Time Measurements panel
Use the Time Measurements panel to add timing-related measurements to the Results bar. Timing measurements can be taken on
time-domain analog, math, and reference waveforms. Timing measurements can also be taken on some digital channel signals.
To open the Time Measurements panel:
1. Tap the Measure button.
2. Tap the Time Measurements panel.
To add a measurement to the Results bar:
1. Select the signal source.
2. Select a measurement. If a measurement requires two signal sources, select both sources.
3. Tap Add.
Time Measurements panel
The time between two adjacent crossings of the Mid reference level (one cycle) of the waveform.
The measurement is taken on each cycle of the waveform record or measurement region.
The frequency of the waveform. Frequency is the reciprocal of Period (Frequency = 1/Period).
The time difference between the mid reference (default 50%) amplitude point of two different
waveforms. You can specify the signal edges to measure in the measurement’s Configuration menu.
The measurement requires two sources.
The time difference (phase shift) between the specified signal edges of waveform source 1 and
waveform source 2. The measurement is expressed in degrees, where 360° comprise one waveform
cycle. This measurement requires two sources.
The measurement is taken on each cycle of the waveform record.
Positive Pulse Width
The distance (time) between the mid reference (default 50%) amplitude points of a positive pulse.
The measurement is made on the first pulse in the measurement region.
Negative Pulse Width
The distance (time) between the mid reference (default 50%) amplitude points of a negative pulse.
The measurement is taken on each cycle in the waveform record or measurement region.
Positive Duty Cycle
The ratio of the positive pulse width to the signal period, expressed as a percentage.
The duty cycle is measured on the first cycle in the measurement region.
The ratio of the negative pulse width to the signal period, expressed as a percentage.
The duty cycle is measured on the first cycle in the measurement region.
Table continued…
This measurement can also be taken on digital signals.
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