TW-357 REV E
The control consolidates the events in the internal log (combining “start event” / ”conclude event” information
to provide one event with duration), however, when the data is sent out the serial port no consolidation of data
As an example, a fill would provide one log entry in the internal log of the control, indicated as follows:
occurred on 9/28/98 @ 8:07 for 24 minutes
. The same data coming out of the serial port would cause two
entries in a computer or printer and would be indicated as follows:
Fill Started on 9/28/98 @ 8:07
… (elapsed time)
Fill occurred on 9/28/98 @ 8:07 for 24 minutes
Menu Access causes the control to make some decisions on logging an event and they are handled in the
following manner: Temperature is immediately logged (if it is enabled) and then a fresh time period is started
when the Menu system is exited. System and error logs are placed in a suspended state until the control exits
the menu system and timing is started again. Duration of system and error logs then are total time of the event
less any time that the user was in the menu system.
When logs are dumped to the serial port, the oldest events are sent first. The control operates on the FIFO
(First In First Out) method. If the maximum number of entries is reached, the oldest are lost to make way for
the newest entries.
Dump Logs
is accessible through the menu system of the control (
, 4, 1, 1). This option
sends data from the system logs out the serial port of the freezer. When this option is chosen, the display
reports how many system logs are stored. While the data is being sent to the serial port, it can be paused or
completely cancelled through the menu system.
is accessible through the menu system of the control (
, 4, 1, 2). This option
sends data from the error logs to the serial port of the freezer. When this option is chosen, the display reports
how many error logs are in the system. While the data is being sent out the serial port, it can be paused or
completely cancelled through the menu system.
are accessible through the menu system of the control (
, 4,
1, 3 or
, 4, 1, 4). This option sends data from the temperature logs to the serial port of the freezer.
When this option is chosen, the display reports how many temperature logs are in the system. While the data
is being sent out the serial port, it can be paused or completely cancelled through the menu system.
Error Logs
is accessible through the menu system of the control (
, 4, 2, 1). This menu
choice turns on/off the logging of all sensor errors. The choices are ENABLE or DISABLE. Records data in
the error log.
LOW SUPPLY LOGGING is accessible through the menu system of the control (
, 4, 2, 2). This menu
choice turns on/off the logging of the low LN2 supply error. The choices are ENABLE or DISABLE. Records
data in the error log.
REMOTE ALARM LOGGING is accessible through the menu system of the control (
, 4, 2, 3). The
menu choice turns on/off the logging of the remote alarm activation. The choices are ENABLE OR
DISABLE. Records data in the error log.