Tool TBSNetConfigurationTool (Transfer by Ethernet port):
Download from our website and extract the zip file, give a permission to the executable file
Here’s more details about how to use this tool:
#./TBSNetConfigurationTool -i -N // check input video format and mac address
#./TBSNetConfigurationTool -c //check the latest configuration of the output format
#./TBSNetConfigurationTool -r // the device of mcu reset
#./TBSNetConfigurationTool -x 1 //set output mute when audio and video are out of sync, it can
be set with auto,manual and advanced mode
#./TBSNetConfigurationTool -K myhdmiTV // set the device of video output program name
#./TBSNetConfigurationTool -A // set the device of video output format auto mode, it means
the same to the input format
#./TBSNetConfigurationTool -n 0 -M 3 // set the device of adapter0's video output format
manual mode, you can set from 1 to 7 match 1920*1080 to 480*272
#./TBSNetConfigurationTool -p 1 -l 32 -H 1920 -V 1080 -B 5000 -F 30 //set the device of
adapter0's video output format Advanced mode: main profile, level is 3.2, H is 1920, V is 1080,
bitrate is 5M and frameRate is 30 frames.
#./TBSNetConfigurationTool -j 1 -r // set the device of program number 1
#./TBSNetConfigurationTool -s 300,301,302,303 -r // set the device of pid(pmt,prc,vpid,apid)
#./TBSNetConfigurationTool -o // check the device of pid(pmt,prc,vpid,apid)
#./TBSNetConfigurationTool -b 0 -r //set audio input select, 1: audio line(L/R)
#./TBSNetConfigurationTool -f 0 -r// set audio frequency select, 0: 48k
#./TBSNetConfigurationTool -w //putout the information of audio
#./TBSNetConfigurationTool -e 00:22:ab:00:00:00 -r // set Net Mac 00:22:ab:00:00:00
#./TBSNetConfigurationTool -g -r // set ip address
#./TBSNetConfigurationTool -v 5442 -r //set prot number 5442
#./TBSNetConfigurationTool -m 0 -r // set udp/rtp select, 0: udp
#./TBSNetConfigurationTool -k 0 -r // set open/close Ts, 0: close Ts
#./TBSNetConfigurationTool -t -r // set target ip
#./TBSNetConfigurationTool -u 5522 -r // set target port, number 5522