Frequently Asked Questions about the DVRA1000 • Updated May 26, 2005
Q: What is DSD?
A: Direct Stream Digital is a digital format devised by Sony for the Super Audio CD player. It plays
audio at 2.822MHz, or 64 times the rate of a traditional 44.1KHz CD. It is a 1bit signal, unlike the
16bit signal of a CD. Many audiophiles agree that DSD has the best sound quality of any digital
format, and better than any analog format as well.
Q: Does the DVRA1000 record Super Audio CD or DVDAudio discs?
A: No. It records audio files that are ideal for mastering to DVDAudio (DVDA) or Super Audio
CD (SACD). However, discs recorded in the DVRA1000 cannot be played in a SACD or DVDA
Q: Does it play SACD or DVDA discs?
A: No, it will play DVRA1000 discs or CDs.
Q: Can I record and play back CDs?
A: Yes, the DVRA1000 records standard CDs.
Q: Does it record DVD Video files that I can play in a DVD player?
A: No, there is no video on the unit and DVRA1000 discs can't be played in a DVD player.
Q: What can I do with the discs?
A: The discs can be played in any computer with a DVDROM drive capable of playing DVD+RW
discs. It creates UDF discs, a standard format read by virtually all computer platforms, including
Mac, Windows and Linux. The files recorded are Broadcast Wave (.WAV) or DSDIFF (.DFF) files.
Q: What discs can I use?
A: TASCAM currently recommends DVD+RW media by Ricoh, Philips, Maxell, TDK or Sony,
4.7GB, up to 4x speed.
8x media will not work.
Q: Do I have to do anything to the discs before recording?
A: Discs have to be formatted before recording on them. The DVRA1000 formats discs in the
background: you'll notice the "CLOSE" indicator flashing in the display while this is happening.
You can record or eject a disc before it is completely formatted, but to avoid problems TASCAM
recommends waiting for a new disc to be completely formatted (about 30 minutes) before
Q: How long can I record to DVD+RW?
A: The recording times are:
44.1kHz/24bit (290 min.)
48kHz/24bit (267 min.)
88.2kHz/24bit (144 min.)
96kHz/24bit (133 min.)
176.4kHz/24bit (72 min.)
192kHz/24bit (66 min.)
DSD (2.8224MHz/1bit, 109 min.)
Q: Can I record at higher sample rates than 44.1k/16bit to CD?
A: No, recording to CD is only possible at "Red Book" audio CD resolution. The CD you record
can be played in any CD player.