Drum – Ambience
This reverb was especially designed to emulate
the recording rooms typically used for drums.
The Drum Ambience is a 80’s style ambient
room with only very short reflections.
The Drum Ambience emulates the reflections in
a medium sized drum room with a high ceiling
– giving longer but natural sounding reflections
compared to the Drum Room.
Drum Room
The Drum Room reverb will flavor your drums
and percussive source material with great
elegance. The preset simulates a medium-sized
room that gives you a relatively long yet
natural-sounding reverb. It preserves the full
spectrum of the source while giving it an
unmistakably quality of brilliance and presence.
With focus on the Early Reflections that define
the perception of a room size, the Ambience
Reverb is typically used on dry recordings or
dry drum samples to emulate a feeling of
environment. “Ambience” and “Room definition”
are the keywords here.
Living Room
As the direct opposite to the Cathedral type, the
Living Room algorithm simulates a relatively
small, well furnished room. In such a room,
many reflections are absorbed by soft
materials, and the sound is reflected and
sustained only by the walls (covered with
wallpaper), windows and maybe some furniture.
If you want a reverb that is tight and
characterized by early reflections, the Nearfield
reverb will be your preferred choice. It emulates
the small amount of natural reverb that occurs
in e.g. a studio control room. Use this reverb
type to obtain a tight, bright and “smack-in-the-
face” sound.
Damped Room
The Damped Room reverb can be used with
great results on source material which needs to
be very lightly reverberated. This algorithm
simulates a small studio or vocal box that is
completely padded with soft and absorbing
material. It gives you a very tight and “to-the-
point” kind of sound.
Silver Plate – Gold Plate
Before the digital era, either reverberating
springs or large metallic plates were used to
create reverb. Plate reverbs typically have a
very diffuse and bright sound. They can be
used with great effect on many percussive
Spring Vintage
The Spring algorithm has been designed to
reproduce the sound of the old spring reverbs,
such as the ones used in vintage guitar amps.
Live Stage
If you are playing live, you might want a reverb
that can cut through all the background noise
which is so characteristic of live gigs. The Live
Stage preset gives you a grainy and bright
reverb that will work equally well on vocals and
instruments that need to be distinct and to the