Tasco 10TE-5 Instructions Manual Download Page 11

Summary of Contents for 10TE-5

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Page 2: ...ount with pinion gear and knobs 19 tocusiig tube 20 Eye lens adapt r 21 tlexible controlfor declination gear 22 Sun proiection screei assembly 23 0eclination axis 24 0eclination axis clanp screw 25 0eclimtion circle 26 0eclination circle indicator 274 Hour Circle Indicator Moving 278 Hour Circle Indicator fixed 28 llour circle out r 29 Hour circle inner 30 llolraxis clamp screrv 31 Flexihl control...

Page 3: ...eceswirh hord cooted lenses which give o shorp wide ond tlor core ted ierd TELESCOPE MOUNT Thedesignof the ToscoTelescope mountisexceed inglyproclicol ondfundionol Theunique combinotion of oll ozimuthond equotoriol mount mokespossible eosierond morevoried operolion Thisdesignollows the useo the telescopeboth os on eqloioriol tele scope for osnonomicolobseruolionond os on oh ozimuthtelescopefor tet...

Page 4: ...sdoublesthe mognifying power of ony eye lensthot k usedwith it To insioll this lens slide it inlo lhe eyepiece slidins sleeve ASSEMBLY 5 6 Aitoch lhe counierbolonce weight ossenblies PortsNo 38 39 40 Aloch rhe r ndeiscope boclel Po1 No 14 o the rop of rhe locusingmolni Ano h lhe flexible cont ol cobles PortsNo 2l 31 lo ihe declinotion oxisgeor o d to lhe hour oris geor NOTE lmpodontl The counrerbo...

Page 5: ...conrrclsto bring the obiecrlo rhe inter section ol the cross honsof the findersope Tfie someobiectwill be in ihe wide view 60X eyepiece Moverhe hles ope by odiusringhour ond declino rion ongles to center stor DO NOT CHANGE AZIMUTHOR POLARAXIS LATITUDE POSITION Assumingrhol fia lolilude ongie o lhe Polor oxis is correct here is o simplerule to rerinethe setting C nlero sro in lhe lield of view of t...

Page 6: ... ode N J chabpaiBb m 6arlos N C 3 23 E Charanoosa Tebn Clicago ruin iB coroldo Srincr coro 7 59 M 3 0 9 C coruobu ohi t Doase city xtu3a3 10M 9 0 6 C Eut ne or son a 3 2 9 4 GarYe bn T xa3 n rrilburg P nra 3 03 E 5 0 E Indis polir hd J r ycity N J K a n i c i t y u 3 3 1 3 c 3 3 6 E 3 3 3 E ...

Page 7: ...on holr clomp screwond swins the crodle in no th ond southdeclinotion r c odle is On TheM id o wh cl svey imporloniin ihe colculotions of houronglesof rhe srors rhese colculotioris ore dlwoys figured fromyour meridion 12 Mourt your telescope in the crodleord clomp securely Loosen rhedecliiotion cldmpscrewond sei lhe declinotion ci cleot 90 Doublecnecr io mokesureihol0 0 is opposiiethe fixed index ...

Page 8: ...ndbook write to Royol Astronomicol Scciely Toronto Conodo sky PublishinsCorp wlite io Horvord Collese Obsedolory Combridge Mossochusens SU FROJECIIONSCREEN For prolongeosolo obsNorions rhe sun siioqe con be p oiec ed onro the sJn proPec ronereen Assenblethe sunscreen05 shownin Fisurel Mounl the collor on the end oi the focusingtube Screw rhe eye lens odopter in ploce lnsed the dioqonol prism ond 2...

Page 9: ...o 2 1 S 2 a 9 1 6 t 3 t 6 s l t t l 1919 t t 8 to rl 3 2 5 t i a 9 2 0 l l t 6 lf 20 l l 2l t973 2324 t 2 2 t l lz 1 D 1 Z Z 9 2 4 t a tt 24 ts 22 9 n t 7 5 t3 1 2 5 2 S 13 26 ts 26 9 3 1 aaal t 3 0 It t4 l t o 1332 1530 t9 35 7t 3t t 3 4 t4 3 4 1 5 4 3 9 5 4 1534 t73l 1939 t l a t6 s 4 r 1 3t lt 36 t3 40 1 5 6 t1 4 t9 43 zt 4l 234a r6 t t 3 4 9 t7 44 t5 42 t9 41 2t 45 23 41 t 4 s n la t 45 9 4 1 ...

Page 10: ...rise Sin e Mercury con never be more lhon 28 lo one side or rhe other ol the sun ir i5 only visible very neor the horizon or o shorr time or more thon rwo hou6 This ploner is viewed through the dense ond lurbid loyer of the eorth As o resuli Merc ry hos o reddish oPpeo once ond is seen ro rwinkle lr disclosesphosessimilor io those ol Venusond ts tiny disc is s ldomwe I ploced for Vedu3 Thisplonet ...

Page 11: ... on onesldeiReferen e B or C Figure5 Thiscondilionis mon evldent whenihe imogeis iut olt of focus To conect rhlsdisrorrion odiust the screwson the oblective mounrro eftectp oper oli9 me r To squore on n thedoytime o low thisprfted re L Remove the eyepecefroh rhe slidi g sleeve 2 Cover rhe obleciive lens wiih ihe dust cop or o 3 Look inlo ihe obiectivelenstom the end or the eyepiece seeve Ghosrlmog...

Page 12: ...is yourguarantee thattheyatefreeol any defects in r gards to nalerial sed as elt aswofkm nship Sholld any TASCo telescope prove lo bedelective byteason 0f naterial or worknanship il willherapairld wilhout charge 0r replaced When yourlelescope is notin use always keep it protected Guar ntce isahays valid theonly exceplion being if thetelescope hes been abused 0rtampercd f ithi any wat been woshedse...
