This section is very easy to understand but should not be overlooked.
When incorporating these protocols in your installation you should
always talk to your local code enforcement to ensure it is correct.
Fail Safe?
These products are designed to unlock when power is lost. This ensures
that if there is a problem you can quickly exit. Since this is Normally Open device you
will want to provide power in order for it to be locked.
Fail Secure?
These products are designed to stay locked when power is lost. This
ensures your door will stay locked even in the event of a power loss. This might
seem like the best option but you have to remember that if it stay locked everyone
inside is also locked in. Please make sure to have an internal mechanical exit
function to overcome this. Since this is Normally Closed device you will only provide
power when needed to unlock.
Magnetick Lock
- These locks work off magnetic
energy to clamp the door shut. They are very
strong ranging from 350lbs to upwards of 1200lbs
of holding force and can easily be released.
MagLocks are Fail Safe devices which makes them
Normally Open. This means you want to connect
the Maglock to the NC port to provide power and
keep the door locked until requested open. You can
place these devices in the frame or door itself.
Dead Bolt
- These locks work same way a
mechanical DeadBolt by inserting a metal bolt
into the door to prevent opening. They have a
tremendous holding force upwards of 2200lbs.
DeadBolts are Fail Safe devices which makes them
Normally Open. This means you want to connect
the DeadBolt to the NC port to provide power and
keep the door locked until requested open. You can
place these devices in the frame or door itself.
Door Strike
- These locks are located in the door
frame and hold a door back when the strike is
inserted. They also come in two forms, one being
Fail Safe (NO) and the other Fail Secure (NC). Fail
safe works like explained with the DeadBolt and
MagLock. Fail Secure is a Normally Closed device
and keeps the door locked until power is received.
This means you connect the Fail Secure device to
the NO port.