‘In’ means that the jumper is install across the two posts
while ‘out’ indicates that this jumper is removed (or installed
on a single post so you do not lose it).
Once the unit is configured you may connect the power to it.
You may use your power pack’s auxiliary AC or DC terminals
to power the TrainSpeed board, or you may elect to use a wall
transformer (see the appendix on page 14 for wall transformer
specifications). The unit needs at least 6V to operate correctly
and the supply voltage should not exceed 18V (AC or DC).
The unit requires less then 100ma current to function. The
wires from your power source should be connected to J2, the
two screw terminals on the board (polarity for DC supplies
doesn’t matter). If you are using a supply that does not have
overload protection (most powerpacks have this) you should
insert a ½ amp fuse in the supply line. Fuses and fuse holders
are available at Radio Shack. This should complete the
installation of the TrainSpeed unit.