The symbol ROHS (Restriction of use of some
Hazardous Substances) on the Environmental
Protection, certifies that for each of the five hazardous
substances • Lead • Mercury • (hexavalent) chromium •
products for protection against flames PBB and PBDE,
the peak concentration is equal to or less than 0.1% of
the weight of homogeneous material, and 0.01% for the
6th • cadmium.
The symbol "HOT WALL" warns the user that the walls
of the unit can become very hot, and to take
precautions as required.
The symbol "TRIMAN" indicates that the consumer is
invited to dispose the product as part of a separate
collection (eg recycling bin, waste, voluntary intake
For more information : http://www.quefairedemesdechets.fr
The symbol "CMIM marking" is the guarantee of
compliance with the harmonized Moroccan Standards,
optional, which translate the essential requirements into
technical specifications. These standards are not
mandatory but guarantee compliance with the essential
Before cleaning the steamer, always unplug the appliance and
let it cool down.
1 - Remove the inner container and the cooker lid.
Parts (removable), in contact with food such as : container, lid,
bowl, fork, spatula etc. ; can be cleaned in hot water with a