feeding tube easier.
• Fill the feeding tube evenly for the best results.
• When you shred or grate soft ingredients, use a low
speed to prevent the ingredients from turning into
a puree.
• If the ingredients you are going to shred or slice
have a small diameter, put the outer pusher in the
feeding tube to make the feeding tube smaller.
Then use the inner pusher to push the ingredients
down the feeding tube.
• When you have to process a large amount of in-
gredients, process small batches and empty the
bowl between batches.
Slicing/Shredding Disc - Tips and Warnings
• Do not touch the cutting edge.
Do not fill the bowl beyond the “MAX” indication.
Citrus Press
• Attach the power shaft by inserting its base into the
motor unit.
• Place the food processing bowl onto the unit, over
the power shaft. Position the bowl with the handle
at the “2 o’clock” position and then turn it clockwise
until it firmly clicks into place. The safety switch is
now engaged. The bowl handle should be in the “3
o’clock” position.
• Then place the citrus press on the centre shaft en-
suring the blade engages with the power shaft, and
that it is fitted securely. There is a plastic lip on the
one side of the citrus press, this should be placed
to the left of the bowl handle. The press should
then be rotated clockwise until it engages with the
safety lock of the handle.
• Place the cone over the centre of the sieve ensur-
ing the gears engage and the cone fits securely.
Do not fill the bowl beyond the “MAX” indication.
• Set the speed selection dial to the “MIN” speed set-
• Press the citrus fruit onto the cone.
• Take care not to press your hand directly onto the
cone as the motor is powerful and it may cause
stop pressing from time to time to remove the
pulp from the sieve. When you have finished press
ing or when you want to remove the pulp, switch off
the appliance (both on the appliance and at the wall
socket) and remove the bowl from the appliance.
Juice Extractor
• Attach the base of the juicing attachment on top
of the motor housing with the juice spout at the
“12 o’clock” position. Rotate clockwise until the 3
o’clock position when you will hear a “click” as the
safety lock engages. The locking arms will now be
at the “12 o’clock” and “6 o’clock” positions
• Place the transparent pulp collector on the base of
the juicing unit ensuring that it fits securely.
Then place the filter in the centre of the pulp collec
tor ensuring it fits securely and the gears engage
properly. There will be a small gap between the fil
ter and the centre plastic of the pulp collector.
• Then place the lid of the juice extractor attachment
on top of the pulp collector. Ensure that the “han-
dles” for the locking mechanism are placed in the
appropriate grooves on the pulp container so that
the safety lock can engage once the lid is locked
onto the pulp collector.
• Lift the locking arms of the juice extractor base and
place them over the “handles” of the lid. Then push
the base of the locking arm inwards towards the
juice extractor, there will be a“click” as they lock
into place, do this on both sides locking both arms.
Plug the appliance into a wall socket and place
the prepared ingredients for juicing into the feeder
tube. Switch the speed selection dial to “MIN” and