Tek Panel TekPanel 240 Brochure Download Page 1

Tek Panel ALL-IN-ONE Integrated High Perfomance Computer and LCD

Defining Convergence

Touch Screen Systems Available on All Models

Digital Convergence has arrived.   The Tek Panel All-In-One 
integrated LCD computers are the most elegant  
union of computing power 
and high definition  display 

The Tek Panel brings 
it all together in 
one sleek and 


Tek  Panels  feature  high-end  PC  components  coupled  with  the 
highest quality wide-screen TFT/LCD displays (19” to 57” diagonal) 
available, engineered all in one integrated system, allowing you to do 
it all with unprecedented computing power and display brilliance.

The Best of Both Worlds 

High Definition Brilliance With High Performance PC

Tek Panel Inc. 

|1998 Bucktail Lane, Sugar Grove, IL 60554

Tel: (630) 466-7664 | Fax: (630) 466-7678 |www.TekPanel.com
