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use, renders the guarantee and the 
manufacturer’s liability null and void.

Instructions for Use
- When using the product for the first 
time clean the non-stick grill plate 
with a soft damp cloth.
- Plug the appliance into the mains 
and set to the desired temperature
- Turn the thermostat control to the 
desired temperature position. The 
pilot light (D) will come on indicating 
that the appliance is in the process of 
heating up.
- Wait until the pilot light (D) has 
gone out which will indicate that the 
appliance has reached an adequate 
- Work with the food you want to 
- Place carefully on the grill the food 
to be cooked.
- In order to minimize the generation 
of acrylamide during the cooking 
process, avoid to reach dark brown 
colours on the foodstuffs. 
- When the food is to your taste, 
remove it from the appliance with the 
help of a wooden spatula or similar 
heat resistant implement. Do not use 
domestic utensils which could dama-
ge the plate’s nonstick coating.
- Disconnect the appliance from the 
electric mains when not in use. 

- Disconnect the appliance from 
the mains and leave to cool before 
proceeding to clean.  
- Remove the temperature control 
from its setting with the plug before 

- Clean the appliance with a damp 
cloth lathered with a few drops of 
washing up liquid and then dry off.
- Never submerge the appliance in 
water or any other liquid or put it 
under running water.
- The appliance is not suitable for 
- Do not use solvents or abrasive 
products for cleaning.
- If food is stuck to the plates and 
difficult to remove, pour a little oil 
over it, wait until it softens and use a 
wooden spatula to remove it.
- Do not use solvents or abrasive 
products for cleaning.
- After cleaning, make sure that the 
contacts on the grill plate’s plug are 
perfectly dry 

Problems and Solutions
Should the mains connection fail, 
do not try to replace it since this 
is potentially dangerous. Take the 
appliance to an authorised Technical 
Support Service. The same applies to 
any other type of problem.

This symbol means that in 
case you wish to dispose of 
the product once its working 
life has ended, take it to an 
authorised waste agent for 
the selective collection of 

waste electrical and electronic 
equipment (WEEE)

This appliance complies with Direc-
tive 2006/95/EC on Low Voltage and 
Directive 2004/108/EC on Electro-
magnetic Compatibility.

Manual Galexia/Galexia Plus.indb   10

01/12/11   16:44

Summary of Contents for Galexia

Page 1: ...Catal Galexia Galexia Plus Plancha asador Planxa rostidora Grill Plate Barbecue lectrique Piastra forno Grillplatte Chapa Gr tar electric Manual Galexia Galexia Plus indb 1 01 12 11 16 44...

Page 2: ...Manual Galexia Galexia Plus indb 2 01 12 11 16 44...

Page 3: ...o Este aparato est pensado para que lo usen adultos No permitir que lo usen personas no familiarizadas con este tipo de producto personas disca pacitadas o ni os Guardar este aparato fuera del alcance...

Page 4: ...este a su gusto retirarlo del aparato con la ayuda de una esp tula de madera o similar que sea resistente al calor No use utensi lios dom sticos que puedan da ar el revestimiento antiadherente Descone...

Page 5: vida del mismo debe depositarlo por los medios adecuados a manos de un gestor de residuos autorizado para la recogida selectiva de Residuos de Aparatos El ctricos y Electr nicos RAEE Este aparato...

Page 6: ...aparell Aquest aparell est pensat perqu l utilitzin persones adultes No permeteu que l utilitzin persones no familiaritzades amb aquest tipus de producte persones discapacitades o nens Deseu aquest ap...

Page 7: ...l vostre gust retireu lo de l aparell amb l ajuda d una esp tula de fusta o similar que sigui resistent al calor No empreu utensilis dom stics que puguin dan yar el revestiment antiadherent Desconnect...

Page 8: ...v s dels mitjans adequats a mans d un gestor de residus autoritzat per a la recollida selectiva de Residus d Aparells El ctrics i Electr nics RAEE Aquest aparell compleix la Directiva 2006 95 EC de Ba...

Page 9: ...eople unused to its handling This appliance should be stored out of reach of children and or the disabled Unplug the appliance by pulling on the plug not the cable Disconnect the appliance from the ma...

Page 10: ...before proceeding to clean Remove the temperature control from its setting with the plug before cleaning Clean the appliance with a damp cloth lathered with a few drops of washing up liquid and then d...

Page 11: ...nt pas avec l appareil Cet appareil a t con u pour tre utilis par des adultes Ne pas laisser des personnes non familiaris es avec ce type de produit des personnes handicap es ou des enfants l utiliser...

Page 12: aliments prennent une couleur trop grill e ou noire D s que l aliment sera de votre go t retirez le de l appareil l aide d une spatule en bois ou similaire qui soit r sistante la chaleur Ne pas uti...

Page 13: ...out autre dysfonctionnement Ce symbole signifie que si vous souhaitez vous d faire du produit une fois que celui ci n est plus utilisable remettez le suivant la m thode appropri e un gestionnaire de d...

Page 14: ...llen dass sie nicht mit dem Ger t spielen Dieses Ger t ist f r den Gebrauch von Erwachsenen konzipiert Vermei den Sie die Benutzung desselben durch Kinder Behinderte oder Personen die mit dem Ger t ni...

Page 15: ...rreicht hat Bearbeiten Sie das gew nschte Lebensmittel Die zu grillenden Lebensmittel vorsichtig auf den Grillrost legen Um die Entstehung von Acrylamid w hrend des Garvorgangs der Lebens mittel zu mi...

Page 16: ...icht austauschen da dies gef hrlich sein k nnte Das Ger t zu einem zugelassenen technischen Wartungsdienst bringen Dasselbe tun Sie auch bei allen anderen Fehlern Dieses Symbol bedeutet dass Sie das P...

Page 17: ...ermettere che venga utilizzato da bambini o da persone che non ne conoscono il funzionamento Tenere fuori della portata di bambini e o persone disabili Staccare la spina afferrano il corpo della spina...

Page 18: ...nato a piacimento sollevarlo dal grill con l aiuto di una spatola di legno o altro utensile simile resistente al calore Non utilizzare degli utensili domestivi che danneggino il rivestimento antia der...

Page 19: ...e per smaltire il prodotto al termine della sua durata utile bisogna depositarlo presso un gestore di residui autorizzato per la raccolta differenziata di rifiuti di apparecchia ture elettriche ed ele...

Page 20: ...utilizado apenas por adultos N o permitir que seja utilizado por pes soas n o familiarizadas com este tipo de produto pessoas incapacitadas ou crian as Guardar este aparelho fora do alcance de crian a...

Page 21: ...o alimento estiver a seu gosto retire o do aparelho com a ajuda de uma esp tula de madeira ou similar que seja resistente ao calor N o utilize utens lios dom sticos que possam danificar o revestimento...

Page 22: ...roduto depois de terminada a sua vida til deve entreg lo atrav s dos meios adequados ao cuidado de um gestor de res duos autorizado para a recolha selectiva de Res duos de Equipamentos El ctricos e El...

Page 23: niet toe dat het apparaat gebruikt wordt door gehandicapten kinderen of door personen die niet vertrouwd zijn met dit type producten Dit apparaat opbergen buiten het bereik van kinderen en of gehan...

Page 24: ...ordt Wanneer het voedsel gereed is haal je het met behulp van een houten spatel of een ander tegen de hitte bestendig voorwerp van het apparaat Gebruik geen huishoudgerei dat de ceramische antiaanbakl...

Page 25: van dit product wilt ontdoen als het eenmaal versleten is het product naar een erkende afvalverwerker dient te brengen die voor de selectieve ophaling van Afgedankte Elektrische en Elektronische Ap...

Page 26: nosprawne ani dzieci Przechowywa to urz dzenie w mie jscu niedost pnym dla dzieci i lub os b niepe nosprawnych Urz dzenie od cza si z gniazdka poci gaj c za wtyczk nie za kabel Wy cza urz dzenie z...

Page 27: ...jakiegokolwiek czyszczenia Przed czyszczeniem zawsze nale y zdj regulator temperatury razem z kablem sieciowym Czy ci urz dzenie wilgotn szmatk zmoczon kilkoma kroplami p ynu i nast pnie osuszy Nie z...

Page 28: ...Galexia Galexia Plus TAURUS C D Manual Galexia Galexia Plus indb 28 01 12 11 16 44...

Page 29: ...a D D k Manual Galexia Galexia Plus indb 29 01 12 11 16 44...

Page 30: ...2006 95 2004 108 Manual Galexia Galexia Plus indb 30 01 12 11 16 44...

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Page 32: ...TAURUS k D D Manual Galexia Galexia Plus indb 32 01 12 11 16 44...

Page 33: ...TAURUS RAEE RAEE TAURUS TAURUS Manual Galexia Galexia Plus indb 33 01 12 11 16 44...

Page 34: ...aparat Acest aparat este destinat utiliz rii de c tre adul i Nu permite i utilizarea acestuia de c tre persoane care nu sunt obi nuite cu acest tip de produ se persoane handicapate sau copii Nu l sa i...

Page 35: nchise sau negre C nd alimentul este pe gustul dvs scoate i l din aparat cu ajutorul unei spatule din lemn sau o ustensil similar care s reziste la c ldur Nu folosi i ustensile domestice care pot d...

Page 36: ...simbol semnaleaz c dac dori i s v debarasa i de acest produs odat ncheiat durata sa de via trebuie s l preda i cu ajutorul mijloacelor adecvate unui colector de de eurile de echipamente electrice i el...

Page 37: ...Galexia Galexia Plus TAURUS A B C D E Manual Galexia Galexia Plus indb 37 01 12 11 16 44...

Page 38: ...a a C D c D e a a Manual Galexia Galexia Plus indb 38 01 12 11 16 44...

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Page 44: ...Avda Barcelona s n E 25790 Oliana Spain Galexia NW 1 5kg GW 1 74kg Galexia Plus NW 2 8kg GW 3 08kg Manual Galexia Galexia Plus indb 44 01 12 11 16 44...
