Nova 1624 Stand
1. Remove the 2 cast iron frames
and the cardboard box
containing the legs.
2. Open the cardboard box and
identify the parts against the
parts lists provided (above)
3. Attach each of the feet by inserting the rubber bushing in the socket of
the foot and then pressing the ball at the end of each leg piece into
the bushing. The rubber will form around the ball firmly holding it into
the socket. (Pre-Assembled)
4. Of the four legs,
identify the two
different angles. With
the cast iron foot flat
on the floor, the leg
will angle either to the
left or right. Angled to
the right will go on the
left end of the stand.
Angled to the right will
go the right end of the
5. With the cast iron frame on the floor add the appropriate legs into the
corners and insert the bolster plate, coach bolts, washer and nut
6. Repeat for other cast iron frame.
7. You will now have a leg set for each end of the lathe.
Now this is where you need a second person
and a table, saw horses or workshop bench of
suitable height. (If the table is not high enough then
you may need to put blocks underneath.) With the
help of a second person, move the lathe from the
box and up to the bench or onto the saw horses. It
may be easier to cut the box away in order to
prevent any dangerous loading on your back.
There’s a retaining bolt holding the swivel
pin of the headstock down on the
mainbed. Therefore the lathe can be
safely lifted via the headstock without the
need of the headstock lockpin.
ii. Check the tailstock is securely fastened
by tightening the lock arm.
Once the following checks have been made
the headstock and the tailstock can be used to
assist in the lifting of the lathe.
9. Move the lathe on the bench so that the tailstock end is overhanging and
accessible. Attach the legs sloping to the right on this end. Drop the
M10 x 90 hex bolts through the holes and then fasten underneath with
the washer and nut.