the grey part of the video, the distortion may occur if the white
balance is not accurate. Please note the video may not be
attractive if the value is too low. The recommended value
ranges from 40 to 60.
Color mode
It includes several modes such as standard, color. You can
select corresponding color mode here, you can see hue,
brightness, and contrast and etc will adjust accordingly. Encode Encode
The encode interface is shown as below. See Figure 5-16.
Figure 5-16
Please refer to the following sheet for detailed information.
Please select a channel from the dropdown list.
Video enable
Check the box here to enable extra stream video. This item is
enabled by default.
Code stream
It includes main stream, motion stream and alarm stream. You
can select different encode frame rates form different recorded
System supports active control frame function (ACF). It allows
you to record in different frame rates.
For example, you can use high frame rate to record important
events, record scheduled event in lower frame rate and it allows
you to set different frame rates for motion detection record and
alarm record.
The main bit stream supports H.264. The extra stream supports
H.264, MJPG.