TJ UV Printer User Manual
Chapter 5.
Power on machine
As TJ support print by flatbed and rotary two motion method, so different printing method use different power on way, if print by
flatbed way, then the rotary device will not working, and if print by rotary device, then the flatbed will not working.
5.1 Power on for print by flatbed motion way
1. Power on the general power button:
2. Press down the motion transit button at the right side of the printer to transit the motion signal to flatbed motor (If carriage start
move and not be locked then no need press)
Pay attention to the flatbed gap between print head and flatbed, be sure the flatbed will not scratch the print head,
must do this step to avoid the print head get scratched without attention!
4.Press up the printer emergency button to release the printer power (If carriage start move and not be locked then no need press)