Technical Solutions URC 9050 Using Download Page 3

Technical  Solutions Australia Pty Ltd

Technical Solutions Australia

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The MACRO Function makes it possible to store more than 10 operations under one key, if you want to watch a
video tape, for example, then the following procedure is required:

1. Switch on the TV.
2. Switch on the video recorder.
3. Look for the video channel
4.  Start the tape.

By using the Macro Function you can program all theses operations under one key.

1. First, check that all the individual signals are separately programmed in the URC 9050.
2. Press the LEARN Key, the LEARN Indicator will light up.
3. Press the MACRO Key.
4. Press any random key (A, for example) under which you want to store all the following signals.
5. Press all the separate signal keys (from different Data Banks, if necessary). When you have pressed all

the keys you need, press the MACRO Key again.

6. Now all the separate key signals which you pressed in step 5 are stored under key A.


When using the URC 9050 for switching specific installations, the SEND ’G indicator will light up when certain
keys are pressed; to indicate that a signal is being transmitted. If this is not the case and the ERROR Indicator
lights up, then this shows that there is no signal under the key being pressed.

When the BATT LOW Indicator lights up, we advise you to replace the batteries as soon as possible.



These instructions have been adapted from the original user’s manual
