TC Electronic A/S
M5000 Service manual
page 3
The purpose of this manual is to support skilled technicians in repairing the M5000 or
M5000X Mainframe only.
For repairing modules i.e ADA, DSP , please refer to other service manuals.
The service manual contains information on two types of M5000 Mainframes.
The first type is named M5000F10 on the back panel. This type has black side panels
and black back panel. The power supply consist of a toroidal transformer and a board
with some power regulation circuits. The input voltage selector has 4 different settings.
The second type is named M5000F20 on the back panel. This type has “gold” side
panels and “gold”back panel. The power supply is a switch mode power supply and the
input voltage setting is automatic. Type M5000F20 is also fitted with a ground lift
Both mainframe types consist of a chassis, a power supply, a CPU board, a floppy disc
drive, a buss board and a front board.
The mainframe type M5000F20 is available in two versions; as M5000 or as M5000X.
The M5000X is a satellite version without front board. Hence it must be operated from
a Remote control.
The manual begins with a Quick Trouble Shooting table and an Upgrade List table.
Here, hints, advice and possible problems are described.
If the problem is more serious, the next step is to use the Built-in Test Program. With
this program the problem can often be narrowed down to a specific board, section or
even component.
The next section consist of disassembly and exchange procedures. Please be aware of
warranty rights before disassembling. See the warranty card.
Circuit description is a brief description of the circuits on the different boards.
The Circuit description is followed by a complete list with test point values, a list with
LED error codes and Jumper settings.
Finally the specifications are stated.
Appendix contains schematics, part lists, layouts etc.
Schematics start with a main sheet, where sub sheets are shown as blocks. Even sub
sheets might have sub sheets. In the Schematics some connections have label names to
help the reader. If a label name is framed, it means that it is "connected" to another
sheet. Label names followed by the symbol "*" mean that the signal is active low, i.e.
RESET*: the reset function takes place when the signal is low.
This service manual does not contain schematics for the power supply module in
Mainframe type M5000F20, because any attempt to repair the power supply module
must be completed with some safety tests such as high voltage and EMC tests. Hence,
it is strongly recommended that the entire power supply module is replaced in case of
Part lists contain a column called TCcode. Use this code when ordering spare parts. If
the TCcode field is empty; it means the component cannot be ordered separately. The
coordinates in the column Pos. refer to the PCB layout page. The column named Page
refers to page no. in the schematics. In column comments a short explanation of the
function is stated. For some components, alternative types are mentioned.
PCB layouts are made as gatefolds.
Finally appendix contains a spare part list for mechanical parts.
Quick Trouble Shooting:
Use this table to solve problems or find out what to do next.