Setting waveform display parameters
Setting waveform display parameters
Use waveform display controls to set the persistence, style, and intensity display parameters, and graticule style and intensity.
Use the following topics for more information on setting display parameters.
Set the waveform persistence style and intensity
on page 91
Set the graticule style and intensity
on page 91
Set the waveform persistence style and intensity
Use the Waveform View configuration menu to set waveform persistence, style, and intensity.
1. Double-tap on an open graticule area to open the Waveform View menu.
2. Tap the Persistence field to select the persistence option.
Off disables display persistence.
Auto lets the oscilloscope automatically determine a persistence time for you.
• Infinite persistence continuously accumulates record points until you change one of the acquisition display settings. Use infinite
persistence for displaying unique signal anomalies, such as glitches.
• Variable persistence accumulates record points for a specified time interval. Each record point decays independently according to
the time interval. Use variable persistence for displaying infrequently appearing signal anomalies, such as glitches.
If you select Variable persistence, tap Variable Persistence and set the time using the multipurpose knob or double-tap the field
and use the virtual keypad to enter the time value.
3. Tap the Waveform Style buttons to set waveforms to draw as vectors (continuous lines) or dots.
• Vectors displays the waveform with the waveform sample values connected by vectors.
• Dots displays the individual waveform sample values.
4. Tap the Waveform Intensity field and use the multipurpose knob to set the brightness of all waveforms.
Set the graticule style and intensity
Use this procedure to set the graticule (display grid) style and intensity.
1. Double-tap on an open graticule area to open the Waveform View configuration menu.
2. Tap the Graticule Style field to select a graticule style from the list.
Full shows a frame, cross hairs, and a grid on the instrument display. This style is useful for making quick, full-screen measurements
with cursors and automatic readouts when cross hairs are not needed.
Grid, Solid, and Cross Hair provide compromises between Frame and Full.
Frame provides a clean screen on which you can most easily read automatic measurement results and other screen text.
3. Tap the Graticule Intensity field and use the multipurpose knob to set the brightness of all graticules.
Setting waveform display parameters
3 Series Mixed Domain Oscilloscope Printable Help