Brief Cooking guidance
The oven with both burners running on full will use around 1kilo of gas per hour
Monitor the meat closely at all times, the following is a rough guidance only and assumes you are cooking
a dressed hind around 40kilos in weight with the head and shoulders removed.
Ideally allow the meat to get to room temperature prior to cooking.
Place in the oven with both burners on full for the first 20-30mins to ‘sear’ the meat, that’s sealing the outer
skin. The meat skin should go crisp and darken, don’t let it go black! Next, turn down to either: one burner
on almost full and the other off or both to low for the next approx 3.5 to 4 hours, the slower you cook the
meat, the more succulent will be the result.
The general rule of thumb is an hours cooking time for every 10kg of meat. More if you want a ‘pulled pork’
Once cooked, (use a temperature probe to be certain) lift the pig up to the carving position placing cut meat
into one of the 3 trays below. Keep one burner on low to keep the 3 trays hot. Pork meat needs to be at
least 75°C to be classed as safe (78°C in Scotland).
IMPORTANT – Do not have both burners on full for more than 35mins when cooking meat or you risk it
burning. Propane and Butane will perform differently based on ambient outside temperature, so you may
need a higher setting on a cold day.
Always ensure the fat and juices can freely drip out of the hole in the bottom of the oven which will reduce
excessive smoke and the risk of the fats igniting.
For a more in depth cooking guide please refer to the Tasty Trotter website www.tastytrotter.com
The thermocouple can move during the first
cooking process, if it moves too far out of the
flame it will assume the burner has gone out and
shut down the gas valve – This is the most
common reason for a burner to go out.
Simple repositioning of the probe by altering
its position on the brass thread so it is nearer
the flame will quickly cure this problem.
Don’t get the thermocouple mixed up with the spark
igniter which has a white stem.
The probe and igniter can be found under the
protective cover at the control panel end, in the oven.