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libustream-* SSL library (on top of an actual SSL library: polarssl, mbedtls, cyalssl, openssl).
Previously the package uhttpd-mod-tls was required, but it is not needed any more as long as you
have installed a libustream library variant. Since Dec2016 luci-ssl installs by default libustream-
In contrast to many other web servers, it also supports running Lua in-process, which can speed up
Lua CGI scripts. Note that LuCI, which depends on Lua, is not configured in this manner by default
7.4.2 Configuration
Configuration of uHTTPd integrates nicely with OpenWrt's user interface system, through standard
UCI, provided since OpenWrt 10.03 (Backfire). The UCI configuration file is
. Since
uHTTPd depends on this file directly, there is no second configuration file that gets written by UCI
when settings are committed (like is the case with many other applications, such as Samba). Since
uHTTPd is configured as part of the UCI system, refer to the uHTTPd UCI configuration page.
uHTTPd also properly provides an init script /etc/init.d/uhttpd to start or stop the service and enable it
at boot time.
7.5 SerOverNet
7.5.1 Overview
This section is designed for the feature called ‘Serial over Network’. 5GM has 4 serial ports available,
2 x RS232 ports, 1 x RS422 port and 1 x RS485 port. In the general setting, user can set reconnect
interval and connection lifetime (in second).