5. Operating the Instrument
IFU for Infinite 200 PRO No. 30052730 Rev. No. 1.6
Result Display in MS Excel
The MS Excel
result sheet generated by the i-control software displays a
schematic graphical overview (‘Multiple Reads per Well – Alignment’; see Figure
42) of the measurement points. A number is assigned to each measurement
point. The results are presented in list form: number of measurement point versus
result value (OD or RFU; see Figure 41: Alignment graphic (XY-Line, 3 x 3) for
result of a fluorescence measurement). In addition, the standard deviation
(‘Stdev’) and the average value (‘Mean’) of the measurements points/well are
also displayed:
Figure 41: Alignment graphic (XY-Line, 3 x 3)
Figure 42: Example of MS Excel
result list generated by i-control.
Miscellaneous Software Features of MRW
MRW is only available for the measurement modes ‘Absorbance’, ‘Fluorescence
Intensity Top’ and ‘Fluorescence Intensity Bottom’.
The MRW feature is not active when performing well-wise measurements.
‘Reference Wavelength’ (located on the absorbance strip) is not available in
combination with ‘Multiple Reads per Well’.