If you are familiar with compressors,
limiters, gates and de-essing techniques
this quick guide is probably all the
information you will need to operate the
C300. For more information, please refer to
other sections of this manual.
• Unpack the C300 and check for possible
damages that could have been caused by
• Read the safety instructions.
• Take a few minutes to register online via:
or send in the
registration card. Customers registered online
will be notified directly via E-Mail about
relevant news
The C300 is a compressor/de-esser -
gate/expander with two independent channels
that can be routed either in serial (stereo) or
dual mono mode.
The C300 has two routing options. Dual Mono
or Stereo/Serial. The Routing mode is set on
the C300 front panel on the far left.
Dual mono
- where C300 is split and operates as two 100%
separate mono engines. A typical application for
this mode is using the two engines as insert
effects on two different channels.
Stereo/Serial Mode
- utilizing both effect engines in serial. Engine
1 is feeding Engine 2. This is the mode to
choose if you wish to process a signal with both
IN 1(L)
IN 2(R)
engine 1
engine 2
IN 1
IN 2
dual mono
engine 1
engine 2
processing engines. Note that this routing
works for both a stereo setup but also a single
mono setup. Typically you would use one
engine as a gate/expander and the other as de-
esser or compressor/limiter. But note that any
combination of effects is possible as the
engines operate independently.
• Make all appropriate connections. You may
refer to the examples on pages 10-11.
• Decide application and set Routing
• Set MIX to 100% for normal compression.
Any setting between 0 and 100% utilizes the
C300 “new compression style”, based on
parallel compression. Read the section “New
Style Compression”
• Select desired processing type on the two
• Start playing.
• Feed the C300 channels with an appropriate
level. The yellow -3 LED should only be lit at
peaks. The level is set on the sending device.
• Set MIX depending on your intentions and
selected effect.
• Now tweak the THRESHOLD, MAKE-UP
GAIN and RATIO controls for the two
engines until you have the intended result.
For any questions left unanswered by this
manual feel free to visit our online support
TC Support Interactive
, which can be
accessed via:
Latest manual revision can always be
downloaded from
Manual revision number is found in the bottom
of page 3.
Comp/Limiter - mode
• Female Vocal
• Male Vocal
• Vocal Choir
• Speech
• Bass Guitar
• Electric Guitar
• Acoustic Guitar
• Horns/Instr.
• Piano Keyboards
• Percussive
• Toms
• Bass Drum
• Snare Drum
• De-Ess 2
• De-Ess 1
• Composite
Gate/Expander mode
• Female Vocal
• Male Vocal
• Vocal Choir
• Speech
• Bass Guitar
• Electric Guitar
• Acoustic Guitar
• Horns
• Piano Keyboards
• Percussive
• Toms
• Bass Drum
• Snare Drum
• Hum
• Hiss
• Composite
Congratulations on the purchase of your C300 Dual Stereo Gate/Compressor by TC Electronic
C300 is an easy to use dual engine dynamics processor that gives you superior compression/
limiting and gate/expansion feasibilities. It features flexible control of the signal path, 16
gate/expander and 16 compressor/limiter audio-optimized presets with intelligent TC multi-band and
full-band dynamics technology, innovative new style compression, state-of-the-art TC quality, and an
extremely intuitive and straightforward user interface that gives you access to complex and
comprehensive dynamic processing with just a few buttons and simple operations.
C300’s key application is as insert effects on mono or stereo channels.
The C300 gives you highly advanced TC algorithms that will process your sound with extreme
precision, ultimate audio quality and outstanding performance. State-of-the-art audio converters
excellent quality on your analog signal into, and back from the digital domain.
The entire music and audio business has celebrated and awarded TC Electronic for its outstanding
products. TC will for many people be synonym with superior and excellent quality and we are
confident that C300 will not disappoint you in any way.
TC Electronic
Preset Types