T-44/48 Series Operation Manual
T-44/48 Series | rev.
firm. 1.258 and above
Hardware Function
5.1 Snapshots
A Snapshot may be recalled either via the device User Interface, from the System Engineer
application or via the AUX port on the rear of the Device.
The snapshot menu is accessed by the
pages and allows users to trigger the
recalling of a Component to each input and output, and may change other device-wide settings,
effectively recalling a processor-wide preset. In addition to being able to recall snapshots from
System Engineer and from the Device's front panel, some of the snapshots are also recallable
from the auxiliary port.
See AUX Port
The parameters inside Drive Module Presets are not individually stored in Snapshots,
so recalling a Snapshot will merely trigger the recall of the appropriate Input and Output
Components, rather than restoring the parameters that were active when the Snapshot was
stored. This has the distinct advantage that the library of manufacturer presets may be updated
without having to be concerned about what parameters might have been saved in users
Snapshots. It does however require that any existing edits to Drive Modules are stored before a
Snapshot is stored.
5.2 Aux Port
The AUX has two inputs, X & Y. These allow simple contact closure devices (relays or
switches) or external logic signals to change the state of the amplifier as described below.
Connecting an AUX input to ground (the earth symbol) will trigger it; there is no
requirement for an external voltage. However, the ports can also be triggered directly by a logic
signal as long as the logic ‘low’ goes below +0.5V.
Do not connect systems if their logic
‘high’ voltage e24V.
The AUX port may be configured to work in a number of ways by adjusting the Style
parameter in the Aux page of the
- No operation
(Event or State) – Either Snapshot 1 or Snapshot 2 may be recalled by
applying a
connection to an Aux port terminal, or the device may be
muted by Grounding both Aux port terminals
3 Snaps
(Event or State) – Either Snapshot 1 or 2 or 3 may be recalled by applying a
connection pattern to an Aux port terminals
4 Snaps
(State) – One of the four Snapshots 1,2,3,4 may be selected by applying a
connection pattern to the Aux port terminals
(State) - One of the three Snapshots 1,2,3 may be selected by applying a
connection pattern to the Aux port terminals, or the device may be mute by
Grounding both Aux port terminals