Page 12 • MNIN003 ║ Issue/Rev. 0.0 (5/19)
Typical Applications
Percent Water Indication
In this application the Indicating Unit provides percent
water reading on the front panel. The Indicating Unit
maybe located near the Measuring Unit or at a remote-
central control room.
Percent Water Indication and Pneumatic Control
In this application an analog to air converter may be
mounted adjacent to or remote from the Indicating Unit
housing. A 3-15 psi pneumatic output signal is provided
directly proportional to the percent water in the process.
Percent Water Recording
In this application the Indicating Unit provides
local reading on an indicating meter and provides an
analog output signal to a standard recorder. In place of
the recorder this output could be connected to a meter,
computer input, or any other DC input device.
Percent Water Indication and Set-Point Control
In this application the adjustable alarm may be used to
operate a diverter valve should the water content exceed
a preset percentage. Local indication is provided and an
analog output for other indication and control functions
is available.
Percent Water Indication
In this application the Model 4528-5A Detector only is
used to provide an analog output proportion to water
cut. The 4728 Indicating Unit is not required.