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With streaming, you can buy or rent most programs on demand, when it’s convenient for you. When
streaming, you can play, pause, rewind, and fast forward whatever you are watching. You can also
replay the last few seconds again, or turn on closed captions.
Some content cannot be paused or skipped. For example, if you are viewing live
programming or a program that is supported by ads, you generally are not allowed to skip the
Your Roku TV lets you choose from thousands of streaming channels that offer a huge selection of
Thousands of movies and TV episodes
Unlimited music, live and on-‐demand
Tons of live and on-‐demand sports
Commercial-‐free kids programming
International programming in 22 languages
24x7 news and in-‐depth news commentary
Many streaming channels are free. Some streaming channels, like Cineplex and Amazon Instant Video,
let you purchase or rent the latest movie releases or popular TV series. Some channels such as Netflix or
Spotify charge a monthly subscription fee and others are free if you subscribe to a companion service
through your cable or satellite provider. For example, HBO subscribers with participating broadcast TV
provider accounts can add the HBO Go channel and watch it for free.
If you have an existing subscription to a service like Netflix or Spotify, you can just sign in with your
existing user name and password.
To play streaming content that is available on the Internet, you add streaming channels to your
screen. To add a streaming channel to your
screen, use the
Streaming Channels
option on the
screen menu to go to the Roku Channel Store, and then select the streaming channel you want to
add. The streaming channel is then added to your
screen, and you can watch it at any time.
For more information on using the Roku Channel Store feature, see “
Using the Roku Channel Store
” on
A paid subscription or other payments may be required for some channels. Channel
availability is subject to change and varies by country. Not all content is available in countries or
regions where Roku products are sold.