ACCESS/A A711 L-Series Installation & Operating Instructions 09RE416
Technisonic Industries ltd. Copyright 1996, 1997, 2010, 2011 BY TiL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Page 2-22
The lighted annunciators (Radio Selected, TX status) can be operated in three ways. First,
they can be run at their fixed intensity at all times, this is done by jumpering J102 Pin 6 (Day/Night
Dim I/P) to J101 Pin 17 (28V Input Power). No connection is then made to J101 Pin 2 (Auto Dim
Second, they can be made to auto-dim during night flight (by sensing the voltage range of the
regular dimmer, and shifting to low intensity for night flight). This is done by jumpering J101 Pin 2
(Auto Dim Input) to J101 Pin 3 (28V Dim Input), and jumpering J102 Pin 6 (Day/Night Dim I/P) to
J101 Pin 17 (28V Input Power).
Finally, they can be forced externally to shift bright or dim by applying an external 14/28VDC
day/night voltage to J102 Pin 6 (Day/Night Dim I/P). No connection is then made to J101 Pin 2 (Auto
Dim Input).
Voltage (14 or 28VDC) must always be applied to J102 Pin 6 (Day/Night Dim I/P), or the
annunciators WILL NOT LIGHT.
The A711L Audio Control is designed for full Signal Ground Isolation from the Airframe. This is
necessary in many cases where the Airframe Ground causes significant noise in the Audio system.
Main ground (power return) to the A711L is on pin 34 of the 50 pin "D" connector. All other groups of
audio lines have their own “common” lines, which float above the airframe ground, to provide signal
isolation. These common lines MUST be connected to the source audio low connection, or no signal
flow will result, except for stray capacitive leakage.
When not in use, Store the A711L in the original Anti-Static bag if possible, and in a non-Humid
place. Optimum storage temperatures for the best shelf life should not exceed +35°C, or be less
than -10°C.