1 Introduction
Overview ..................................... 5
Features ....................................... 5
What is in the package .................. 5
Conventions used in this manual .... 6
2 Parts of the US-122L
Top panel ..................................... 7
Rear panel ................................... 8
Front panel .................................. 9
3 Installation
System requirements ............... 10
Windows XP ................................. 10
Mac OS X ....................................... 10
Installing the drivers ................ 11
Installing the drivers
for Windows XP ........................11
Installing the drivers
for Mac OS X ............................ 12
Installing Cubase LE .................. 12
Settings on your computer ...... 12
4 Control panel settings
Overview ................................... 13
Driver settings .......................... 13
Audio Performance ...................... 13
5 Connections
USB connections ....................... 14
Audio connections .................... 14
MIDI connections ...................... 16
6 Recording with Cubase LE
Input setting ............................. 17
Recording .................................. 18
Mixdown ................................... 19
7 Troubleshooting ............. 20
8 MIDI Implementation
Chart .................................. 22
9 Specifications and
Audio specifications ................. 23
Audio performance .................. 24
Other characteristics ................ 24
Physical characteristics ............. 25
Dimensions ................................ 25