DESC410R/DEX410 Gearbox Pro-Build. | Team Durango Blog
http://www.team-durango.com/blog/2011/03/09/desc410rdex410-gearbox-pro-build/[11/10/2011 4:34:19 PM]
Comment by Philippe Bonet — March 14, 2011 @
1:52 am
Need to put this in the manual.I have gone though 2 gear sets so far. And a little upset about it.When you
build it to how the manual says and its not right gets people little upset.The truck handles great but if goes
though diff gears like this( 7 batterys ran though)its no use to me.I am up to .50 shims on the gear side
and .20 on the other side.Its the only way to get all of the play out of it. Sorry if being blunt but am alittle upset when I
only get about a day out of it and rip 2 sets of gears out of it.Thanks Dwayne
Comment by dwayne walter — March 22, 2011 @
1:25 am
Where are the copper shims in the kit?
I can´t find them
Comment by Tony Miller — March 24, 2011 @
6:04 am
Thanks for your guidance, really helpful guide to build the perfect DESC410R and DEX410 gearbox. Every
step to take in order to perfect.
Comment by
Power Take Offs for Trucks
— March 24, 2011 @
6:40 am
I just finished my build, but have not mounted electronics etc.
I’m going to tear out my diffs and make these adjustments.
I totally get it now, but didnt even think of it during the build.
Comment by Joe — March 25, 2011 @
3:39 am
“Box Stock” – using manual to build – DESC401R and racing it on high traction carpet. Have gone through
four rear crown gears, even with these instructions the crown still blows. Die-cast materials Vs. a hardened
pinion just cant hold up against extreme stress… also wondering if the diff case is flexing at startup…..
solution!? and hardened crown gear and/or stiffer rasin Diff Case.
Ive shimmed two new diff assemblies slighly different then these instructions, upgraded to a Center Slipperential, installed
a 4mm rear carbon chassis brace and problem solved. The truck is so much easier to drive and very smooth! Now, I
llove the truck but wish the instruction manual was more accurate during the built process… would have saved me over a
hundred dollars in damaged parts.
Comment by Calvin Mercer — April 2, 2011 @
7:48 am
Its very helpfull to indicate the points that has to be taken carefully during the assemply. I also broke two
teeths from the diff crown after 3 batteries but that was before reading carefully this manual. I hope it will
help the next time …in any case put a big drop of thread lock to the setting screw that secures the outdrive
in the small pinion axle and check after each race if there is any play. I would be pleased if you can think about a milled
and hardend crown gear made out of rock solid steel. Having steel gears normally should enlarge the maintainance
By the way on my truck a dog bone axle broke on the rear after 3 batteries directly in half around the pin, but Durango
send me two spare ones within a week so I am ready to run the next race. I am very pleased with the service, and I am
very confident that they will solve material problems in the future. For me the contact with them is great and very
professional, I hope that they are taking the issues to improve the products.
Comment by mobilow — April 8, 2011 @
3:44 pm
[...] DESC410R/DEX410 Gearbox Pro-Build [...]
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Team Durango 410 Series Diff Seal mod
— June 5, 2011 @
11:35 am
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