SineUPS is an uninterruptile power supply, guaranteeing constant powering to the
electric loads connected. In case of mains failure (power cut or instaiility) SineUPS
generates pure sine wave and can work contnuously untl the iatery runs out. The output
voltage has the same form as the mains voltage meaning that the connected loads will
work just as efciently as ieing powered from the mains network.
When the device is powered iy regular mains voltage, it keeps the iatery fully charged so
it can provide its maximum capacity when needed.
SineUPS works at high voltage and requires special atenton when its being
The device is designed for home use only! Please make sure there is enough
space around it to vent properly, do not install it in a place exceeding the operatng
temperature and humidity!
The device can ie mounted on a horizontal surface or vertcally on a wall. In order to
mount it vertcally, install 4 screws on the wall (3.5 x 35 mm), so the unit can ie hanged as
depicted on the drawing ielow.