Step 9:
Slowly raise the fader on your mixer channel as you sing
into your mic. Once you’ve reached a comfortable
listening level you should hear your voice clearly with
some reverb effect added.
It’s important to take a moment and tune your guitar
before checking out the harmonies. Hold the On button
to enter Harmony-G’s Tuner/Bypass mode. Pluck a single
string at a time to see its pitch.You will see which note
it’s closest to in the Preset display and whether the string
is sharp or flat in the LED bank above the FX and Voice
1 and Voice 2 buttons. Adjust each string until they’re all
in tune.
Now you’re ready to hear Harmony-G’s harmony
voices. Press the On footswitch and sing a song you
know while strumming the guitar chords to the song.
Remember that your guitar directs the harmonies so
ensure that your guitar volume control is turned up.
Quick Start
You can now experiment with all of Harmony-G’s
features starting by pressing the Preset button to load
the different presets and then pressing the A/B
footswitch to hear each preset’s A and B settings.
Please read this short manual to ensure you get the
most from Harmony-G!