TC Electronic A/S
Finalizer Service manual
page 5
Built-in Test Program:
The Finalizer has a Built-in Test Program. To run the program; Press the BYPASS button while powering on. Use the cursor to select RUN TEST PROGRAM. Press OK and
follow the instructions on the display. To leave the Built-in Test Program; turn off the power.
Finalizer Built-in-Test Program has following tests:
TEST Function
Tests the keys at the front panel one by one. If a key hasn't been pushed a warning message will appear when leaving the test
ADJUST wheel
Tests the steps of the encoder. Each step is counted at the display, if not; check soldering at encoder and front connector.
Tests the LED's at the front panel one by one. If no light; check soldering at the LED and at flat cables between the front boards.
Tests all dots in the display. If any missing; replace the display. If the backlight is bad or blinking; check the soldering on the display itself, especially the
two connections going to the upper of the display.
Analog I/O
A sine wave is generated on both analog outputs. When connected to one of the analog inputs the display reads OK if the level is correct. In this way a
problem might be narrowed down to a specific input or output.
Digital I/O
A digital signal is generated on both digital outputs. When connected to one of the digital inputs the display reads OK if the level is correct. In this way
a problem might be narrowed down to a specific input or output.
Midi I/O
A midi signal is generated on output. When connected to the input the display reads OK if the signal is correct. The midi signal from input is sent on to
MIDI THRU. If not OK; try with another midi cable or check soldering and components in the midi circuit.
Pedal socket
Tests the status on the PEDAL IN. When no jack plug is inserted the tip of the jack socket is connected to ground, this is the reason for showing OK
without jack plug.
Tests whether programming, reading or deleting are OK. NOTE: All data on PCMCIA card will be destroyed.
Tests the DC voltage at the Back up battery. If low; check battery voltage with a multimeter and check also the standby current by measuring the
voltage across R135; max. 20mV (numerical value). If the voltage is higher; replace IC30. When replacing battery, please refer to section "exchange of
Tests the MPU, DSP, ASIC, DUAL PORT and SOUND RAM to some extent. If not OK; see section "startup sequence".