1. LINE OUT jacks
Connect these jacks to the TAPE PLAY jacks on the amplifier:
White pin-plug
White jack (L-Ch)
Red pin-plug
Red jack (R-Ch)
2. LINE IN jacks
Connect these jacks to the TAPE REC jacks on the amplifier :
White pin-plug
White jack (L-Ch)
Red pin-plug
Red jack (R-Ch)
Connect the supplied remote control cables to the
REMOTE CONTROL jacks as shown in the above diagram.
Connect the other end of the remote control cable to the
rear of the matching STR-84 or PLR-85 receiver. The
remote control function of this tape deck will only operate
when connected to a matching Techwood receiver.
A remote control is not included with this tape deck.
4. AC power cord
Plug this AC power cord into a 120 Volt, 60 cycle grounded
AC wall socket or the AC OUTLETS on the rear of the
STR-84 or PLR-85 receiver.
If humming occurs during playback
Interference from the receiver may cause a hum during
tape playback. If this occurs, change the location of the
tape deck from above the receiver to below it.
Recording from AM radio broadcasts is difficult. This
is not recommended since recordings often have a hum
or noise.