X4 AC Drive User’s Manual
Chapter 7: X4 Parameters
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Using the X4 Program Sequencer
The X4 AC drive offers functionality that allows users to program up to nine independent operation
states of the drive. This functionality is called the “program sequencer” because it allows the drive
to sequence through the operation states programmed by the user. The X4 Program Sequencer can
be used in applications that would normally require external intelligence, such as a simple
programmable logic controller.
7.4.1 Enabling the X4 Program Sequencer
The X4 Program Sequencer can be enabled with parameter 491 (Seq Appl), found in the Application
Macro programming mode of the X4 keypad. This parameter configures:
Whether the sequencer is enabled,
The time base used for all timing of the sequencer,
Whether other sequencer parameters are visible in Level 2 programming.
Table 7-3 shows the options for this parameter:
7.4.2 Controlling the X4 Program Sequencer
The Program Sequencer can be activated and controlled from either the keypad or the terminal strip.
It is not possible to control the sequencer through the serial link. The control method of the program
sequencer is determined by parameter 201, Input Mode. Setting the Input Mode parameter also
951 Seq Count 1
952 Seq Count 2
953 Seq Count 3
954 Seq Count 4
955 Seq Count 5
956 Seq Count 6
957 Seq Count 7
958 Seq Count 8
959 Seq Count 9
Default: 0
Range: 0-65535
Level 2 (SEQ)
These parameters configure the time, number of pulses, or analog level of sequencer steps 1 through 9, respectively.
See “Using the X4 Program Sequencer” on page 75.
Table 7-3: Seq Appl Parameter Options
The Sequencer mode of the X4 is not active and the sequencer
parameters are not visible in Level 2 programming.
1 sec base
The Sequencer mode of the X4 is active, sequencer parameters are visible
in Level 2, and all timing for the sequencer will be on a 1-second base.
.1 sec base
The Sequencer mode of the X4 is active, sequencer parameters are visible
in Level 2, and all timing for the sequencer will be on a .1-second base.
.01 sec base
The Sequencer mode of the X4 is active, sequencer parameters are visible
in Level 2, and all timing for the sequencer will be on a .01-second base.
Table 7-2: Description of X4 Parameters (Page 26 of 26)