1λΕΑΤΕ R VOLTAGE C951 Ο15 _ 9 η ο CR952 GR940 OGRgS3 G9SS 500 R942 40K RS40 2Μ C kT GRID BIAS VR9 σ3 1 _ ον β944 10M Ρ945 lam ρ946 C940 1ΟΜ Τ Ο Ι 5 IFZ947 ΙΟΜ 11 R961 R962 5 Fr o ΟΟ Ι R9Sfb ΙΟΚ R963 2 ΙΛ R9ra5 Ο VERTICAL OUTPU Τ AMPLIFIER α 3 Μ HORIZONTAL AMPLIFIER Ι 5 Σ AXIS AM PLIFIER 8966 9b...

Page 271: ... r 9r 1 Soo R9r 4 3 Ivl 19 t SHIELD T P9 71 3 3 K DG97 J HOPIZONTAL DEFLECTIM4 PLATF S UWaLANKING CATE FROM iM al HELIX V979 2 AXIS FtCARE IZV IL989 Rl a9 C972 Y 01 Y AXIS AUGN FZ96ro VE IZTIC A L DEFLE CTION PLATE 5 J OK c9as R 3G9 R967 r R1975 C9 711 PZ 7j or 0 17 47 L950 WE TER VOL7AGE FiZOM T9BO P 40955row 4 1 zv TRACE RCTATIONJ R960 SK 12V CRT CIRCUIT P O AS cl 79 100 F R 0 m Z AX 1 I NPLI p ...

Page 272: ... U bl k red on wht Τ bl k 9Υ on wht Β whi Ι Ι R bik νίο Q brn grn brn on wht on wht C brn red blk on wht F ig 8 13 Α6 Low Voltage Regulator circuit board E wht shielded F shield for D Ε Η ...

Page 273: ... 9 τ εαιιάα 171 2 Qf197 Ιρρ 7s e vRIι gS ςΙγ βΙι 93 ι2ο GR I198 R CtIBS t7SV RIIθS Ο Ι 75 6 Α ΙΟΚ L 7 RI194 r οFFf CΙΙί Ι S FS P 1 0 Ι18 Ι 194 Ι S θΚ R TS V R11 Β4 Β as χ μ τs Κ ι α3 Fι c1 ια 4 4 ι οΙ i F R15 ΒΖ R11B2 ρΙ 189 ο ε ρ Ζ ο ρ 1184 7S VOLTS R SIH3 2 Κ Γ 7 3 ί ς 21 ΙΒΒ Τ 4 Τ 7SV ΙΖΥ RI ISb ι εΙις 6 ί 63 I 24 Κ ΟΟΙ R1167 Μ 7 SP Q6 RIIb3 Ι 2Ο Ρ Ι 7 CR lb4 Ι 2 Ι C S VOL75 Ι R64 11 Ο 2 K τ SV...

Page 274: ...5V i75V ο797 Ι ι 9 α ι 2V cβ9φ ι2ν α4 Ι2 ν Ι2 ν I i 1 91 cT90 ι s1 Ρ ΙΒΟV R sον υr R c cυrvπεω 75V Μ 75V τsV 1 s ι2V 2V 12 W F 12ν 12V i η2 ν 12V W 4 R 12V ι2V vεR71GAL dJΤΡυ7 AM PLIFIER Ζ AXIS AMPLIFIERς S J Ι HV 0 ΕGV ιΑτσ ιSον υΝRεG τα υινcηι Νεουs ι 2ν rμc Ι L699 12V Gb99 ΙμΕ X Ι ΗΟ RιΟΝΤΑι ΑΜΡιιF ΙρΡ V Ι θ ΤRι 6νε R GEHεR oR Α2 VF tΤ1ςΑ L οVΤΡυΤ ΒΟΑhυ POWER SUPPL Y οι sτ R ι Bυτιο N ...

Page 275: ... BB shield for BA BA gy coax See Figs 8 5 8 6 and β 7 for location of parts not identified here Fig 8 14 Ρ Ο Α3 Partial Α Sweep board ...

Page 276: ...8 5 8 6 and 8 7 for location of parts not identified here Fig 8 14 ΡΙΟ Α3 P artial Α Sweep board FRONT ...

Page 277: ...E KM pm I v mom mom ME m mm mo M i m r MEMO IS u Ι ι 1 i 0 ν 0 ν r Ι Γ ι 2 V 500 μ5 500 mV 500 μ5 A L PH O V ...

Page 278: ... LI BRATOR FRέQUENCY Τι 25S R1255 L C12Ss 4 7Κ τ Ο 1 ιι R i254 470 Ρ 0 Α 3 Α SWEEP BOARD VOLTAGES and WAVEFORMS obtained under εαπdί tτοπs given on p age Θ 2 12ν R1266 6 8Κ Q1264 2 2Κ rn 12V C 1251 1 αF R 12S1 Ι2 C 1266 Ο5 R 1266 470 ...

Page 279: ...τιτsι 12 51 ΙC ι26 0 Ο5 G 4T 3 R1274 Ψ 2_ι 9ιΚ 3 ΙΙ b 1 12 01 Q1274 1 1 tb 0 ES EQXVA SEE PAR TS LI ST FOR SE LΛ ICO W DUCTOR ΤΥΡΕ5 Digitally signed by http www aa4df com ...

Page 280: ...be purchased separately unless otherwise specified PARTS ORDERI NG I NFORMATION Replacement parts are available from or through your local Tektron ix Inc Field Office or representative Changes to Tektronix instruments are sometimes made to accommodate im proved com ponents as they become available and to give you the benefit of the latest circuit im provements developed in our engineering departme...

Page 281: ...2 Attenuator H igh Voltage 9 9 thru 9 13 Fig u re 3 C h assis 9 14 thru 9 21 Figure 4 453Α Frame Cabi n et 9 22 thru 9 24 Figure 5 R453A Ca binet 9 25 t h ru 9 26 Figure 6 Stan dard Accessories Parts list combined with illustration Figure 7 453Α Repac kagi n g Parts list combin ed with illustration Figure 8 R453A Repac kaging Parts list combined with illustration ...

Page 282: ...0 2 SOCKET graticlue lamp mounting hardware for each not included ω socket 9 210 0586 00 1 NUT keps 4 40x0 25 inch 10 1 COIL mounting hardware not included ω coil 11 213 0149 00 3 SCREW thread forming 6 32x0 312 inch ΡΗΒ 12 210 0863 00 1 WASHER D shape 0 191 1D χ 0 515 inch 13 343 0042 00 1 CLAMP cable plastic 0 312 inch half 14 343 0123 01 2 CLAMP CRT retainer mounting ha rdwa re not included ω c...

Page 283: ... WIRE CRT lead each wire includes 131 0049 00 1 CONNECTOR terminal 33 179 1001 00 1 WIRI NG HARNESS g raticlue light 34 179 0997 02 1 WIRI N G HARNESS anode wi ring harness i ncl udes 35 131 0371 00 9 CONNECTOR terminal 131 0406 00 1 CONNECTOR anode connector includes 36 131 0206 00 1 CONNECTO R anode clip 37 200 0544 00 1 COVER anode connecto r 38 366 0494 00 1 KNOB charcoal INTENSITY knob i nclu...

Page 284: ...6 1057 00 1 KNOB gray MAG knob includes 213 0153 00 1 SETSCREW 5 40x0 125 inch 51 366 1163 00 1 KNOB charcoal MOD E knob includes 213 0153 00 2 S ETSCREW 5 40x0 125 inch 52 366 1163 00 1 KNOB cha rcoal HORIZ DISPLAY k nob includ es 213 0153 00 2 SETSCREW 5 40x0 125 inch 53 366 1039 00 1 KNOB charcoal Α SWEEP LENGTH knob includes 213 0153 00 1 SETSCREW 5 40x0 125 inc h 54 366 1039 00 1 KNOB c harco...

Page 285: ...1 358 0378 00 2 BUSHING plastic 72 1 RESISTOR variable ω hardware mounting hardware not included ω resistor 73 331 0139 00 1 DIAL DELAY TIME MULTIPLIER dial includes 213 0048 00 1 SETSCREW 4 40x0 125 inch HSS 74 260 0717 00 1 SWITCH pushbutton RESET mounting harware not included ω switch 75 210 0590 00 1 NUT hex 0 375 32x0 438 inch 76 210 0978 00 1 WASHER flat 0 375 1D χ 0 50 inch OD 77 210 0012 0...

Page 286: ...375 1D χ 0 50 inch OD 97 210 0012 00 1 WASHER lock internal 0 375 1D χ 0 50 inch OD 98 333 1361 00 1 PANEL front 99 386 1779 02 1 SUBPANEL front 129 0103 00 1 BI N DING POST ASSEMBLY binding post assembly includ es 100 200 0103 00 1 CA P binding post 101 129 0077 00 1 POST binding mounting hardwa re not included ω binding post assembly 102 210 0455 00 1 NUT hex 0 25 28x0 375 inch 103 210 0223 00 1...

Page 287: ...G ERING mounting hardware not included ω switch 220 0413 00 2 NUT hex 4 40 χ 0 188 χ 0 562 inch long 262 0723 00 1 SWITCH wired COUPLI NG SOURCE Β T RIGGERING switch includes 119 260 0700 00 1 SWITCH lever COUPLING 120 260 0698 01 1 SWITCH lever SOURCE 121 131 0371 00 2 CONNECTOR terminal mounti ng ha rdware not included ω switch 220 0413 00 4 NUT switch 4 40 χ 0 188 χ 0 562 inch long 262 0723 00 ...

Page 288: ...unting hardware not included ω bracket 145 210 0449 00 2 NUT hex 5 40x0 25 inch 146 210 0202 00 1 LUG solder S E 6 147 210 0006 00 1 WASHER lock inte rnal 0 146 1D χ 0 283 inch OD mou nting hardware not included ω switch 148 210 0579 00 1 NUT hex 0 625 24x0 75 i nch 149 210 0049 00 1 WASHER lock internal 0 625 inch ID 211 0507 00 2 SCREW 6 32x0 312 inch PHS not shown 150 214 0335 00 151 210 0593 0...

Page 289: ...8 inch 166 131 0274 00 3 CONNECTOR coaxial BNC ω hardware 167 343 0005 00 1 CLAMP cable plastic 0 438 inch mounting hardware not included ω clamp 168 210 0457 00 1 NUT hex 6 32x0 312 inch 169 210 0863 00 1 WASHER D shape 0 191 1D χ 0 515 inch 170 211 0598 00 1 SCREW captive 6 32x0 375 inch Fil Η5 mounting hardwa re not included ω screw 171 354 0163 00 1 R I NG retaining 172 210 0869 00 1 WASHER pl...

Page 290: ...25 23 27 ί 726i ι 1 Γ _ 32 Efi χΤ 179 ίι 1 ι Ι δ Ί ίυ ί Ί ν l Γ Ι2 181 8Ι CS t CJ ί rΟσ 39 115 Ιϊ 1 Γη ι τ f ς e α ατ s η T yJ J 40 OM 85 I q6 16 71 1ί ο ιss ν C lD9 _ 75 Θ η ι r ι _ y ι5ο ι ...

Page 291: ...3ϊ 453Α R 453A OSCI LLOSCOPE ...

Page 292: ...453AIR453A OSCILLOSCOPE ...

Page 293: ...N ...

Page 294: ... for each not included ω connector 358 0241 00 1 BUSHING plastic 9 210 0579 00 8 PIN test point 10 131 0235 00 2 CONNECTO R terminal mounting hardware for each not included ω connector 358 0135 00 1 BUSHING plastic 11 136 0235 01 2 SOCKET transisto r 6 pin plastic 12 136 0235 00 2 SOCKET transisto r 6 pin 13 136 0183 00 2 SOCKET transisto r 3 pin 14 136 0220 00 14 SOCKET tra nsistor 3 pin sq uare ...

Page 295: ...nch 40 210 0046 00 2 WASHER lock internal 0 25 1D χ 0 40 inch OD 41 210 0223 00 1 LUG solder 0 25 1D χ 0 438 i nch OD SE 42 1 RESISTOR variable mounting hardware not included ω resistor 43 210 0583 00 1 NUT hex 0 25 32x0 312 inch 44 210 0223 00 1 LUG solde r 0 25 1D χ 0 438 inch OD SE 45 386 1284 00 1 PLATE mounti ng plastic mo unting hardwa re not included ω plate 210 0405 00 2 NUT hex 2 56x0 188...

Page 296: ...iable mounting hardware for each not included ω resistor 66 210 0583 00 1 NUT hex 0 25 32x0 312 inch 67 386 1868 00 1 PLATE attenuator mounti ng hardwa re not included ω plate 68 210 0590 00 2 NUT hex 0 375 32x0 438 inch 69 210 0012 00 2 WASHER lock internal 0 375 1D χ 0 50 inch OD 70 384 0679 00 2 SHAFT extension 71 376 0050 00 2 COUPL I NG ASSEMBLY each cou pling assembly includes 354 0251 00 2 ...

Page 297: ...3 00 1 NUT hex 0 25 32x0 312 inch 87 210 0046 00 1 WASHER lock internal 0 25 1D χ 0 40 inch OD 88 1 CAPACITO R mounting hardware not included ω capacitor 89 211 0503 00 2 SC REW 6 32x0 188 inch PHS 90 210 0203 00 1 LUG solder SE 6 long 91 210 0202 00 1 LUG solder SE 6 92 441 0693 00 1 CHASSIS high voltage plastic chassis includes 93 124 0163 00 6 TERMI NAL STRIP ceramic 0 438 inch h ω 2 notches 94...

Page 298: ...NESS high voltage 2 103 380 0108 00 1 HOUSING high voltage plastic mounting hardware not included ω high voltage assembly 211 0507 00 3 SCREW 6 32x0 312 inch PHS 104 166 0368 00 1 SLEEVE anode 105 381 0243 00 1 BAR heat sink 106 136 0227 01 1 WIRING HARNESS CRT socket wiring harness includes 107 136 0202 01 1 SOCKET CRT ω contacts 108 200 0616 00 1 COVER CRT socket Mechanical Parts List 453Α R453A...

Page 299: ... 0506 00 49 PIN connector 17 214 0579 00 6 PIN test point 18 214 0565 00 1 FASTENER pin press 19 210 1014 00 1 WASHER plastic 0 094 1D χ 0 312 inch OD 20 337 0763 00 1 SHI ELD electrical mounting hardware not included ω circuit board assembly 21 211 0116 00 6 SCREW sems 4 40x0 312 inch ΡΗΒ 22 407 0144 00 1 BRACKET capacitor mounting hardware not included ω bracket 23 211 0504 00 4 SCREW 6 32x0 25 ...

Page 300: ...386 1268 00 1 SUPPORT chassis mounting hardware not included ω support 212 0001 00 1 SCREW 8 32x0 25 inch PHS 38 210 0457 00 1 NUT keps 6 32x0 312 inch 39 211 0504 00 1 SCREW 6 32x0 25 in ch PHS 40 210 0201 00 1 LUG solder SE 4 mounting ha rdware not included ω lug 41 213 0044 00 1 SCREW thread formin g 5 40x0 312 i nch PHS 44 343 0097 00 2 CLAMP transistor mo unti ng hardware for eac h not includ...

Page 301: ...inch 62 211 0097 00 1 SCREW 4 40x0 312 inch PHS 63 1 CAPACITO R mounting ha rdware not included ω capacitor 64 210 0507 00 Β010100 Β069999 2 NUT hex 6 32 χ 0 25 inch 65 210 0006 00 Β010100 Β069999 2 WASHER lock internal 0 146 1D χ 0 283 inch OD 210 0457 00 Β070000 2 NUT keps 6 32 χ 0 312 inch 131 0022 00 Β070000 2 CONNECTOR terminal tie point 1 point 66 343 0013 00 4 CLAMP cable 0 375 i nch diamet...

Page 302: ... plastic 91 210 0201 00 1 LUG solder SE 4 mounti ng hardware not included ω lug 92 213 0044 00 1 SCREW thread forming 5 32x0 188 inch ι ι 93 670 0414 07 B01 0100 Β079999 1 CIRCU IT B OAR D ASSEMBLY Ζ AXIS Α5 670 0414 06 Β080000 1 CI RCU IT B OARD ASSEMBLY Ζ AXIS Α5 circu it board assembly incl udes Β079999 1 CIRCU IT BOARD 1 CIRCU IT BOARD 20 PIN connector 3 PIN test point Β079999 4 SOCKET transis...

Page 303: ...01 3 I NSULATOR plastic 116 407 0143 00 1 BRACKET regu lator mounti ng hardware not included ω bracket 117 211 0504 00 3 SCREW 6 32x0 25 inch PHS 210 0802 00 1 WASHER flat 0 15 1D χ 0 312 inch OD 118 214 0289 00 2 HEAT SI NK transistor mounting hardware not included ω heat sink 119 220 0410 00 1 NUT ke ps 10 32x0 375 inch 120 348 0056 00 1 G ROMMET plastic 0 406 inch diameter 121 2 RESISTOR mounti...

Page 304: ...0 1 STUD plastic mounting hardwa re not included ω terminal strip 361 0007 00 1 SPACER plastic 0 156 i nch 144 670 0416 02 Β010100 Β049999 1 CI RC U IT BOARD ASSEMBLY VERTICAL OU TPUT Α2 670 0416 04 Β050000 1 CI RCU IT BOARD ASSEMBLY VERTICAL OUTPUT Α2 circu it board assembly includes 388 0643 01 Β010100 Β049999 1 CI RCU IT BOARD 388 0643 03 Β050000 1 CI RC U IT BOARD 145 214 0506 00 6 PIN con nec...

Page 305: ...0 1 TERMINAL l ug 164 380 0114 00 1301 0100 Β089999Χ 1 HOUSING ai r flow 337 1505 00 ΧΒ090000 1 SH IELD fan motor 165 348 0063 00 5 GROMMET plastic 0 50 i nch diameter 166 348 0064 00 2 GROMMET plastic 0 625 inch diameter 167 1 THERMO CUTO UT mounting ha rdware not included ω thermo cutout 168 213 0044 00 2 SCREW thread forming 5 32x0 188 inch PHS 169 214 0210 00 1 SOLDER SPOOL ASSEMBLY solder spo...

Page 306: ...rminal strip 361 0007 00 2 SPACER plastic 0 156 inch 180 124 0147 00 1 TERMINAL STRI P ceramic 0 438 inch h ω 13 notches terminal strip includes 355 0046 00 2 STU D plastic mounting hardware not included ω terminal strip 361 0007 00 2 SPACER plastic 0 156 inch 181 179 0995 02 1 WIRING HARNESS Α sweep wiring harness includes 182 131 0371 00 37 CONNECTOR terminal 179 0991 01 1 WIRING HARNESS regulat...

Page 307: ...ν w 143 ...

Page 308: ...453ΑΙR453Α OSCIL LOSCOPE ...

Page 309: ...453A R453A OSCILLOSCOPE ο ...

Page 310: ...1 Ι r Ι λ y Ώ Ι Ι Ι α _ ί t ΙΙ Ι Ι Ι Ι Ι Ι Ι 1 1 1 Ι1 ι Ι r l ν ΙΙ 1 Ι _ α _ 4 ι 7ι Ι i υ ι 1 V1 ι Ιι ΙΙΙ Ι _ α r ...

Page 311: ... 7 348 0091 00 1 CUSHION cover bottom 8 200 0710 00 1 DOOR accessory storage door includes 9 352 0093 00 1 HOLDER fuse storage mounting hardware not included ω holder 10 210 0696 00 2 EYELET 11 204 0282 00 1 BODY latch 12 214 0787 00 1 STEM latch 13 348 0118 00 1 PAD cushion door 14 200 0602 00 2 COVER handle latch 15 367 0058 02 1 HANDLE carrying mounting hardware not included ω handle 16 211 051...

Page 312: ... 2 WASHER lock internal 0 146 lD χ 0 283 inch OD 41 210 0407 00 2 NUT hex 6 32x0 25 i nc h 42 348 0258 00 4 FOOT cabinet ω cord wrap mounting hardwa re for each not included ω foot 43 212 0082 00 1 SCREW 8 32 χ 1 25 i nch PHS 44 129 0294 00 1 POST 0 188 ID χ 0 26 OD χ 1 03 inc h long 45 161 0033 07 1 CORD power 3 cond uctor 46 358 0323 00 1 BUSH ING strain relief 47 129 0064 00 1 POST binding moun...

Page 313: ...rear 61 426 0317 01 1 SUBPANEL rear mounting ha rdwa re not included ω subpanel 62 212 0506 00 4 SCREW 10 32x0 375 i nch 100 csk FHS 63 179 1140 00 Mechanical Parts List 453Α R453A Description 4 57 380 0082 00 1 H O U SING fan filter mounting hardware not included ω housing 58 213 0107 00 4 SCREW thread forming 4 40x0 25 inch 100 csk FHS 1 WIRING HARNESS ω connectors line voltage 9 24 ...

Page 314: ...1 0502 00 1 SC REW 6 32x0 188 inch 100 csk FHS 13 390 0013 00 1 CABI NET BOTTOM mounting hardware not included ω bottom 14 212 0001 00 2 SC REW 8 32x0 25 inch PHS 15 211 0502 00 1 SCREW 6 32x0 188 inch 100 csk FHS 16 386 1261 00 1 PLATE rea r mou nting hardware not included ω plate 17 212 0010 00 4 SCREW 8 32 χ 0 625 inch PHS 18 210 0808 00 1 WASHER centering mou nting hardware not included ω wash...

Page 315: ...00 4 SCREW 8 32x0 375 inch 100 csk FHS 32 213 0129 00 2 SCREW 0 25 20x0 75 inch HSS 33 361 0120 00 1 SPACER stepped 34 214 0881 00 1 HI NGE mou nting hardware not included ω hinge 35 211 0503 00 2 SCREW 6 32x0 188 i nch PHS 36 351 0104 00 1 GU IDE pair ω hardware 37 355 0114 00 4 STUD mounting hardware for each not included ω stud 38 210 0411 00 1 NUT hex 0 25 20x0 438 inch 39 210 0011 00 1 WASHER...

Page 316: ...5 θ s ...

Page 317: ...453ΑΙ R 453Α OSCILLOSCOPE ...

Page 318: ... 010 6061 01 2 PR OB E Ι 2 012 0076 00 1 CABLE 3 012 0092 00 1 JAC K Β 4 159 0021 00 2 FUSE f 159 0022 00 1 FUSE fε 159 0025 00 1 FUSE fε 159 0028 00 1 FUSE fε 070 1105 00 1 MANUAL 070 1089 00 1 MANUAL OTH ER PARTS FUR N ISHE D W ITH Ι 016 0096 00 1 KIT rugς 016 0099 00 1 KIT raO 351 0101 00 1 T R AC K ...

Page 319: ...18 inches long 1 JACK BN C post 2 FUSE fast blo 2 amp 3AG 1 FUSE fast blo 1 amp 3AG 1 FU SE fast blo 0 50 am p 3AG 1 FU SE fast bΙο 0 25 am p 3AG 1 MAN UAL ope rators not shown 1 MANUAL instruction not shown 1 KIT rugged izέng hardware not s h own 1 KIT rackmou nting hardware not shown 1 T RAC K slide stationa ry intersection not shown ...

Page 320: ...ial Model No t No Part No Eff Disc γ ι z 3 α s 7 065 0076 00 1 CARTON ASSEMBLY carton assembly incl udes 1 004 0685 00 1 CARTO N accessory ω pad 2 004 0222 00 2 CAS E HALF 3 006 0342 00 1 BAG plastic 4 004 0679 00 1 CARTON Ο Descrip tion 453Α R453A OSCI LLOSCOPE ...

Page 321: ...I L LOSCO PE Fig Q Index Tektronix Serial Model No t No Part No Eff Disc γ 8 065 0101 00 ι 1 004 0704 00 1 2 004 0361 00 1 3 004 0461 00 1 4 004 0566 00 5 004 0359 00 1 6 004 0360 00 1 7 004 0357 00 1 8 004 0460 00 1 ...

Page 322: ...t Disc γ ι 2 3 α 5 1 CA RTON ASSE MBLY carton assemb ly includes 1 CARTON accessory 1 PAD SET 6 piece λ CARTON o uter 2 PAD i PAD SET 2 piece 1 PAD SET side 2 piece 1 PAD bottom 1 CARTON inner U Description ο ...

Page 323: ...diately into printed manuals H ence your manual may contain new change information on followi ng pages Α single cha nge may affect several sections Sections of the manual a re often printed at d ifferent times so some of the i nformation on the change pages may al ready be in your m a nual Si nce the change i nformation sheets are carried in the manual until ALL changes a re permanently entered so...

Page 324: ...d 453Α 1 2 3 670 0415 04 Complete Board 453Α 4 670 0415 04 Complete Board CHANGE TO R1122 311 1223 00 250o Var R1152 311 1222 00 1000 Var R1182 311 1223 00 250ττ Var CHANGE TO 453Α Page 9 18 Fig 3 110 670 0415 03 1 CIRCUIT BOARD ASSEMB LY LOW VOLTAG E REG Α6 670 0415 04 1 453Α 4 Page 8 13 Fig 2 98 670 0415 04 1 MECHANI CAL PARTS LIST CORRECT I ONS CI RCUIT BOARD ASSEMBLY LOW VOLTAG E REG Α6 CIRCUI...
