II. k) Default settings
The controller comes with a default setup for operation.
However, it should be customized to meet the individual needs.
Default settings may be restored at any time. By selecting the
default settings, all customized settings of boiler are deleted.
This allows for setting new parameters of the boiler.
III. Safety measures
To ensure maximum safety and failure-free operation, the
controller has been equipped with a range of safety measures.
The alarm status is indicated by a sound and a special message
is displayed on the LCD.
To restore operation of the boiler, press the OPTIONS button.
III.a) Thermal protection
This is an auxiliary bimetal mini-sensor (next to the furnace
sensor) which cuts off the fan output upon exceeding the limit
value of 85°C. This prevents boiling of the water in the system
in the case of boiler overheating or controller failure. This type
of safety temperature limiter restores the starting position:
III.b) Automatic sensor control
In the case of failure of the CH temperature sensor, an alarm is
activated and the LCD displays a message: