Child Restraint System (CRS) :
strongly recommends
the use of Child Restraint Systems
(CRS) for all children up to the age of
12 (see the Table in the next page for
applicability for your child).
Children could be endangered in a
crash if their CRS are not properly
secured in the vehicle. When
installing a CRS, be sure to follow
the instructions mentioned in the
CRS manufacturer’s instructions.
Background :
In case of an accident, the occupants
(either adults or children) experience
the collision force. In contrast to adults
and teenagers, children’s muscles and
bones are not yet fully developed.
Children must be transported using
CRS especially suited to their size,
weight and build.
CRS can help protect children in vehi-
cles in the event of an accident only if
they are secured properly.
Selection of CRS :
Not every child will fit in the CRS speci-
fied for his or her weight group. Like-
wise, not every CRS will fit in every
vehicle. Therefore, always check
whether the child fits securely in the
CRS and whether the CRS is securely
attached in the vehicle.
While selecting the CRS, customer
should look for the AIS072/ECE R44
certified seats.