of 6
Rev Z
Figure 2
5. Holding the wire in place, squeeze the tool
handles together until the ratchet releases. Allow
the tool handles to open FULLY.
6. Remove crimped terminal or splice from the tool.
7. If crimping a splice, position the uncrimped wire
barrel in the crimping chamber. Make sure to seat
the splice window indent on the locator assembly.
Repeat Steps 3 through 6.
Damaged or worn terminals must not be used.
Terminals may be removed from the wire,
discarded, and replaced with new ones.
— Check that the crimp dot code on the color-coded
insulation indicates the crimping chamber used. Refer
to Figure 2.
— Check that the crimp is centered on the wire
barrel. See Figure 4.
— Make sure that the wire insulation does not enter
the wire barrel. See Figure 4.
— Check that the wire end is flush with or slightly
beyond the end of the wire barrel. See Figure 4.