After you have finished observing and are looking
for a safe place to store your telescope, the best
place would be a case. We have two types avail-
Scopeguard Case
shown on the left - a foam-fit-
ted carrying case that will keep your scope in the
best condition for years. You can even keep the
Tube rings and plate on the OTA - this set up fits in
the Case.
The second case, shown below, is Aluminum trans-
portation case made in Germany. It has hard foam
interior with a few special sections that allow to
hold the APO140 with rings, plate and Finder with
bracket (without removing it). 2” AP
diagonal, 5 of 2” eyepieces. Dimensions
of AL case are: 10” x 13.5” x 37”.
Weight (net) -13lb. Weight with scope,
rings, plate, bracket, AP diago-
nal, 2" eyepieces appr. - 40lb.
Eyepiece Turret
with Mahogany case.
Precision holder for five 1.25" eyepieces.
Diagonal mirror made of Sitall or Quartz.
Case safely holds six 1.25" eyepieces
and I-Turret. Case dimensions:
5.5" x 8.25" x 10.75"; weight - 2lb.
This new component will let you
change your favourite eyepieces
very fast - just click from one to
the next one and enjoy observing.
Latest updates for this manual or new
accessories are available on our web: www.telescopengineering.com
and on TEC-scopes users group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/tec-scopes.