Initial Tune Up
For the initial tune up a SWR analyzer is nice to have if you have access to one. If not,
make all your adjustments with low power. Now, lower your antenna until it reaches the
end stop and go to 6 meters and check your SWR, you might have to raise the
antenna a small amount to come into 6 meters, next go to 10 meters and check your
SWR, it should be low. Next, you can go to 15 meters and raise the antenna until you
get a SWR dip there. Then 20, then so on.
Keep in mind that 6-20 meters are close together. If the SWR doesn't go below 1.5 on
these bands the ground is most likely the problem, remember the ground needs to right
at the base of the antenna.
Now you need to go to the middle of 20 meters and check your SWR. Record that and
then go to 40 meters and do the same. Your standing wave should be below 1.5 on both
bands. If it is below 1.5 on both bands no adjusting is needed on the matching coil.
However, if the SWR is above 1.5 on 20 meters and low on 40 meters this means
there is too much inductance from the matching coil. This can easily be corrected by
simply spreading the matching coil until a low SWR is attained on 20 and 40 meters. If
you have spread the coil approximately 1 1/2 inches wide and the SWR has not
dropped on 20 meters you might need to remove a turn or two from the coil. However,
keep in mind if you had to go to this extreme to tune, your ground path is most likely
too far away or you have other antennas too close to this antenna.
If properly installed this antenna will have a standing wave below 1.5 from 7 to 54 MHz.
We know that every antenna installation is unique and it is impossible to describe all
the scenarios in this manual. However, if you are having problems with this initial tuning
please call.
When using the SDC-102 controller make sure to reduce the stall
current value in the controller to between (020 to 030). Not changing the factory
default current from (075) to (020 to 030) when using auto park the antenna or
holding the up or down more than 10 seconds with the antenna all the way up or
down could burn up the motor in the Little Tarheel HP.
Remember that when the coil is all the way in its resonant on the high bands and all
the way out on the low bands. It will take a little time to get use to this style of antenna,
some mark the antenna with tape to mark the approximate location of the bands,
some just listen to the noise level increase on the radio's receive when it's close to
resonant. When you fine tune you need to transmit a low carrier (AM, FM, CW) at 5 to
10 watts and watch the SWR meter till the dip.
Running an Amplifier
This antenna is designed to handle up to 500 watts P.E.P.
SSB Only
Carrier modes (AM,CW, FM and RTTY) are limited to 125 Watts PEP Maximum.
Do not exceed these ratings. Always do the initial tuning with low power, and then
apply the amplifier if needed.