When several cycles of a signal appear in the display, the
selection of the trigger slope is often unimportant. However, if only
a certain portion of a cycle is to be displayed, correct settings of the
LEVEL/SLOPE control is important to provide a display which starts
on the desired slope of the input signal.
Trigger Level
In addition to selecting the trigger slope, the LEVEL/ SLOPE
control determines the voltage level of the trigger signal at which the
display is triggered. The horizontal line marked on the waveforms to
the left and right of the LEVEL/SLOPE control represents the zero-
volt level of the trigger signal. As the LEVEL/SLOPE control is
rotated away from this line, the displayed waveforms start at a point
corresponding to the position of the indicator dot on the associated
slope waveform. For example, if the LEVEL/ SLOPE control is
turned clockwise from the line on the positive-going slope, the
displayed waveform starts at a more positive level.
The AUTO PRESET detent provides automatic selection of the
triggering level on the positive slope of the trigger signal. When the
LEVEL/SLOPE control is set to this position, the sweep is
automatically triggered at the preset level; when out of this position
the effect is that of a normal triggering mode.
212 Operators Handbook