Ref. Level
With Reference level you can set the reference point of the
Compressor to eg. +4dBu. All Thresholds, except the Limiter
Thresholds, are relative to this parameter.
The Reference level parameter is adjustable in dBu and dBFS.
Abs. Peak max
Sets the hardclip point of the DBMAX. Absolute peak means that
notching occurs above this level digitally.
Absolute Peak Max. is adjustable in dBu and dBFS.
Analog Levels
In Level 0dBFS
Sets the dBu level you want to equal to 0dBFS (Full Scale), i.e.
setting this parameter to +18dBu, means that when you are
s18 dBu out of your desk, the DBMAX will be showing
It is very important that you set this parameter correctly as all
other dBu levels are relative to it.
Trim Input
This parameter trims the level of the analog Input for digital full
scale (FS). Correct trimming optimizes the 24 bit AD converters
performance in conjunction with the trimming of the Output
Trim Output
Trims the analog Output level. This parameter may be trimmed
in 1dB steps.
Digital Levels
Input Gain
Sets the digital Input level. Use this if you need to trim a source
to a new level. A typical situation could be trimming down the
digital Output of a CD-player.
All trims may be stored using the Save setup command.
Output Gain
Sets the digital Output level.
Define Overload LED
This parameter allows you to custom-define the DEFINE LED.
The Overload level can be set anywhere between -30 dBFS
and 0 dBFS.
The Overload parameter is adjustable in dBu and dBFS.
To simulate different types of meters, the defined overload can
work in proportion to an integration time. Digital meters have an
integration time of 0ms where analog meters typically have an
integration time of 10ms.
The Integration time can be set to 0 ms, 1 ms, and 10 ms.
Front Panel Output Meters
You can set the Output meters to refer to digital Full Scale
(dBFS), which is the default, or Clip which means that the meters
are referring to “Absolute Peak” as 0 dB. When set to Clip you
will take full advantage from the Output meter.
Peak Hold
Set the desired Peak-Hold time with this parameter.
Choose between Off, 1, 2, 5, or 10 seconds.
Clip LED def.
You are able to define when you want the CLIP LEDs to be
activated. Choose the number of consecutive samples to be at
0dbFS before the CLIP LEDs are activated.
Bypass Definition
When bypassing the DBMAX in this mode the signal will not
exceed the Abs. peak max level set in the Ref. Levels - I/O
Levels menu.
Use this setting if you want to bypass the signal but apply Dither
and delay.
Use the Thru setting to bypass the entire signal bit by bit.