It comes down to one
simple, unavoidable fact:
Every note you play
that’s not recorded is
lost forever. Whether it’s
a new song idea, a hot
riff or just a phrase that
you need to practice over
and over, record it and
it’s yours. To hear again.
To share. To develop. To
improve on. All it takes
to capture your art is a
multitrack recorder from
Getting started in the
world of multitrack
Have you seen all the great re-
cording equipment available today?
Maybe you’ve read about it in music
magazines, heard about it on the In-
ternet, or have a friend who’s gotten
some equipment. No matter what
kind of music you make, this gear
can help you write better songs and
make better music. Even if you’re
not aiming for stardom, multitrack
recording can be a lot of fun.
But for a lot of us it just seems
too complicated. There are so many
different choices available, you
can’t fi gure out what’s right for you.
When you ask questions, all you get
are buzzwords.
If the world of multitrack record-
ing makes you feel like you’ve just
walked into a private club where
everyone else speaks Geek, this guide
is for you. It explains, in plain Eng-
lish, the basics of multitrack record-
ing and what you can expect from
the different kinds of gear available.
It assumes you have no prior ex-
perience with recording. We know
what it’s like because TASCAM has
introduced hundreds of thousands
of people to the world of multitrack
recording over the last thirty years.
And you could be next.
First of all, don’t feel like you’re
the only one who has questions.
Even for people with recording
experience, the fi eld has grown so
huge so fast that no one can keep up
with every new development. But
like learning how to use a new cell
phone, what seems baffl ing at fi rst
will become second nature after a
little bit of reading and trying it out.
Develop your skills by
recording your own music.
Forget all the jargon and technol-
ogy for a minute and remember why
this technology was invented in the
fi rst place.
Music is made up of many parts.
Multitrack technology simply al-
lows you to separate the parts and
develop each one, making a good
recording better. This technology can
help you grow as a musician and/or
writer—and you don’t have to be a
tech-head to do it.
With your own multitrack record-
ing equipment, you can hear how
you sound without the pressure of
anyone else listening. By experi-
menting with different styles and
sounds in the privacy of your own
studio, you’ll become your own best
critic. You can push yourself to the
limits of your ability, keeping what
works and erasing the parts that,
umm, aren’t so hot. If you’re a writer,
you can record an interesting but
Capturing your art:
How to develop
your music by
recording it.