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Technical Solution’s air conditioner interface will be a link between your
Environmental Control Unit (ECU) and your air conditioner. The
interface incorporates the Ultra Plus universal remote which is compatible
with virtually all Australian Air Conditioners and the Interface is also
compatible with most ECUs – Those that can reproduce Gewa PROG
1. Setting the Ultra Plus Code
It’s easy; you can input model codes directly or search automatically.
Once selected, the code is stored until changed. Features include:
Timer ON and Timer OFF with accurate 24 hour clock display. Please read this user’s guide
carefully before using, don’t forget, when all else fails read the manual!
Direct Entry of Code
Start by making sure that your air conditioner is in standby
– Do this by turning it
ON with the existing remote then press the power button
so that it turns OFF
goes into standby. It will now be ready to turn ON again when it receives correct code
from the Ultra Plus
Plug the Ultra Plus power supply into a power outlet and turn it on
Find the model from Brand Code List. If there is more that one code for one brand,
you will have to try them one by one. e.g. for FUJITSU, try model codes 127 to 137
then 464 etc.
To Program: Press the “SELECT” key, the model code on LCD will begin flashing.
Press “TIME/CODE” + or – until the
number before required brand code
Then aim at air-conditioner and press the “SELECT” key, the brand code steps to the
next number and sends the ON command
If your air conditioner responds to the signal and produces beep sound, press the
“Enter” key – the code stops flashing and the Ultra is programmed
If not, select the next number and test again.
For our FUJITSU example we want to try model codes 127 to 137
Start by stepping to code 126 (the no. before 127)
Make sure the air conditioner is OFF
Keep the remote pointed at the air conditioner and press “SELECT” repeatedly
With each press the next code (127 to 137) will be transmitted
Observe the Air conditioner after each press to see if it responds
When it does respond, press “Enter” to save the code
If it does not respond, use the + key to step on to code 463 and continue as above
If it does not respond after testing all the codes listed for your brand, try a code
search – as follows
Technical Solutions Australia
ABN 14 063 349 502
109 Ferndale Rd. Silvan
VIC Australia 3795
PH (03) 9737 9000
Fax (03) 9737 9111
Information Sheet
AC Ultra
Air Conditioner
ECU Interface
(Firmware: 2009-2013)
Cat. No: