selection and purchasing decision regarding the type of Travel Scooter to be used
is the responsibility of the Travel Scooter user who is capable of making such a
Decision and his /her healthcare professional (i.e.,medical doctor, physical
therapist, etc)
The contents of this manual are based on the expectation that a mobility device
expert has properly fitted the Travel Scooter to the user and has assisted the
prescribing healthcare professional / the authorized Provider in the instructions
process for the use of the product.
There are certain situations, including some medical conditions, where the Travel
Scooter user will need to practice operating the Travel Scooter in The presence of
a trained attendant. A trained attendant can be defined as a family member or care
Professional specially trained in assisting a Travel Scooter user in various daily
Living activities.
As you begin using your Travel Scooter during daily activities, you will probably
encounter situations in which you will need some practice. Simply take your time
And you will soon be in full and confident control as you maneuver through door-
ways, on and off lifts, up and down ramps and over moderate terrain.
Below are some precautions, tips and other safety considerations that will help
you become accustomed to operating the Travel Scooter safely.
Our scooter has designed and engineered your Travel Scooter to provide
maximum mobility and utility. However, under no circumstances should you
modify, add, remove or disable any feature, part or function of your Travel Scooter.
tested of approved for our products REMOVABLE PARTS
Get to know the feel of your Travel Scooter and its capabilities. We recommend
that you perform a safety check before each use of make sure your Travel Scooter
Operates smoothly and safely.
Perform the following inspections prior to using your scooter:
Check all electrical connections. Make sure they are tight and not corroded
Check all harness connections. Make sure they are secured properly.
Check the brakes.
Check battery charge.
If you discover a problem, contact your authorized provider for assistance.
Your scooter is rated for a maximum 150KG weight capacity. Refer to the
specifications table for information.
will not be held responsible for injuries / property damage resulting from
failure to observe Weight limitations.
center of gravity, resulting in a tip or a fall.
More and more building have ramps with specified degrees of inclination, designed for easy and
safe access. Some ramps may have turning switchback (180-Degree turns) that require you
to have good cornering skills on your scooter.
Proceed with extreme caution as you approach the downgrade era ramp or other incline
Take wide swings with your scooter around any tight corners. If you do that,
the scooter’s rear
wheels will follow a wide arc, not cut the corner short, and not bump into or get hung up on any
railing corners.
When driving down a ramp, keep the scooter
’s speed adjustment set to the slowest speed
setting to ensure a safely controlled descent.
Avoid sudden stops and starts. When climbing in incline, try to keep your Travel Scooter
moving. If you must stop, start up again slowly, and then accelerate
WARNING! Do not modify your Travel Scooter in any way not
authorized by us. Do not use accessories if they have not been
WARNING! Do not attempt to lift or move your Travel Scooter by
any of its removable parts, including the armrests, seat.
MANDATORY! Stay within the specified weight capacity for your
scooter. Exceeding the weight capacity voids your warranty. We
WARNING! Do not carry passengers on your scooter.
Carrying passengers on your scooter may affect the