EVO 304 24-7 / EVO BLU 24/7
. 12
switches on which indicates the presence of steam inside the boiler.
Once the indicator (10) lights up select the desired steam flow through the switch
(17A) on the
steam hose, (
at each switching on of the unit, the steam selection is always deactivated; the led
lights on the hose will blink alternatively to indicate the necessity to select the desired steam flow).
Once the steam flow will be set, the relevant led light (17B, 17C, 17D) will remain on permanently (1
= minimum; 2 = medium; 3 = maximum); press the safety switch (13) to activate the steam flow.
It is possible to lock the safety switch through the lever (14).
The switch (17F) allows to inject hot water or detergent / disinfectant into the steam jet, if pressed
together with the safety switch (13); use it at short intervals of a few seconds to avoid a too quick
discharging of the relative recipient (only for models with hot water or detergent injection).
In case a prolonged use is requested, the system will automatically inhibit the injection of hot water or
detergent (only for models with hot water or detergent injection).
To inject hot water or detergent / disinfectant the switch (08) has to be activated.
Using the switch (17F) you will get hot water under pressure ; please pay attention that the jet
is not being directed towards persons or animals.
To steam clean choose the appropriate accessory (rectangular (33) or triangular (35) brush, window
cleaner (36), steam lance (37), etc.). Connect the extension tubes (30) and secure them in place by
displacing the blocking hooks (31) to posit
ion “BLOCK”.
Wrap a cloth around the rectangular (33) or the triangular (35) brush and fix it with the respective
cloth holder (34).
Attach the brush (or any other accessory) to the extension tube (30) and secure it in place by
displacing the blocking hooks (31) to position “BLOCK”. If you want to use the small nylon brush (39)
remember to first attach the steam lance (37). The steam lance may also be used without the small
round brush especially to reach difficult areas.
Direct the strong steam flow toward cracks, hidden areas, greasy objects, kitchen tops, carpets,
carpeted floors, armchairs, sofas, tapestries etc. you will be able to remove easily and completely
grime, grease and dirt in general. After this operation it will be indispensable to pass over the treated
surfaces with a dry cloth.
We suggest the use of the steam lance (37) with the various small brushes. These brushes help