Step 8:
Securing the Screw into the Top Rail
Secure the ½” screw into the top rail of the air conditioner.
Step 9:
Installing the Security Bracket (Recommended)
For security purposes, it is recommended to attach the security bracket to the top of the window
using two ½” screws to prevent opening the window from outside. However, the security bracket
can be removed to allow you to open the window when desired.
Step 10:
Filling the Gap Between Sashes
Trim the non-adhesive foam seal to the appropriate length and insert it between the window
sashes as shown below.
1/2” Screw
X 1
1/2” Screw
X 2
Foam Seal
To open the window, the unit must be securely fixed using the four screws from
step 5. Please verify that the unit is reliably fixed before opening the window.