First issue 06 /03
Digital Voltage meter the ne) to get main power board:(GND) PCB pin.
3. Digital Voltage meter the anode(-) to get main power board: (-Vy) CN802 Vy Connect pin.
Adjust VR (-Vy) = -80 ±0.3Vdc
4. Digital Voltage meter the anode(-) to get main power board: (Vset_up) CN802 Vset_up Connect pin.
Adjust VR 105(Vset) = 220 ±0.3Vdc
5. All Voltage: DC(=) 5Vdc , 15Vdc
Color Temperature Adjustment
1.1 Color Temperature setting in DVI Mode
1. Turn on PDP set and warm up for over 30 minutes.
2. Turn on Color Analyzer CA-100 and reset CA-100.
3. Switch PDP input signal source to DVI mode.
4. Set up Video Pattern Generator (Astro, Model= VG-828H).
Timing set = 640 x 480 @ 60Hz;
Video = Panel Link (the DVI output mode)
Connect PDP DVI input connector with Astro to receive DVI signal.
Vs AD J VR102
Va AD J VR105
Vset AD J VR104
Vy AD J VR103
PS : Every mode voltage values ar e print on the label in each panel