LoRa IoT Smart Room Sensor User Guide
Version 1.5
TEKTELIC Communications Inc.
Page 13 of 30
Accelerometer readings can be in the form of the X-Y-Z acceleration vector or the magnitude of
such vector, and can be reported periodically. The X, Y, and Z axes can be independently
disabled or enabled. The output value for a disabled axis is zero.
The rate at which acceleration is sampled is configurable to 1 Hz, 10 Hz, 25 Hz, 50 Hz, 100 Hz,
200 Hz, or 400 Hz. Higher sample rates allow the detection of shorter acceleration events at the
cost of shorter battery life. This is an important consideration when configuring the
acceleration and impact alarm functions. The default sample rate is 1 Hz.
Ambient Light Transducer
The Smart Room Sensor models contain an ambient light sensor. Light is measured through a
light pipe located on the top surface of the Sensor. The Sensor can report both the light
intensity (periodically) and the light status (dark or bright) based on a configurable light
threshold. The transducer is sensitive to human visible light with a peak sensitivity at 550 nm.
The approximate light intensity sensing range is 5 lux to 1000 lux.
The light threshold is customer settable over the range of 1 to 63. If the light status is dark and
a light intensity greater than the set point is detected, or if the light status is bright and a light
intensity smaller than the threshold is detected, an event is reported. The event-based
reporting can be disabled or enabled. The customer needs to test their application for the
appropriate trigger point. The sample rate is also customer settable with higher sample rates
increasing battery consumption.
Motion Detection (PIR) Transducer
The Room Sensor PIR model contains a Motion Detector. The Motion Detection Transducer
contains PIR elements and is configured to sense human motion within its field of view (FoV).
The transducer has ceiling-mount and wall-mount Fresnel lens options. Combined with the
ceiling-mount lens, the sense range for a ceiling height of 2.7 m is a rectangular area of 5 m x 4
m. Figure 1-4 and Figure 1-4 show the (theoretical) sense pattern for the ceiling-mount and
wall-mount lenses
. The rectangular boxes inside the pattern shown in Figure 1-4 appear in
This is the theoretical maximum sense range as claimed by the transducer manufacturer. The sense range is
determined as the projection of the transducer FoV on the ground, and therefore, should not be interpreted as the
coverage area where the sensor can detect moving people. In general, due to the conical nature of the transducer
FoV, people need to be closer to the sensor to be detected. The amount of IR radiation from a moving person,
which is also impacted
by the person’s clothing or type of skin cover, also plays an important role at determining
the detection range. In a test performed at the TEKTELIC lab, the sensor was mounted on the ceiling with a height
2.67 m
. The coverage area for a person moving around with business casual clothing was obtained as an area of
5 m x 4 m
. This corresponds to X-angle and Y-angle being approximately
. In another test, the Z-
range with the wall-mount lens for a walking person within the center of the FoV was measured to be about
4 m