X4 AC Drive User’s Manual
Chapter 7: X4 Parameters
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© 2007 TB Wood’s All Rights Reserved
X4 Sequencer Dwell Functionality
The X4 sequencer has the capability to dwell, or pause, in a state and disregard any command to
advance to the next state. This can be done in two different ways, and both methods can be used at
the same time.
If the sequencer is actively running and the Enter key is pressed from the Operate screen of the X4
keypad, the sequencer will dwell in the current state (it will never advance to the next state). While
the sequencer is dwelling, a warning of “Seq Dwell” will flash on the Operate screen. To leave the
dwell state, press the Enter key again from the Operate screen.
The sequencer Dwell mode can also be entered by programming a digital input to “Seq Dwell.” The
sequencer will then dwell in the current state, for as long as the digital input is active.
X4 Sequencer Advance Functionality
The sequencer has the ability to allow the user to advance to the next state without satisfying the
conditions programmed to advance. To do this, program a digital input to “Seq Advance.” When a
digital input program to this option changes from inactive to active, a running sequencer will
advance one state. This feature is useful when debugging a sequence with long time intervals.
7.4.3 Sequencer State Configuration Overview
Each state of the program sequencer is defined by five characteristics:
Direction in which the drive will operate
Speed at which the drive will operate
Ramp selection of the drive
Output configuration (relays and digital outputs) of the drive
How the sequencer advances to the next state.
These five characteristics are configured by two parameters for each state. These parameters are
named “Seq Cntl X” and “Seq Count X,” where X represents the state number of the sequencer. The
“Seq Cntl X” parameter is a binary parameter that sets each of the five characteristics listed above.
“Seq Count X” configures the threshold that the sequencer will use in determining when to advance
by the method programmed in the control parameter. The bit patterns of the Seq Cntl X” parameters
are shown in Figure 7-1:
Figure 7-1: Seq Cntl Parameter, Bit Definition
10 9 8 7
2 1 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
Bit number
Program data
00 - SeqOut-00
01 - SeqOut-01
10 - SeqOut-10
11 - SeqOut-11
00 - Stopped
01 - Forward
10 - Reverse
11 - DC Inject
State Duration
000 - Time Base
001 - Pulse Input (Vin1)
010 - Low Volt Thres (Vin2)
011 - High Volt Thres (Vin2)
100 - Low Curr Thres (Cin)
101 - High Curr Thres (Cin)
110 - DI Compare
111 - Never Advance
Ramp Selection
0 - Accel/Decel Time 1
1 - Accel/Decel Time 2
Speed Selection
000 - Default Setpoint
001 - Preset Speed 1
010 - Preset Speed 2
011 - Preset Speed 3
100 - Preset Speed 4
101 - Preset Speed 5
110 - Preset Speed 6
111 - Max Frequency