– 5 –
4. Place the head of the stethoscope
just below (2.5-Bcm or 1.0-3.2in) the
armpit, near the inside middle part of
the arm as fig.5. It must not be pres
sed too firmly or touch the cuff, or the
diastolic pressure may be underesti
mated .
5. Pump the bulb slowly but steadily
until the pressure reaches about
30 mmHg above your usual systolic
pressure. If you have never measured
your blood pressure, please inflate
the pressure to 180 mmHg (fig.6 and
fig.7). Fig.6 Note: You should not
keep the cuff inflated any longer than
6. Stop inflating and then adjust the
valve so as to get the pressure
drop slowly and steadily at about
2-3 mmHg per second. Listen and
watch the dial plate carefully during
deflation, the point where repetitive,
clear tapping sounds first appear for
at least two consecutive beats gives
the systolic blood pressure. The point
where the repetitive sounds finally
disappear gives the diastolic blood
pressure (fig.8).
7. After you get the diastolic pressure,
push or adjust the deflation valve to
the bottom for rapid deflation. Remo
ve the cuff from arm and stethoscope
from ears.
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Fig. 6
Fig. 7
Fig. 8